Free day

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I touch his cheeks with my fingertips, bringing him in for a gentle kiss. It's slow and long, his arms coming around my neck and they fall down my back. I shiver slightly at his touch.

The things this boy can do to me.

When we pull away, he laughs softly, his forehead against mine.

"I love you," he tells me.

"And I love you, baby." I press a few quick kisses to his lips and we come apart, his arms dropping to his sides. I smile fondly at him, looking forward to nothing more than to cuddle with him for the rest of the day.

He takes his shirt off, and I do the same, dropping them both on the floor. I rest my head on his chest, his hands finding mine on his stomach.

"You know what?" He asks me softly.

I make a small noise, so comfortable I'm already leaning towards sleep.

"I love you, I really do." I smile adoringly, too tired and comfy to get up and kiss him, but instead I just press a soft kiss to his chest. He laughs softly, a beautiful sound, and then starts humming a song I recognize very vaguely. With his hand in my hair, I fall asleep quickly.


The weight suddenly becomes heavier on my chest, a dead weight. I smile when I see why. He's sound asleep with his cheek pressed against my chest, his lips parted and our hands loosely intertwined. I couldn't possibly imagine having a better boyfriend than him.

I lean down and kiss his hair, my heart beating fast for him. I can't imagine loving him any more than I do. I'm stuck thinking about this for a while, about every reason that I love him, though the list is infinite.

I shift slightly on the bed, lightly tracing shapes into his shoulder.

"Go away..." he mumbles in a low voice.

"What?" I ask him softly.

He doesn't respond for a moment, so I glance down at him. "Babes?"

But then, I realize that he's still asleep and laugh quietly. He sleep talks? How did I never notice?

"Luke," his voice is defensive, even in sleep. "Don't take him." I run my fingers along his arm, surprised to hear my ex-boyfriend's name come from him. Just out of curiosity...

"Don't take who, love?"

He stays silent for a minute.

"No, he's mine." He snuggles further into me, his arm slung over my stomach. I melt at the sight of him, completely passed out.

"But I love him." I ruffle his messy hair gently, feeling a surge of affection for him.

"I love you too, sweetie, don't you worry."

He sighs, and then he's quiet for a long time. I just settle myself down in the covers as much as I can without disturbing him, planning on going to sleep.

I'm about halfway there when he jumps, his breathing quick and laboured.

"Baby? What's wrong?"

He doesn't say anything, but tucks his face into my neck and starts to shake.

"Awwh, don't cry, I'm here, it was just a dream." I press my lips to the top of his head and bury my face into his hair, my hand trailing up and down his back, trying to soothe him.

"He tried to take you," he tells me. "He tried to take you away from me."

"You know that won't happen, don't you?"

But by the way he's shaking and I can feel the wetness in my neck, it's clear that he's not sure.

"It seemed so real," he whispers.

"I'm yours, don't ever forget that," I tell him. "I'm over Luke, anyways. I don't want him."

He quickly looks up at me.

"How do you-?"

"You were sleep talking," I tell him gently. "And I assure you, you're the only one I want." I lean down slightly to kiss him, and he seems to find comfort in it. I keep it gentle, meaningful. To let him know that he's the only one for me.

When we pull away, I take his cheeks in my hands, making him look me in the eyes, which he hadn't done since before he fell asleep.

"I love you, and only you, alright? I think you're beautiful and strong and handsome, not to mention sweet and kind. I love you and nothing can change that." He smiles weakly.

"I love you too," he tells me, wrapping himself around me, his arms around my neck, legs entangled in mine, cheek pressed against my chest.

And before I know it,  he's dropped off to sleep again.

"I love you to the moon and back, I can't wait to marry you."

Hey guys! So this is in honour of Rye's birthday, and I hope it's the best of the best because what else does he deserve? But you'll notice I didn't put in names for this chapter, who do you guys think was who?

Wishing everyone a very happy week, my exams were supposed to start on Tuesday but...we've had snow days since Monday and I haven't had school for the whole week. So now, I have two tomorrow (hopefully) and two Monday, and I really hope this doesn't spoil my plans for going on a trip with my dad Tuesday.

Also: I just wanted to share this with the world because it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen...

Also: I just wanted to share this with the world because it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen

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