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"You know he loves you, right?" Andy smiles softly.

"I suppose...I just-" I'm not sure how to answer that question. I sigh instead.

"Worried it won't be the same in real life?" He sympathizes. I nod. Sometimes I think he knows me better than I do.

And then Mikey's flight number comes over the loudspeaker. Andy squeezes my hand, smiling.

"You're gonna be fine, you know that?"

I just nod, worried to say anything without blubbering. People start to file in, wearing everything from suits to pyjamas, though the latter is mostly in children. But all I'm looking for is the familiar dark hair and grin.

And then he's there. That little smile growing on his lips, the bright eyes. I stand up slowly, as if time had slowed down. But then he's running to me and I can't help myself but do the same. He jumps into my arms and I spin him around, my face tucked deeply in his shoulder.

"It's so nice to see you," I whisper, muffled in his hoodie. He hugs me tighter and laughs quietly.

"You have no idea how nice it is to meet you, Rye." I set him down carefully and rest my hands on his shoulders, examining him for the first time.

And I have to admit, he is fit.

Even more so than he looked in pictures.

"You're beautiful," he mutters, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face. My smile grows and I can't help myself it to take him into another hug.

"That's what I was just thinking about you."

We both laugh a little before I suggest heading home.

"Good thing too, you guys were being far too sappy," Mikey's friend Jack laughs. The other two, Brook and Andy, laugh along for far too long.

"Don't worry about them, Mike. They're just jealous." I kiss his temple and he takes my hand, letting me lead him to get his bags, and then to my car. Mikey's friends go with Andy to leave us alone and so they can get to know eachother better.

"Want to listen to music?" I ask. It's a long drive back home. He nods, immediately pulling out his aux cord for the car. I laugh as he scrolls through his playlists, and then smile and roll my eyes when he starts playing our song. Break the Distance, it's called.

He grins and takes my hand.

We both sing along, and I find myself singing quieter than usual in order to hear him. I squeeze his hand and smile.

We end up getting lunch with the others on the ride home at some fast food restaurant we'd found on the highway. It had been busy, but we'd only seen it as a time to catch up.

Mikey volunteers to drive the rest of the way, but I decline, using the only method I think would possibly deter him from persisting: "you wouldn't know where to go!"

When we finally get home, I'm all stiff. We get out and stretch, then grab a few bags each.

All five of us head up to mine and Andy's flat, smiling as we chat absent-mindedly with eachother. I tell them to go sit down and ask what they'd like to drink. I end up making a variety of things: two teas (me and Andy), hot chocolate for Mikey, and coffee for the other two. I sit down, immediately getting into the conversation, laughing along with the others. Although they all met today, it seems as if they've known eachother forever.

We decide to have a proper FIFA battle, swapping out players to see which team, in the end, was the best. It ended up being Andy and Brooklyn, both of whom got slightly agressive in each one of their games. It was funny to see them get into it.

Once the whole ordeal is finished, we've played what seems to be a hundred games,  all of us laughing and chatting. We shut down the console, resuming our original positions and talking about the differences between England and Canada, though Jack and Brook are cuddling. Well, more like Jack is leaning heavily on Brook, looking like he could fall asleep. Which, with the information Andy had pointed out to me earlier, he probably could. He'd told me that Jack had fallen asleep almost right away in the car.

Around eight (which would be one in the morning in England), I start to see Brook and Mikey rubbing their eyes and a few yawns (Jack had passed out on Brook after about five minutes, not that he seemed to mind). I smile.

"I can show you where your rooms are, if you'd like," I tell Brook. Mikey knows he's rooming with me. Andy heads off to his own room, giving me a short hug as usual.

"I'm gonna talk to my mum a bit before bed," he tells me. I've always admired the relationship he has with her.

I say a quick goodnight to Brook, who had carried Jack into their room. He smiles.

"Thanks for having us, Rye," he says, his accent prominent.

"It's absolutely no problem, it's nice to have you guys."

I shut the light off as I leave, Brook and Jack snuggled up in bed, jack snoring softly and Brook clearly already headed the same way.

I go into the other room and collect all of the mugs, putting them in the dishwasher, smiling. I have my boyfriend. Here. For the first time.

I turn back around, looking to Mikey. His entire body has fallen slack as he lies across the sofa, chin dipping to his chest. My heart melts at the sight, filling with warmth, a fond smile coming to my face. I walk over and run my fingers through his hair slowly, kneeling on the floor.

"Baby...wake up, love." He just mumbles softly and I groan. "Don't make me carry you." I slide my arms underneath him and hold him close to my chest. He mutters something again and rests his hands on my chest, snuggling his head in. A sort of warmth floods my entire body.

I take him back to my room, placing him on my bed. I quietly get out of my jeans and jumper, changing my boxers. I turn back around to see Mikey watching me drowsily.

"Like what you see?" I chuckle. He just grins, a pink tint coming to his cheeks.

I lie down in the bed next to him, my arm around him. I ruffle his hair and kiss his forehead. I gently trace his face, cupping his cheek. I press a soft kiss to them and he whines when I pull away. I chuckle softly.

"Go to sleep, beautiful. I'll be here in the morning." I pull him close and rest my face in his hair, inhaling the scent.

"I love you, Rye," he mumbles. I smile, closing my eyes as my heart fills with warmth.

"I love you too, baby. Now get some rest."

I draw little designs into his skin until I fall asleep, almost four hours later. His soft breathing lulls me into an unconsciousness.

Though if you asked if I'd been bored?

I'd say no, I couldn't possibly be. Not with my soulmate beside me.

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