Rylyn ~ I'll imagine you

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I continue to watch the video on Rye's phone, laughing quietly when something funny happens. His efforts to get to sleep hadn't worked for weeks so we'd gone to the doctor, who had prescribed sleeping pills for him. Rye had asked me if he could use them as soon as we got home, even though it was practically the middle of the day, and I hadn't had the heart to say no. My fingers run through his hair as he shifts on my chest to better watch the video we're watching on his phone. I tangle my legs in his and he looks up at me, his cheek pressed against my chest.

His eyes are dark, a small smile on his lips. I kiss his forehead and he laughs softly.

"I love you, Rye," I whisper to him as he goes back to the video.

"I love you too, B."

I start to braid his hair, tiny little braids that stay in for the most part because his hair is so thick. My concentration is more on my fingers working through it than it is on the video now, and I smile a little as I work.

"Brook?" He asks softly, stopping the video.

"Yeah, babe?"

He hesitated for a moment, yawning as the medication starts to kick in.

"Do you think it would be nice to have kids one day?"

I laugh softly at him as I think.

"That would be something on my bucket list," I tell him. "So you're out of luck if you don't want to."

He laughs at my joke and we go back to silence. About half of his hair is braided by now.

"What do you think you would name them?" He asks. I press a kiss to his hair and smile.

"I like Alex. Or Sam."

Rye chuckles. "Why is that?"

"I like the idea of names that can be both male and female. I don't know...just something that I've thought about a few times."

He smiles up at me again and then turns the video back on.

As I continue to make small braids in his hair, I can feel him leaning further and further into me by the minute.

"Babe?" He yawns. I stop playing with his hair and instead clasp my hands around his neck, meeting halfway down his chest. He sets down his phone and takes my hands in his, allowing me to play with his fingers.

"Yeah, baby?" I whisper. I know he's almost asleep, so I don't want to discourage that.

There's a short silence between us before he laughs softly.

"I love you," He whispers.

I squeeze his torso slightly as if in a hug, burying my cheek in his hair.

"And I love you," I tell him. The silence that follows is comfortable and soft somehow.

His dead weight soon falls onto me, his body becoming limp. I smile fondly down at him, glad that the pills seem to be working.

I check the clock on his phone, which he's set down on the duvet beside us.

Ten minutes. A record for him.

I hug him tightly to my body, smiling lovingly at how his hands twist into the duvet in sleep. I press a kiss to his heavily braided hair every so often, listening to the soft snores that escape his lips.

After a long time, during which I'd been playing games amongst messaging the others using Rye's phone (I'd left mine on the bedstand, and I didn't want to risk waking Rye by reaching over to get it), the snoring ceases.

"Brook?" A small but deep voice calls me. I put down his phone and pay attention to him immediately.

"Yeah, love?"

"How long did I sleep?"

I run my fingers through his hair, curling it around his ear. I go to check the time again.

"Five hours, baby. You feel alright?"

He doesn't answer for a moment.

"Yeah, I think."

I fall in love with his morning voice, I won't deny it. It's the cutest thing I've ever heard.

"Alright, that's good. Remember the doctor said there might be side effects?"

He nods against my chest. "I love you, B," he tells me. I smile fondly at him, squeezing his hands.

"I love you too, sweetheart." And then something I'd been wondering ever since we'd gotten the medication.

"Does this mean that you're not gonna let me spoon you anymore?" He'd only ever let me start spooning him when he couldn't sleep. Not that it helped much, but I'd felt the need to protect him. He'd always protested, but not too much, something that I was grateful for because I secretly loved being the cuddle-r instead of the cuddle-e for a change.

He laughs quietly.

"If you want to, you can," he tells me. "It doesn't really matter to me."

But I know him better than that; I can tell that he's just brushing it off and suddenly come to a realization. "It does matter to you!" I laugh at him. "You like being spooned!"

He blushes and I lean down to whisper in his ear.

"Well, I think that's adorable. I'd love to cuddle you like that."

We sit in silence for a short while, me hugging him tighter than before. But then he speaks again, sounding exhausted.



"I'm sleepy again." He rubs his eyes, yawning and makes himself hoodie paws, and I've never seen him looking cuter, what with his braided hair and all. His covered hands come up under his cheek, and he moves a little so he can look up at me.

"Then go to sleep, baby, we got these so you could and I want you to be able to sleep. You need to catch up."

"But if you need to get up-"

"Then I can wait, can't I." I press my lips to his forehead as he glances up at me again.

"Close your eyes," I tell him, my voice soft. My finger comes up to trace lightly over his face, which is exactly what he does to me when I can't sleep. "Close your eyes and imagine, hmm...I dunno...imagine something nice and soft, something that makes you happy and all warm inside. And go to sleep, my little prince."

He yawns for the last time and curls himself up.



"I'm gonna imagine you."

That was a request for @jadelovesyoutoo and I thought this was cute. Thanks for reading, I love you all and I hope you're all doing well :)


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