Panic Attack ~ Mindy

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mikey's pov

"we have to get going, guys!" jack yells from the front room. i grab the last few things i need and shove them into my bag, yelling a response back.

"im coming!" theres a few more similar shouts through the house, and we all meet up in the front.

we wordlessly shove our shoes on our feet, then head out the door.

once we're all piled into alex's car, he puts it into drive and we're zooming out the driveway.

a few minutes later, when we're all a little calmer, our hearts not pounding, a layer of chatter picks up, getting progressively louder. we discuss changes that we need to make to this show, and almost nothing else.

tour's been so stressful, for all of us. even brook and jack have been working hard, getting vlogs out and working on the house in between shows.

soon, we're at the venue, only a few hours early. instead of messing around, we do soundcheck straight away, during which most things work except for when andy's microphone started making a high-pitched noise when he sang his high notes. that meant another soundcheck later when the staff for the building had fixed it.

between soundchecks even, i notice rye editing beside alex and realize that it's no longer an odd occurrence to see them both at it.

i decide that there's nothing i can help with, rye being on my laptop. it makes me stressed that i don't have anything to do, because i know there's a thousand things we need to get done.

to clear my head, i decide to go for a walk through the building, hopefully to find a way out into the cold fresh air without the fans seeing me.

i take a few turns, hoping it'll find me a door to outside, but instead, the last door i find is a room, and it takes me a few moments to find the source of the small noise, but then i identify andy sitting in one of the corners, taking deep breaths, his eyes closed.

"andy? you okay?" i sit next to him and take his hand carefully. "what's going on?"

he shakes his head. "just a little stressed. i came to be alone, just to calm down. i think i'm okay now, though." he starts to stand, a little wobbly, so i steady him. he gives me a small, grateful smile. i just take his hand, in a friendly way of course. i squeeze it for support as we walk back to the room we were assigned when we first got here.

we all chill in the room, rye and alex still editing until andy and i volunteer to switch out with them. i glance at andy discreetly from time to time, a little worried about him.

when we go out for our second soundcheck, everything's working again. andy can hit all of his notes without an eardrum-shattering sound, and everyone else's continue to function perfectly.

so i guess that's good.

we all start our vocal warm ups back in the room, having some different rituals between us. everyone seems on edge, but that's pretty much normal by now.

we're soon called out to prepare for stage. we stand at the door, waiting, but then there's a small noise from behind me, but its still noticeable even with the screams on the other side of the door. i look back.

andy's curled up on the floor again, but he's shaking hard and his breath comes shakily. i drop to my knees beside him and reach out to touch his shoulder but he pushes me away. my eyebrows furrow, confused. what's going on?

"andy?" rye asks, kneeling beside me.

tears come to andy's eyes and i can't help but to reach for him again, but he just kicks me away again and mutters.

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