Rye ~ Night to remember

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Thanks to Amy @cloudy_aimz for requesting this! I hope you like it!

Also, this is set in a house where Amy and her friend Ellie live together, and a lot of the time they share the room with their significant other (Rye and Brook).

I'm lying alone in mine and Rye's bed when I hear the door open.

"Hey, Amy!" My best friend, Ellie, yells through the flat.

"Hi Ellie," I say. She comes into my room and smiles seeing me. Even with my messy hair and just the earbuds in my ears, she says I'm always beautiful. She's the only one in the house who can; Brook gets death glares from Rye if he tries to.

"You're coming to dinner with me tonight," she says. I sit up and smile.

"Okay....what's the occasion?" She laughs.

"Nothing...just wanted to hang out with you while the boys are on tour. You need to get out. I miss Brook just as much as you miss Rye, and yet I don't isolate myself like this! You're coming whether you like it or not." She sits on the bed and falls onto her back, watching me.

"Fine. And I'm not isolating myself, I just don't talk to people." She laughs, causing me to do the same thing.

"That is the definition of isolation." We continue to laugh until she sits up and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on. We've got to get going. Dress nicely." I nod.

"Okay." She leaves the room and I head to the small wardrobe that Rye and I share. The emptiness of it reminds me even more of his absence as I pull out a dark blue shirt and black jeans, then pull the black jacket off of its hook.

I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth and do my hair. Ellie comes in when I'm halfway through and smiles.

"Don't you look cute." I laugh.

"Yeah. That's your fault." She's wearing a black jacket that looks quite good on her with her regular jeans.

She laughs and continues with her own look.

I head out of the bathroom and sit on the couch until Ellie comes to get me and take me out the door.

When we get to the restaurant, Ellie tells the woman she has a reservation and we're taken to our table. But there's already someone there.

"RYE!" I exclaim. "Rye!" He stands and I hug him as tightly as I can. He hugs me back, equally tight. Ellie smiles as she hugs Brook, who is there too.

"I missed you, princess. I've been waiting for this for so long, Amy." He comes away from the hug and brings his gentle lips to mine, soft and passionate.

When Ellie whistles at us loudly, we break apart, laughing. She has her head tucked into Brook's neck, and her hand is in his. I can tell that he's bent down a little bit because she's short and it makes me giggle into Rye's shoulder. He wraps his arm around my waist.

"So," he says into my ear. "Care to have dinner with me?" I smile.

"I'll have to think about that..." I laugh as he puts his hand over his heart in mock offense.

We sit down and order our meals. His hand reaches for mine across the table as we talk about the tour.

When we go back to the flat, Brook and Ellie go into their room and Rye and I go to ours. He lays on the bed and invites me to lay with him. I cuddle into him and he starts kissing me all over, first my forehead, then my hair and my nose and my ear. It makes me giggle quietly. He smiles contentedly at it.

"You're too cute," he says quietly.

"You're one to talk," I whisper.

"Hmmm." He continues to kiss me until he gets to my lips. His pink ones hover over mine for a moment, I can feel his warm breath, before slowly pressing his lips to mine. We kiss slowly, faster until I'm laying on top of him and our breathing is fast. I rest my forehead on his and he leans his forwards into mine.

"I love you, Amy. I love you so much." I kiss him again slowly, then pull away and go back to cuddling into his strong body. His arm wraps around me.

We can hear Brook and Ellie kissing in the next room. We laugh quietly and I tuck my face into his neck. I feel his lips on my hair.

And then there's warm tears on my cheeks.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Rye says softly.

"I don-don't want you t-t-to leave." He sighs.

"Amy, look at me. Babe..." I just want to curl into him and cry, but I look up at his softly smiling face.

"Darling, I will never leave. I'll always be with you. You know that." I smile a little, but the tears are still coming. "Princess. I miss you too. But I'm here, now, right? I'll always come back to you in the end. Always. Forever. Toujours. Siempre."  I sigh.

"Okay." He laughs a little.

"Just okay?"

"Better than okay." He kisses my hair again.

"I love you so much."

We sit in silence for a while, my head resting on his chest and our hands intertwined at my side and on his stomach.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I
Falling in love
With you"

He sings softly to me, his thumb tracing slow circles on my hand and watching me with soft eyes.

"Shall I stay,
Would it be a sin
If I
Falling in love
With you."

He continues the song quietly until I can feel myself smiling as I fall asleep.

Hope you enjoyed that, Amy! Have a good day everyone! 😍😂😊

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