Chapter 6 - Fixing a shattered soul

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Ela couldnt muster up the courage to give a response. Y/N knew that whatever this was about was a really, really sensitive subject. Even as he awaited a response, he knew that if he were to try and help, he had to pick his words carefully. Ela showed no signs of being able to speak, so he thought of something.

Y/N: "If you need some time to yourself, i understand. I just wanted to see if you were ok. Ill just be o-"

Ela: "No... no, no, im fine. Please... come in."

Y/N entered Ela's dorm. It looked the same as any other dorm, but there were some expertly painted artwork hanging on the wall near Ela's bed.

Ela: "So, ummm... i guess... make yourself at home."

Y/N: *walks over to the paintings* "These are some really nice paintings. Did you do them?"

Ela: "Oh, umm, yes. I was always into Fine Arts. Painting is one of the main ways i liked to expess myself and relieve stress."

Y/N: "Right."

As much as he wanted to look at the rest of them, Y/N reminded himself of what he came to do. He took a moment before getting back to the subject.

Y/N: "Umm, Elżbieta, are you feeling ok?"

Ela: "O-of course I am. Why wouldn't i be?"

Y/N: "Elż, im asking you this because i heard the entire confrontation between you and your sister, Zofia."

Ela: "Y-you heard it? How long were you outside my door?"

Y/N: "I wasn't. I heard it all the way from Ash's dorm. Something about a family reunion."

Ela couldnt believe she was that loud  she looked away for a moment and cursed at herself in her Polish language before looking back at Y/N.

Ela: "Well, it's just some family matters. It's nothing to worry about."

Y/N: "Are you really sure about that?"

Y/N wasn't convinced with Ela's answer, and she could clearly see that.

Ela: "I mean... It's just... I... I just cant go... I...

Y/N: "Elż, i can tell that there's alot going on in your mind."

Ela: "I just... feel like i haven't lived up to my expectations... and i've disgraced my family..."

Y/N: "What makes you say that?"

Ela: "It's... a long, personal story."

Y/N: "I understand. I won't poke at it."

Ela: "No, it's ok. Besides, if it wasn't for you, i probably wouldn't be here right now. The least i can do is share my story with you."

Y/N: "There's no need to rush. Take your time."

Ela: "My... my father was a former commander of GROM when i was born. Just keep that in mind because it's going to come into play later. Anyway, my childhood was like any other person, parents always spending time with you, doing anything for you, growing up with an older sister, the one you look up to the most. But... that all changed when i was enrolled into a military high school."

Y/N: "What happened during that time?"

Ela: "I wasn't exactly the most well behaved student, i'll admit. I would constantly get into trouble with the school, and my father would scold me for it. It started off with just yelling... but... as the problems rose... so did the punishments..."

Y/N then realized that Ela started to tremble a little bit.

Y/N: "Like i said, Elż, take your time. Take some pauses and deep breaths if you need to."

She nods and takes a few deep breaths before continuing.

Ela: "My sister turned out to be the perfect daughter that any father would dream of having... My father always compared me to her, and it just made me feel like... i was never good enough for him... My father would give her everythung she wanted... and all i would get is his anger and constant reminder that im not like Zo."

Y/N noticed that tears were starting to form in her eyes as he continued to pay attention to her story.

Ela: "It became worse when my sister enlisted in GROM. It was nothing but a nightmare ever since she left. My father always abused me, telling me i was never good enough... that i have been nothing but a disgrace... When i graduated... i told him i wanted to pursue a dream in fine arts... but he refused to let me... he threatened me saying that if i walked out the front door... he was going to disown me...

Y/N: "What choice did you pick?"

Ela: "I was tired of everything he had ever done to me... so... i walked out. I left Poland to pursue my dream. I moved to Berlin to study Fine Arts... but... the dream started to slowly fade away because my past was coming back to haunt me. I had longed to eventually follow a road of adventure and financial independence, and that opportunity was given to me by the owner of a PMC.

Y/N: "Private Military Company."

Ela: "Correct. He offered me a job, and i accepted. I was then deployed in Iraq where i supposedly made a name for myself. But 4 years later, i terminated my contract with the PMC when i had recieved word from home... that my father had taken his own life."

Y/N: "I cant even begin to imagine how hard that was for you..."

Ela: "It was hard on everyone in my family... but... just remembering all the stuff he did to me... i couldnt find the courage to attend his funeral. Ever since then, Zofia has tried her hardest to break the gap between us... but i just couldnt bring myself to stop hating her for always being the favorite... and for leaving me when i needed her... *tears stream down her eyes* you dont know how it feels... to feel like you're worthless...

Y/N walked up to her and hugged her from behind, which made Ela's heart skip a beat.

Y/N: "You're right... i dont know how it feels... and i probably won't ever understand the pain you've gone through because of your father... but that doesnt make you worthless... that doesnt make you a disgrace. Deep down, your father must've acted the way he did in order to push you to be the very best you can be. Your father would never disown you. He wanted to test just how independent you could be. You're far from a disgrace to him. As a matter of fact, i feel like he would be proud of what you've achieved.

Ela: *more tears stream down her face* "Thank you, Y/N. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

She slowly turns around and looks at your covered face.

Ela: "Can i please see what your face looks like?"

Y/N: "Sure."

Y/N let's Ela go and removes his cap first. His tactical goggles come off next, allowing Ela to see his eyes. Finally, he takes off his balaclava. Ela now has full view of what Y/N's face looks like, and she is stunned to see how handsome he is. His H/C hair was  perfect for him, but what she just couldnt stop staring at was his gorgeous E/C eyes which shined like the northern star.

Y/N: *smirks* "satisfied?"

Ela: *smiles* "Very."

What happens next catches not only Y/N by surprise, but Ela as well as she suddenly pulls him in for a passionate kiss. It took him a moment to process what was going on, but he eventually melted into the kiss, pulling away after about a minute so they could both catch their breath.

Ela: *blushing* "Thank you, Y/N. For everything."

Y/N: "Anytime, Elż."

Ela holds onto him, and Y/N allows her to.

Ela: *thinks to herself* {"I believe i just found my soulmate."}

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