Homesickness ~ Rylyn

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This one is for @fangirllingforlife, so thanks for the request and like I said I'm sorry it took so long but I hope you like it!

{Brooklyn Wyatt}

I slowly open my eyes, studying my surroundings that I can see without moving my head. The black shadows fade away quickly, and Rye's tiny bunk becomes familiar.

I can feel his hand in my hair, the same as every morning, his fingers playing with it softly. If I had to come up with and example of Heaven on Earth, this would be it. Waking up every morning with my beautiful boyfriend.

"You awake?" He asks quietly. I wonder to myself how many times he's said that to me while I was asleep and laugh silently.

"Yeah. Sleep well?"

He shrugs as well as he can with my head on his chest.

"Been better, you?"

"Never better when I'm with you." The room is silent, which surprises me a little. We don't often lie in bed for long before getting up, though I wish we could. We have to film a cover today, so we can't afford to stay in for too long.

I start to get up, and when I look back down at Rye, he looks exhausted. He's got purple half-circles underneath his eyes, which are closed as he yawns. I watch him, sympathy being my main emotion.

I kiss his forehead and ruffle his hair gently.

"I'll wake you when we really need to get going, Alright?" I ask. I know he probably won't take me up on the offer as usual, but-

"Okay." I frown slightly, but head out of the area to get dressed and to eat.

It's quiet all throughout the tour bus even with everyone but Rye awake, a surprise to me but I remind myself that it's early. I make myself some toast and eat it slowly, then finish getting ready for the day.

I go to check on Rye about ten minutes before we have to leave, an hour after I got out. I open his curtains slowly, making sure it doesn't make noise. I can see him sat up, but his body curled up into a ball.

"Rye?" I say quietly, worried. His head snaps up and I can see the tears on his face. He quickly wipes them off and then looks back to me.

"Hey Brook," He says in a surprisingly steady voice. I sit down on the bed, putting my arm around his shoulders.

"I thought you were getting some sleep?" I murmur, pushing some of the hair out of his eyes. He shrugs.

"I'm okay." He stands up and starts to get dressed in whatever clothes he pulls out first. He's making me worry. 

We head out, each doing our parts for our newest cover. Rye volunteered to do his solo parts first, making us all give him weird looks. I ask to go just after so that I can look after him.

Rye takes a while to do his takes, not having enough energy or having to smile instead of looking down. When he's done, I try to finish my parts quickly, faster than usual. To my surprise, it works. I go back to Rye the moment that I'm allowed to leave the shot, not listening to the conversation around me.

"Baby, I need you to tell me what's wrong," I say to him, kneeling down on the grass he's lying down on. My tone is soft. I smile a little, tapping his shoulder to get him to sit up. He does so and I pull him up. We've got some building booked for later to film, so I lead him to it. It's not too far from where everyone else is filming now. I lie down on the sofa we find and he sits between my legs. I wrap mine around his. I pull him back into my chest and wrap my arms around his torso.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask again. He stays silent for a while, then makes a small noise of defeat.

"I guess I just miss my family," he says quietly, as though he doesn't want me to know.

"Awwh, poor baby." I nestle my face into his hair, knowing how much it really hurts to be away from family for so long. I tighten my arms around him.

"And I barely slept last night because of it," he adds, so quiet that I think I might have imagined it. I smile sympathetically.

"Go to sleep then, Rye. I'll wake you up when you need to." He sighs. I look at his face, and I'm surprised to see plenty of tears there. He's clearly good at hiding his emotions with his voice. I briefly wonder how many times I've yelled to him through the house and not known he was upset when he replied.

Suddenly, the door opens and I can see everyone come in, surprisingly quiet. I think Andy probably told them to shut up; he's always observant when someone's not feeling 100%. They all sit down around the room, chattering quietly.

I look down as Rye's body starts to shake and he tenses. I kiss his hair and take his hands in mine.

"Rye? Baby, it's okay."

"I-I just m-miss them s-so m-much," he whispers. "I m-miss the twins a-and I m-miss R-Robbie an-and my p-parents..." I cuddle him closer, feeling extremely protective over him suddenly, but unable to help him. And that tears me apart.

We fall silent for a long time, then Andy looks over and smiles at us.

"Awwh, that's cute," he says, taking his phone from his pocket and holding it up at us.

It takes me a minute to realize that Rye's finally fallen asleep, but a fond smile comes over my face when I do.

"Please don't put that on social," I ask Andy as soon as he's done. He smiles.

"Of course not. This is for me, Jack, Mikey and you, nobody else. And we both know that your boyfriend would murder us if he knew." I smile and nod.

"Thanks, mate." He types on his phone for a minute, then puts it away. My phone dings with a message and I know he's sent it to me.

One by one, each of them do their pieces.

When I have to wake Rye up to do my own shots in the building, he's disoriented. I smile fondly at him, as he remembers where we are and the rest of what happened. I shift a little so I can cup his face in my hand and kiss him softly.

"It's okay to be sad, Rye. It's okay to feel like this sometimes." He kisses me again and I feel him relax.

"How is it that you can make me forget?" He asks quietly. He continues to kiss me, all soft and gentle.

"Baby, you need to get up," I whisper in between kisses. He pulls away and sighs.

"Yeah. I guess," he says, struggling to stand up. I give him a little push to get up and he smiles back down at me. I can see a small spark in his eyes again and it makes me smile even wider back at him. I stand and hug him tightly.

"Thanks, Brooky," He whispers in my ear. We sway side to side for a moment longer until they urge me again to go do my part. Rye lies back down on the sofa and sighs, smiling a little.

At least he's feeling better now.

Hope you enjoyed it, give it a vote if you did! I had to re-write it several times because it wasn't very good when I first tried, but this is what we ended up with. My list is slowly, very slowly, getting shorter, so if you'd like, send in a request and I'll get to it (eventually 😂 I try to do them ASAP but...I've been busy)

Thanks for the patience and for reading! ❤️💓💖💕💗💞💝❣️💘💚🖤😘😍💙💛💜🧡💟

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