Rykey - in real life

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He slides the key into the door, turning it slowly and opening the door as quietly as he can. The darkness envelops him and he can barely see. As his eyes adjust slowly to the low light, he walks around and finds a lamp. Switching it on, he drags his bags into the room.

He take a pair of sweats out of the largest bag, along with the smallest (the bathroom bag) into the small washroom. He brushes his teeth quickly, changing into the pants and throwing his other clothes on the counter, not really caring at the moment. All he wants is to get to sleep with his boyfriend.

He creeps around the flat, following the sound of the snores until he finds it, Rye's room. Clearly, he's completely passed out but even so, Mikey is careful as he opens the door which luckily, doesn't creak.

His boyfriend is sprawled out on his back, the blankets only half covering him. His chest moves up and down with each breath, but Mikey's catches and he can't get it back.

Rye's so beautiful in real life, how his lips have parted in his sleep, how his eyelids are lightly closed over his eyes. Mikey slowly pads over, making sure that the carpeted floor won't creak underneath his feet. It doesn't, and he smiles.

He slips underneath the covers on the edge of the bed, considering Rye takes up the rest. In organizing this, Rye's mum had told him that Rye always slept like a rock. You could do anything to him and he wouldn't wake up. So Mikey pushes him over carefully, until Rye moves on his own, curling up into a little ball facing the other way. Mikey wraps his arms around his boyfriend.

He groans softly, nearly turning over.

"Go to sleep, love," Mikey whispers, his fingers running through Rye's hair once. He sighs. "I love you."

It occurs briefly to Mikey that it's the first time he's said that to Rye in real life, but he can't dwell on it long as Rye's slow, deep breaths lull him into sleep.

"OH MY GOD!" Rye nearly jumps out of the bed, scaring Mikey out of his wits as he wakes up at the shout. Suddenly, his nose starts to sting: it seems that Rye hit him in his immediate fear as he came to. Mikey holds his fingers to his nose, feeling a hot liquid there. Damn

"Oh my...oh my god it can't...?"

And then Rye is practically on top of Mikey, seemingly not realizing the blood, now flowing freely. He holds his boyfriend tight to him, until he feels the liquid on his neck, where Mikey's face is nestled.

"What-oh Mikey I'm sorry stay here." And with that, Rye runs out of the room to come back moments later with a damp cloth and a dry cloth.

He offers Mikey the latter, and he holds it to his nose. Rye wipes the blood off of his neck and shuffles to Mikey's side. Rye's arm comes around him and he kisses Mikey's head.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I just...can't believe you're here."

Mikey just laughs softly. "It's alright." He leans into Rye, closing his eyes as the blood starts to slow down. Rye cleans up his face with the damp cloth, being careful not to hurt him. Every time that Mikey winces, he stops and kisses the tip of his nose.

"Can I make this up to you somehow?" Rye asks softly, looking down at his lap.

Mikey laughs. "Hmmm...maybe if you make me breakfast."

Rye immediately gets up, kissing Mikey's forehead and brushing his hair back. He heads out the door and Mikey closes his eyes again, falling asleep as the blood slows.

"Mike?" Rye shakes him carefully, balancing a tray between his hand and his knee, his other hand on Mikey's shoulder. He smiles.

"Morning sweetheart," he chuckles softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. Mikey yawns and stretches. He squeezes his eyes closed for a split second, though clearly in pain.

Rye sets the tray on his lap as Mikey sits up, an apologetic smile on his face. Mikey begins to eat his breakfast, closing his eyes and savouring it.

"You never told me you were a good cook." Rye shrugs, looking down to his lap.

Once Mikey's finished eating, Rye sets the tray aside.

"Am i forgiven?" He asks, voice small.

Mikey shakes his head. "I need a kiss first."

Rye leans in immediately and kisses Mikey, soft and slow. He pulls away.


"I want a better kiss."

This time, Mikey leans up and kisses Rye, his tongue brushing Rye's lip, sliding between his lips. Ryes hands are on the back of his neck and in his hair, pulling him closer. The kiss ends when Mikey runs of breath.

"Okay, okay," he pants. "You're forgiven." Rye laughs and leans against him, kissing his temple.

"I'm glad. And you know another thing?" He smirks at Mikey.


"Now I know my cooking tastes good." He winks.

Mikey blushes, chuckling and kissing his boyfriend slowly.

Hey y'all! Hope you're having a good day...

I got a haircut the other day...ngl it's not how I wanted it but it works alright. I wanted it as short as my brothers' but a little longer so I could flop it over at the front, you know? But instead I have a bob now...because my hairdresser doesn't do anything she doesn't believe in. Ugh. It looks okay though, i wear those fabric headbands in now, you know?

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