Date night in - 2

826 22 17

Thanks to S for allowing me to post this chapter today!!!! 😂😂😂

"Car comin-"

I feel my chest moving up and down with my breaths. A stabbing pain in the side of my head. A beeping sound to my right makes it worse.

"Alex? Are you awake?" A voice asks me, a lot bored-sounding, but a little hope in the tones. I open my mouth a little, my breathing burning my lungs. I make a little noise in my throat, trying to explain that I am. Whoever's there gets it and grabs my hand.

"She's awake!"

There's noises everywhere, beeping and people's voices. The hand squeezes mine and gently rubs my knuckles. I struggle to open my eyes, but I can't.

"Alex, I'm here. Don't worry, I'm here." The emotional voice whispers to me. I can hear tears in it, which makes my still closed eyes begin to water. I force them open and there's a boy at my side. I don't recognize him, but he looks to be about mid to late twenties for age. He has blond hair and bluish eyes with a hint of a moustache. He's smiling a little, but there's tears running down his face.

"What?" I ask. My voice is low and shaky and it hurts to use. "Why are you crying?"

The boy shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I'll try not to. Like he said."


The tears on his face come more. His breaths are obviously hard to take. He won't answer me, he just shakes his head. I don't take my eyes off of him, even when a nurse comes into the room.

"Alex! You're awake! It's been a while." The nurse starts asking me questions about how I feel. I finally look away from the boy and to the woman.

"Can I ask a question?" I ask, my throat hurting more and more throughout the Q&A. The nurse nods. "What happened to me?"

The boy is calming down a little bit and sits with my hand in both of his, watching me closely.

"Car crash," the woman says. "Common, but you went into a coma due to a blow to the head. You've been here for almost four years. You are also suffering from memory loss because of this," the woman says.

I look to the boy, my throat starting to get used to the pain. I swallow hard.

"I'm sorry I don't remember you," I say. "What is your name?"

"My name doesn't matter," he chokes out.

"Are-are you my boyfriend? Or were you?"

The boy immediately starts to cry harder; I squeeze his hand for support.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

The nurse steps in. "Maybe you should go," she says to the boy. I shake my head.

"Can he stay please? I want to know what's going on."

"Okay. You want to tell her?" She says to the boy. He nods.

"You were in a car crash four years ago," he whispers. "Your boyfriend was driving you home. I am not that boyfriend. He..." the boy takes a deep breath. "He passed away, that day. He made me promise to come see you and to make sure you were okay. To never give up on you." He sniffles.

"Come here," I say quietly. He sits on the bed beside me, but I gently tug on him to come down and lay with me. He does so, making sure not to hurt me.

"My name is Andy," he says. "I sang in a band with Brooklyn, but we haven't done anything since that day. I haven't sung anything in four years. Not to myself, not for the fans. Never. I thought we'd lose you, too. But I never gave up my hope." I cuddle him carefully, my arms around him for comfort.

"I'm sorry I'm not being any help to you, darling," he says. "I-I just can't help it... I missed both of you so much."

His breath catches in his throat. I rub his back soothingly.

"It's alright, don't worry. I'm here."

"Yeah, but I should be comforting you! He was your boyfriend, and you're the one who just came out of a coma!" His sobs get louder and louder.

"It's okay, Andy. You're hurting and that's completely okay." I notice that the nurse had left the room for our privacy.

We go silent after that, my hand still trailing up and down his back, and I think the emotions exhausted him. His breathing calms and his body relaxes from the tense position he was in. I cuddle into him and play with his hair, feeling a little tired too.

"It's okay, Andy," I whisper. "You'll be okay."

Sorry about that, guys! I know that wasn't the ending you were probably hoping for (S); let's face it, we all like a good ending! But I hope you enjoyed it all the same.

Thanks so much for 900+ views! Requests are welcome through Dm or comments!

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