Mack ~ Just a little tired

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Mikey's POV

"Mike?" Jack's tired voice comes from beside me, followed closely by a yawn.

"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"Go to sleep. You'll be able to edit in the morning."

I sigh and ruffle his hair, pulling him closer so that his head rests on my chest. My fingers comb their way through his mop of messy hair.

"I can't sleep, but I'll be fine. I figure I'll do this now and then we don't have to do it later."

And that's the truth. For some reason, I just can't sleep. Which is strange, because usually I'll be out like a light with Jack beside me.

He doesn't respond, and I realize he's asleep again. I smile fondly and press a kiss to his hair, my arm coming up around him so I can continue editing whilst he sleeps.

Hours go by. The darkness around us is nearly silent, but for Jack's snoring and the sound from the clips of video in my headphones.

The next day, we haven't got anything scheduled. It's the first time in a long time that we've gotten a day to ourselves, though Alex and Robbie had planned to edit the vlogs that we'd filmed over the last few days.

Needless to say, I turned up to the breakfast table completely exhausted. Even Jack seems to be hyped and awake for the day, Rye already made breakfast for everyone, but I can't help but rest my head on my hand and close my eyes.

I don't realize I'd dozed off until Jack shakes me carefully and my head snaps up.

"Careful, baby. I don't want you spilling your coffee all over yourself." He smiles softly and nods towards my plate. "Besides, you need to eat. It'll give you some energy."

I nod and give him a small smile. He kisses my cheek and stands, taking his plate over to the dishwasher, where he puts them in and starts a conversation with Andy, who had been talking to Rye before he stole off to his own room.

I pick at my food, though gulping down the coffee like no tomorrow. After taking a few bites, I push it away, too tired to even bring the fork up to my mouth.

"Mike?" Jack asks. I jump. I hadn't even noticed he'd come over. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, fine. Just a little tired." I yawn, proving my point. Jack kisses me softly, his lips working slowly against mine. I smile lovingly, not wanting the moment to ever end.

"What have we got planned for today?" I ask.

Rye comes back into the room, now in a different set of clothes. "I'm heading to the gym, anyone coming with?"

Andy smiles. "Sure, just let me grab my bag."

"You two?" Rye directs towards us.

"Want to go, Jack?" I ask, turning to him.

He shrugs. "Sure, if you feel up to it."

I stand to get another cup of coffee and smile at Rye.

"Give is a bit and we'll come."

About ten minutes (of fumbling around) later, we're all ready to go. I'd gone to make sure that Brook was alright, but he'd just been passed out on his covers. I'd hastily thrown them over him, making sure not to wake him. He hadn't moved.

After the trip to the gym, from which we get back to the house nearing noon, I'm unbelievably exhausted, but I help to make lunch for the house. Alex smiles when he sees me, taking me into a short hug.

"Thanks for doing the editing. Rob and I never get days off," he laughs. I feel a surge of pride for doing what I did. Now they get to enjoy the day too.

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