Hybrid - Randy

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So I decided to write a randy hybrid OS because they're hella cute. So yeah. Also, I'm not going to do much with Ryan yet, because I don't know much about him and can't really...write something about someone I don't know? I hope you guys enjoy it anyways.

"Andy?" Rye calls softly, knocking on the door, and my first thought was that he must know. I adjust my baseball cap on my head and ignore how it presses down on my ears.

"Yeah? Come in."

He does so, sitting on my bed.

"Baby..." he sighs. "You know id love your hair. I don't know why you insist on covering it up all the time."

I resist him and his damn cute concerned voice. Though it still makes me smile.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine. I just like my hats."

"Then you wouldn't mind me seeing your hair?"

I freeze in the middle of turning around to look at him instead of fixing my hair in the mirror.

He chuckles. "I was joking. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"Oh. Okay." I sigh in relief. He motions me over and I sit beside him. He pulls me into his side, kissing my cheek and smiling brightly.

"Ready to go?" He asks. I nod. He pecks my lips and leads me out of the room, dragging me by the hand.

We get to the new location, Ryan, Jack and Brooklyn all jumping out of the car. They start running around and I laugh, walking around with Rye. We point out different things we could do in different areas of the huge field, we could do good b-roll shots at the huge oak tree, maybe some chorus cuts over by the wooden fence. We laugh at the others, I squeeze Rye's hand with a smile.

The cover goes quite quickly: we've already gotten half of it done in two hours. It's so hot though, the sun beating down on us. I want to take my hat off to use it as a fan, but I know that I can't. I just drink loads of water and stay in the shade when I'm not in the shot, shouting out different angles they could use.

But Ryan, I notice, has been standing in the sun all day, without a hat. I haven't seen him drink a drop of water, nor did he put on sunblock this morning.

"Ryan?" I call him, but he doesn't seem to hear me. I yell again, louder this time, and both him and Rye turn around. I shake my head and Rye laughs, turning away. I motion for Ryan to come over and he just shakes his head.

"I'm busy!" He calls back. I take a deep breath and roll my eyes, pushing myself up from the ground. I reach them quickly.

"You need to take a break," I tell him. "Take a drink, here's my water. You're looking sunburnt already." I hold out my bottle to him and he takes it, drinking deeply from it. And I don't care, he needs it.

He hands it back to me once he's done. "Thanks, mate," he smiles, wiping his mouth.

"No problem. Go get some shade, yeah?"

"Nah, I'm good."

But minutes later, he starts to sway gently and my eyebrows knit together. What's going on? His hand comes to his head and he sits down on the arm of the sofa.

"Ryan?" I go to his side immediately and offer him my water again.

"I'm good," he tells me after a few moments. I shake my head.

"No, you're not. Go take a break, I'll come with you."

He finally gives in and comes with me, walking over to the oak tree and sitting against it.

"Headache?" I ask. He nods, and winces. Sweat trickles down his neck. He closes his eyes, leaning heavily against the tree.

"What's going on?" I ask gently. I place a hand on his shoulder, surprised to find it cool, and bumpy as though he has goosebumps. But he couldn't?

"Really tired...and dizzy. Stomach hurts."

I look up his symptoms in relation to heat and it comes up quickly.

Suddenly worried, I call for Rye who, even though he was in the middle of a shoot, comes right away. I think he'd noticed what was going on too.

He kneels next to me.

"What's up?"

"Heat exhaustion," I reply. I look at the what to do section of the website. I take off my hat and put it on Ryan to keep even more sun out of his face. Quickly taking off my shirt, I ask Rye to do the same.

"Can you lie him down?" He does as I ask and I shove the two shirts underneath Ryan's feet for elevation. It's not the best, but it's better than nothing. I put my recently filled water bottle underneath his neck because the article says that it will lower the body temperature better than most parts of the body.

I sit there, watching him. I can feel eyes on me and I look up to Rye, who is on the opposite side of Ryan. His eyes are wide and not looking to Ryan at all. My hands slowly come up to where he's staring, not wanting to believe it. I can feel my ears. I bite my lip, looking down into my lap. What do I do now?

"Andy?" Rye asks tentatively. He reaches out across Ryan and touches my ears gently and they twitch slightly. He laughs softly.

"This is why you always wear a hat." The realization dawns on his face as I look up. I nod slowly, ashamed.

Rye stands up and moves beside me, sitting down next to me. His arm goes around my shoulders and into my hair, to the base of my ear. A shudder runs through me as I close my eyes and lean into his hand. He scratches harder and a loud purr falls out of my mouth. I open my eyes, sitting upright and clapping my hands over my mouth.

Rye just giggles. "That was the cutest thing that you've ever done." His face is shining like the setting sun. His fingers go back to my ears and I resist reacting at all.

"Andy," Rye's voice comes soft and I can't keep myself from rubbing my face against his hand and purring. He pulls me close into his side, petting my hair gently. My tail slips out from around my waist, where it usually stays contained, and wraps itself around Rye's waist. He jumps slightly.


I smile as he takes my tail in his fingers and caresses it gently. I settle my head on his shoulder as he goes back to my ears, my tail tight around him. I start to feel sleepy quite quickly and rye laughs, lying me down on the ground next to Ryan. His fingers continue to move calmingly through my hair, making me purr gently as I fell asleep. I watch him faintly as he kisses my forehead, walking away, back to the camera.

I hope you guys liked this!

Also; I'm trying to get to 200 followers, I'm at 190 right now which is major cool but if you're not following me, maybe go do it if you like my writing ;)

I love you guys, and I hope you're all doing well ❣️

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