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This is a oneshot in a hotel the day before the boys have to do a big show. I hope you like it!

Andy's POV

I hear a weak cough from the other side of the bed and my eyes snap open. I roll over, then sit up, putting me right hand on the pillow for support. I look at Mikey. He's covering his eyes with his forearm. There's dark circles under his eyes, which I think are closed behind his arm. I immediately but carefully remove his arm, replacing it with the back of my hand on his forehead. It's hit, and do I jump out of the bed and move to the other side of it. He lets out a small groan after a long coughing fit and then shivers. I chuckle nervously,  not really knowing what to do. I take out my phone and text Brook, asking him to get some fever-reducing medicine for Mikey. He sends back immediately, telling me he'll do it right away. I shove my phone in my pocket and turn my attention to the boy in the bed. I kneel down next to it on his side.

"Is there a blanket I can use?" He asks, his voice different due to the congestion. I run to the other room and take the blanket from the couch, then try to make him more comfortable. I take all of the covers off of him, only to see his drenched and shaking body. I put the blanket over him, flattening it and then folding it over again. I pull the rest of the covers back up over him. O just sit beside him after that, occasionally handing him a tissue when he sneezes, but otherwise not knowing what to do.

"My head hurts," he tells me. I put my cold hand on his forehead, but I don't know what I'm attempting at.

"I know," I whisper. I brush his hair back and tell him just to rest. He coughs again and his shivering is noticeable.

I hear the door open and know at once that it's Brook. He walks calmly into the room and hands the medication to me, but I see him looking worriedly at Mikey. We have a show tonight that we can't miss. We help him to sit up and Brook leaves to the kitchen, from which he comes back with a glass of water. I help Mikey take the pills, then we lay him down again.

"Are you cold?" Brook asks. Mikey just nods as I sit on the corner of the bed, running a hand through my hair. Brook lies next to Mikey, getting under the covers and cuddling Mikey, who curls up into his chest. Brook's hands hold Mikey tightly.

"Go to sleep," I hear Brook whisper, putting his hand in Mikey's hair and gently running his hand through it.

"Brook..." I start. "Brook, you'll probably get sick too if..."

"I'll be okay," is all he responds. His voice is quiet and gentle. He looks down at Mikey, who appears to already be asleep. Closing his eyes, Brook relaxes into the pillows as well.

Realizing that Brook doesn't really need me anymore, I sit on the other bed and turn on the television at a low volume. I don't really watch the show-all I know is that it's very colourful. There's nothing else for me to do though, so I sit in front of the almost muted TV for what closes in on an hour.

"Andy, can you help me?" Brooks soft voice makes me jump a little. I walk over to their bed and ask him what he wants me to do.

"I actually feel a little light-headed from the heat," he says. "Is there any way I can get out but that he doesn't wake up?" He says, referring to Mikey. "If not, I'll just stay, though."

I try to unwrap Mikey's arms slowly from Brook's body, so he doesn't wake up, but he stirs and opens his eyes sleepily.

"What's happening?" He asks quietly. Brook slowly shifts away from him, trying not to disturb him more. Climbing out, I can see the sweat from Mikey, mixed with his own. Brook goes to the kitchen and comes back half a minute later with a glass of water.

"Brook just got a little warm, that's all," I tell Mikey. "Would you like a coffee?" He nods.

I leave the room to make it, knowing how much sweetener to put in it, then I take it back to him and sit him up. I decide to trust him with the mug and let him drink the coffee himself.

"I hate this feeling," Mikey says between sips, his voice not as rough as before.

"I know, but it'll pass," Brook puts in. I smile at him, but he's watching Mikey. "You think you'll be able to do the show tonight?"

Mikey nods. "I was going to anyways." I smile.

"You don't have to do it if you don't feel up to it," I say.

"Fovvs, it's alright. It's just a little illness, I'm fine."

We leave in an hour, performing the best show we ever have.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it ❤️ If there's a one shot you want me to write, or if you want your name put into one, DM me or comment!


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