Sleepy - Jacklyn

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Requests are open as always and very welcome, comments or DMs! This extra update is for 2k reads! Thank you guys so much!



"Jack, wake up!" Brook shakes me and whispers. I just roll over.

"I don't wanna get up," I groan. Brook sighs.

"You never want to, but we have our interview together today! In an hour! Come on!" He tries pulling me out of the bed, mostly succeeding.

I moan. "Fine." I slowly stand up and stretch, yawning.

"Finally, I think you mean."

Brook leaves our room and goes to eat whatever the others have made. I sit down again in my bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I haven't been sleeping well recently, no matter what the boys thought. I've been trying to get to sleep and that makes them think that I had slept more than usual. But it isn't true.

I stand up again and stifle a yawn, then follow Brook's path to the kitchen. I find all of the others sitting on Andy or Mikey's bed, eating their food. I grab the last plate from the counter and leave to my own room, my feet moving slowly.

"We have to go now, boys!" Mikey says through the flat a while later. I had just finished getting myself ready, even though I'd had an hour to eat, get dressed, brush my teeth and do my hair. I get really slow when I'm tired, so Mikey has to practically drag me out of the flat and to the Uber someone had ordered.

I wake up leaning into Andy, who has his arm around me. He's shaking my leg. I slowly open my eyes and lift my head from his shoulder.

"Sorry Jack, but we have to go quickly now. We're almost late." He grabs my hand and we run into the building, me trailing behind a little.

Soon enough, we're all sat on the sofa in front of the interviewer, who is mostly asking the others questions. As much as I try, I can't stop yawning and just staring into space or, the floor, in this case. Brook, who is sitting to my left, nudges me suddenly. I jump a little and looked at him. He nods towards the interviewer and I purse my lips.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" The boys laugh.

"Falling asleep over there, Jacky?" Rye comments. I shake my head.

"No." I look back to the interviewer.

"I asked what it was like to be the last one in the band."

"Oh. well, I don't think there's much of a difference. To be honest, they treat me the same as anybody, and we're all just brothers. The only difference I think is that I wasn't here for a lot of what they've done and I don't have as much experience, I suppose." He nods and I smile, then he turns to the others again and I close my eyes for a moment, but can barely get them open again. I decide that a moment of rest wouldn't be a problem...

Brook's POV

Almost as soon as Jack finished his answer, his eyes closed and his chin fell to his chest. I put my arm around his shoulders and pull him into me. He snuggles into me unconsciously as I started to play with his hair. Mikey, who is sitting to my other side, gives me a weird look.

"You should wake him up," he tells me quietly. "He needs to be awake."

"No, it's fine," I reply. "He needs it. He hasn't slept well in a while." I pause as Jack starts to snore quietly in my ear. I smile. "He can sleep. He really needs it." Mikey's eyebrows stay up, unimpressed.

"Okay whatever," he says. He obviously doesn't believe me, but he has to answer the next question that he's asked just then and can't say anything more on the subject.

Andy also starts to give me looks about Jack, but I didn't care. I just ignored him and continued to let him cuddle me. I answered the questions I was asked; Rob, the interviewer, didn't comment on Jack until we were finished.

"Is he alright?" He asked as he turned the camera off and the boys left the room.

"Yeah," I say quietly. "He's just exhausted." I stroke his hair and kiss his temple. "He's alright otherwise, though, thanks." Rob nods.

"Okay. Do you guys want to stay here for a little bit or what?"

I smile at his kindness. "I think we'll head out with the others, but thanks. It means a lot." He nods and thanks me for the interview, then I gently rub his back in attempt to wake him up.

"Come on, Jacky. Wake up." He groans quietly and cuddles into me further.

"I don't wanna get up."

"Well then how are we getting back to the flat?" He shrugs half heartedly. I sigh, then carefully move him into a position that I can carry him in. I pick him up and he watches my face with his sleepy eyes for a moment, then closes them and presses his cheek to my chest.

"You're too cute, Jacky." He just sighs.

"Mmmmh." I smile at him and take him out to the Uber, thanking Rob on the way out.

The others are already out there by the car. They let me and Jack have the back, where he lies down with his head in my lap. I play with his hair, knowing that it makes him sleepy.

Soon enough, Jack's sleeping patterns are back to normal. Well, normal for him. He still sleeps more than the rest of us, but it's what he does.

But when he asks me to be his boyfriend, he can do so much more.

Idk what that was. Wasn't great, that's for sure. Comment or DM a request if you'd like, give it a vote if you liked it! Love you guys, thanks again for so many reads 😘👋

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