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Andy's POV

I sit on my bed, laughing at Jack, who once again, was eating something really weird. A bath bomb, this time. I sigh and shake my head, smiling wide until my phone starts to ring. It has Brook's number and picture on the screen.

"Hey," I say, bringing the phone to my ear.

"Come to the hospital. Rye and I are in the ambulance." My eyebrows knit together, eyes wide. I shake my head in disbelief.

"You WHAT?!" I ask.

"Sorry, gotta go. See you." He hangs up on me. I press the red button and drop the phone in shock.

"Guys..." I start in a shaky voice. "We have to—we have to go to the hospital." Jack and Mikey look at me.

"Are you alright?" Mikey asks, sitting beside me. "What's wrong?" I shake my head, resting it in my hands.

"Rye." I can't get anything else out, but I start to cry silently. I can barely move, until it completely hits me and I take Mikey's entire arm and stand, pulling him out of the flat.

"Come on! He needs us!" I let go of Mikey, wanting desperately to be with Rye. A hand rests on my shoulder as I get outside. It's gentle and caring.

"Andy," Jack's soft voice says. "We've got to wait. Mikey's ordered an Uber for us, they'll take us over." I crash into his chest and completely break down, curled up and crying.

"It's okay, Fovvs. He'll be okay." He continues to whisper comforting things to me, but it doesn't stop me from whimpering quietly into his chest. His arms are strong around me, holding me up. Another set of arms comes and holds both of us with me in the middle.

It takes hours for the Uber to get here.

"We're going to the hospital," Mikey says to the driver as we get in. He nods and pulls out into the road. I can feel Mikey and Jack sharing glances. Both of them are holding my hands.

It takes so long to get to the hospital. We rush out, Mikey throwing the money in the back seat behind us. I'm still a blubbering mess. The two of them don't let go of my hands, all three of us trying to go as fast as we can.

We get in the building, and Brook's waiting for us right in the entrance. We form a big group hug. It's obvious that Brook's been crying, his eyes are red and his face is a little puffy. He hugs us all individually, me last and longer.

"You doing okay?" He whispers into my ear.

"How's Rye?" I ask determinedly. His arms stay around my waist but he pulls away from the waist up.

"I don't know. The doctors didn't tell me..." my thoughts drown out his words.

If they wouldn't tell him, it must be bad. He's going to die. Oh God he's going to die. Don't let him die, don't let him die, don't let him die...

Brook smiles sympathetically at me, taking me back into the hug. His hand presses into my hair, trying to calm me down.

We all go to sit down in the waiting area, Mikey talking to Brook quietly. Jack and I are silently staring at nothing. I think it's hit him now. I reach over and grab his hand. He looks at it and smiles softly, then glances up to me.

We sit for hours, not speaking for the most part.

"Brooklyn Wyatt?" A voice says from the desk. All of our heads lift up. Brook stands and we follow him over.

"They told me that Ryan is finished. You can go see him if you'd like," the woman there says. "Room 111" I smile a little at her.

"You just made my day," I say to her. She smiles softly.

"Just go," she says. I nod and follow the others to the room. We all stop when we reach it.

"You guys ready?" Jack asks, his hand on the knob. Everyone nods and we go in.

Rye's laying on the bed, his eyes closed. There's needles stuck in his arm, liquids dripping into it.

"Hello," a doctor greets us. "You must be Ryan's family." None of us correct her, just nods. She smiles a little.

We all stand by the bed, looking at Rye's body. He's dressed in the same clothes he left it-his baggy hoodie and jeans, but the hoodie has since been coated in blood.

"Wha-what happened?" I ask shakily. My vision goes blurry, only partly from tears.

"He was doing a flip and he didn't quite make it," Brook says gently, putting his arm around my waist. I lean into him, trying not to cry again. I take deep breaths, but my head starts pounding and my vision gets worse.


"Andy?" Someone says as I begin to open my eyes. "Guys, he's awake." I see Brook, pulling me into his arms and smiling at the others.

"I'm sorry, guys. I didn't mean to." I lean back in the chair.

"The doctor told us that we have to go as soon as you woke up, Andy," Mikey says. "She left though, so I'm pretty sure we'll be okay." I stand suddenly, my head going a little fuzzy and dizzy, but I walk to the side of Rye's bed.

"I'm sorry, Rye," I say. I hear a door open behind me and look back; the others are leaving the room. Jack looks back and smiles a small smile at me and I understand that they're letting me have my alone time with Rye.

"I'm so, so sorry, Rye. I didn't mean to let you go out and hurt you. I'll never let you go. You can't die on me." I take his hand in mine. It feels so strange for it to be unresponsive.

My head snaps up as the doctor comes in.

"Where are the others?" She asks. I nod to the door.

"They let me have a little time. I know I need to leave. I'm sorry." She nods and goes away for me.

"I love you Rye. I'll come back tomorrow." I kiss his forehead and brush his hair back a little. I wave to him as I leave the room, wiping tears from my face.

Idk I feel like I kind of want to do a second part to this? Let me know. Also, comment or DM me if you want me to do a preference or if you have an idea! ❤️

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