First kiss - Mindy

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This update is for 4K reads! Thanks so much for reading, I hope you like it!

Also, I forget what 'Mindy's' new ship name is...let me know 😂

In this one, Mindy only started dating recently.

"Hey, Andy?" I smile slightly at the voice, not knowing whether or not I'm still dreaming. I curl into myself, wishing that he was in the bed with me to cuddle.

"Andy, wake up." The bed dips and there's lips pressed to my forehead, fingers running through my hair. My body relaxes but my heart races, and I open my eyes slowly. It's bright out, but Mikey's body blocks some of it. I smile seeing him, and there's already a soft little grin on his lips.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," He laughs quietly. I love that laugh. "We've got to get up now, okay?" I frown.

"But I want to cuddle..." I say, holding out the 'le' sound. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head jokingly, laughing.

"Okay, but just for five minutes." He slides under the covers with me and I snuggle into his warm body, closing my eyes.

"Andy? Why aren't you-" there's a sigh. "Really, Mike?" I open my eyes again, looking up. Rye's standing in the doorway, his face halfway between unimpressed and amused. "Come on, guys. Get up." He walks over and takes the covers off of us. When Mikey wakes, Rye laughs.

"Really, Mikey? I send you here to wake him up and you fall asleep." We laugh and I sit up. Mikey does the same beside me.

"Andy, I told you that you had to get up, didn't I?" I shrug.

"He did Rye. I just didn't want to." He rolls his eyes playfully and pulls us up.

"Let's go. We have a cover to film today. We leave in an hour." He walks out of the room.

I take Mikey's hand and walk to the kitchen with him, smiling.

"Morning, handsome," he says in my ear. I giggle quietly.

"Look who's talking." I ruffle his hair and start eating the toast that I made for both of us. He does the same, and the silence is comfortable.

When we get to the location, a forest with leaves of every colour everywhere, we all head along the path, occasionally stopping to vlog something that we were doing.

"We're setting up here, boys!" Chris announces when we've reached a small clearing. "I need all the chairs in a line. I trust that you all know how to put them together this time?" We all laugh. Last time, we'd fooled around with putting the chairs together, leading to a very, very long day of recording.

Mikey and I sit on the ground beside each other, piecing the chairs together, making small conversation between us. The others agreed to put them away after and have gone off doing, well, who knows what.

Soon, the cover's done filming. Mikey and I have been a little- or a lot- touchy today. We cuddle whenever we're not in the shot, holding hands and kissing cheeks. At one point, he almost fell asleep on me, but Chris told him to stay awake because he was needed in the next shot.

As soon as we're done, Mikey pulls me away into the woods where the others can't see us. He takes me into a tight embrace and I wrap my arms around him.

"Fovvs...there's something that I want to do."

My eyebrows furrow together. "What? Then just do it. Whatever it is." He purses his lips, then sighs.

"I don't know how Andy. I've never done it before." His voice is a little nervous; he's facing the ground. I gently touch his chin with my fingers and smile softly at him.

"What is it, Mike?"

He takes a deep breath.

"I want to kiss you, Andy Fowler." I smile.

"Then kiss me, Mikey Cobban," I respond quietly.

He chuckles quietly, a little embarrassed.

"I don't know how," he whispers to himself. I smile softly, taking his face in my hand.

"Here, I'll show you." I close my eyes and connect my lips with his and quickly pull away. Mikey's face is stunned.

"How was that?" I ask. His breathing is fast and short.

"Brilliant," he whispers breathlessly. He leans in and kisses me again, this time keeping his lips on mine. His hand cups my cheek, mine dropping to his chest. His heartbeat is fast, faster than I've ever felt it.

We pull away slowly, my heart beating just the same as his. I smile at him, laughing happily. He does the same and hugs me tightly.

"I love you, Andrew."

I embrace him back.

"I love you too, Michael." I laugh quietly in his ear and we start walking back to the others, hands intertwined and my head on his shoulder.

"Andy? Mikey?" Voices call out. All of them seem to be looking for us. I remember what Mikey and I just did and giggle quietly. Mikey squeezes my hand and looks down at me, a huge smile on his face.

"We're here!" Mikey yells out.

All of the boys look our way.

"We're finished," Rye calls. "Meet us at the car." All four of them, Chris in the back, start walking the way we originally came. I can't stop smiling the whole way back, remembering the lips that were on mine just a few minutes ago.

Not sure what you guys thought of it, if you liked it, give it a vote! Thanks so much for reading!


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