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This one doesn't have a ship because there's no relationships in it 😂 I hope you like it x

I open my eyes, blinking slowly. Rye, andy, Mikey and Brook come into focus and my hands come up to rub my eyes.

This can't be good.

I look down at my body, which seems to be covered in what seems to be a large amount of ketchup, or something of the like.

"Really, guys? This is gonna take a lot of washing to get out."

All four of them exchange glances, looking worried.

"Jack...are you alright?" Mikey asks tentatively.

"I mean, I'm kinda pissed that you did this to me..." And I am. They've pulled so many pranks on me while I'm sleeping, it's not even funny anymore. My voice sounds angrier when I speak next. "Remember how long it took me to get the sharpie off of my face last time? Is it really that amusing to you all?"

None of them speak, but my words get a tiny smirk out of Rye.

"'re bleeding. It's blood. There's an ambulance coming for you," Andy tells me slowly. I roll my eyes.

"If you think I'll fall for that..."

I press my hand to the liquid they'd clearly even microwaved to make it warm and liquidy, smearing it across Brook and Mikey's shirts. Neither of them do much, and I'm surprised Brook's able to keep a straight face. He doesn't even look like he's going to laugh. Usually during pranks, the others try not to include him much because he laughs too much and gives it away.

"Jesus Christ, just stop with the acting and you guys are doing the laundry. I don't even care anymore." I sit up, wincing at the sharp pain in my head, and take off my shirt. But when I sling my legs over the side of the bed, my stomach turns and I throw up over my bed. I lean back against the wall, feeling coming into my body.

What the hell?

I groan and rest a hand on my stomach. The boys have all left, except for Andy, who sits on the bed to the left, where there's a spot without any vomit on it. He lifts up my legs, resting them on his own.

"I don't want you to lose any more blood, so I need your legs up," he explains softly.

Rye comes back with a few blankets and Brook, who hands a bowl to Andy.

"Can you lift him up for me? I'm going to take off the sheets and put on the blanket." Rye directs Andy, who does as asked as soon as the words come from Rye's mouth. My stomach flips with the movement. The pain in my legs and head is excruciating. I close my eyes, burying myself in Andy's chest.

"You're alright, Jacky. If you need to be sick, don't hold it back. We're gonna take care of you."

He starts walking again, and I'm set down on the sofa. My hand comes to my stomach again, feeling more and more ill by the second. The pain has increased tenfold, making me let out a loud groan.

I throw up again, this time into the bowl that Andy had placed at my side. A hand comes to rest on my shoulder, drawing slow circles.

I open my eyes, realizing with a gasp that there's rubble all around us.

"What...what happened?" I whisper, shocked.

"There was an earthquake, but calm down. We can talk later." Mikey hands me a few pills, which I assume are painkillers, but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep them down. He ruffles my hair gently, and I notice that he only touches the side that doesn't hurt. I reach up to touch it.

It comes away with the same hot, red liquid as the rest of my body.

Someone's holding up a glass of water to my lips and I take a sip, taking the medication.

I quickly start to feel kind of out of it, a little dizzy and woozy. I watch the boys' faces, all contorted with worry. Worry for me.

I'm about to tell them not to, that I'll be fine, to reassure them, but I find myself fading away, faster than a short gust of wind blowing a feather away.

So I've got exams next week...oof. I hope you guys liked this, give it a vote if you did! I love you!

"Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul." -ES

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