You will get better

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Warning: this one shot is about how Rye feels after being abused on a blind date. If this will trigger you, please don't read it.

Please DM me if you want to suggest a one shot for me to do!

Andy's POV
I bury my face in his hair and gently rub his back from our close embrace. I'm laying on my side as his forehead is resting on my chest. I squeeze my eyes shut as it fully hits me how much I love him. His shaky breaths turn regular and deep after a few minutes. It was a long day.

"I love you," I whisper to him. I turn my head so my cheek rests on the top of his head. My eyes close slowly and I fall asleep.

I'm awoken some time later by a lot of movement. I open my eyes, startled and alert.

Rye's thrashing around in the bed, still between my arms that must have been limp a few moments ago, but not as tightly. I hear him whimper quietly.

"Don't hurt me," he whispers, then rolls over again. I reach over immediately and shake him. His whole body. His eyes open wide, a terrified look in them.

"Shhh, Rye. It's just me. It's just Andy. Nobody's going to hurt you." I gently stroke his cheek with my hand. His chest moves up and down quickly with his rapid breathing. "You're alright." I push his hair back repeatedly, trying to calm him down. He dives into my arms and whimpers again.

"He hurt me Andy. He hurt me." I keep him in the tight embrace. I can feel his heart racing in his chest.

"It's okay. He'll never hurt you again. Not while I'm here. I will never leave you." I gently run my fingers through his hair and sigh. "You scared me baby." His breathing slows a little and he wriggles out of my grasp. He sits up.

"I'm sorry, Andy. I didn't mean to-"

"No, Rye. It's okay. You only have to apologize if you did something wrong. You didn't do anything wrong, sweetheart." I sit up with him and watch as he gets out of the bed. I follow him into the bathroom, where he leaves the door open, and turns on the light.

We both look at his body, covered in bruises and red marks. The hand shape is clearly imprinted in purple blotches-several times. I move closer to his side and put my arm around his waist, and the other on his stomach. I look up to him.

"You will heal, Rye. I will protect you. I promise. I will keep you safe, and I will always be here for you." I take his hand, bring it to my lips and hold it there, closing my eyes. "I will never leave you."

He takes a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry Andy. I've kept you up."

I shake my head. "No, Rye. You've been through something I can't imagine living through. You lived through it, and I'm sticking through it with you. Okay?" I pause for a moment and say in a quieter voice, "do you want a tea?" He nods.

"Okay." We wordlessly go to the kitchen, turning the light off in the bathroom. We wait for the kettle to heat up the water, then I prepare the tea for him. I carefully place it in his hands.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask. He smiles a small smile and nods.

I go through all the movies on Netflix, trying to figure out what one won't be scary or sad or that would potentially trigger Rye. I finally select a Disney movie, his favourite one. We cuddle on the bed with the movie set up. I know that when he gets his nightmares, it makes him exhausted, so I'm not surprised when I have to take his tea from where it rests in his lap with his hands wrapped around it because his eyes close and his head falls to my shoulder. I gently rub his upper arm.

"I love you, Rye. You will get better."

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