Tummy ache - Randy

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i turned off my caps and autocorrect and its so aesthetically pleasing please help 😂 sorry if you dont like it, let me know if it bothers you because i get that and i can write them properly from now on 😂

i wake up to a small groan. my eyes open slowly and i press my face closer to rye's chest. hes so comfortable.

a few moments later, he moans again and i look up. his eyes are squeezed closed and his lips are drawn in a tight line.

his eyes open, clearly showing pain, but i can tell that hes trying to fight it.

"morning, handsome. what are we up to today?" i raise my eyebrows.

"youre not doing anything. now, whats wrong?"

he sighs but immediately lets his guard down, resting a hand on his stomach.

"awwh, does poor little rye have a tummy ache?" i tease him gently, sitting up properly. he blushes lightly and looks away.

"yeah," is all he says. i stand from the bed with a small smile, pressing my lips to his forehead.

"ill be back in a few minutes, okay sweetheart?"

i walk quickly into the kitchen, opening one of the cabinets. i take down the small basket of medication, which also holds my extra inhalers. rye made sure that everyone in the house knew where they were and that they could reach them, even though its a lower cupboard. i remember laughing as the others easily took the objects out of the back of it, but i had done so too soon. rye had made me do it at least four times more than any of the others, and im not sure if that was an insult to my height or just being careful to him.

i pick out a bottle of tablets, unscrewing the cap and dumping a few into my hand. closing the cupboard, i take a glass of water with me to ryes room.

hes lying down properly on the bed, his eyes closed. both of his hands rest on his stomach, and i sigh softly. i hate it when hes ill.

i sit on the edge of the bed, taking one of ryes hands and rubbing my thumb along it softly.

"hey, rye? i need you to sit up, love."

his eyes open again. he smiles a little, but it drops just as quickly as it comes. he sits up slowly with my help.

i hand the water to him and he takes a sip, handing it back to me before putting the pills in his mouth. he takes a deep breath and takes the glass again. i know that hes not very good at taking pills, and i feel bad because i know he hates them too.

when he finally gets them down, he leans into my side. my arm comes around him, taking his hand on the other side.

"i love you, andy," he whispers. i squeeze his hand.

"i love you, rye." i kiss his cheek and unwrap my arm from him.

"lay with me," i tell him, lying down on the bed. he looks down to me and laughs a little.

"you sure?" he asks softly.

in lieu of a reply, i pull him down, making sure to be careful. his head rests partly on my chest, partly on my arm. i press a gentle kiss on his neck.

my hand comes to his stomach, tracing his abs lightly. his eyes are closed as he sighs. my other arm supports him, my hand rubbing his arm.

"thank you, baby," he yawns.

i shake my head.

"its no problem. did you get any sleep last night?" i ask as he yawns again.

"only a few hours." i rest my hand on his stomach, rubbing my fingers over it carefully. he buries his face into my side and i smile fondly at him.

moments later, his breathing evens out and hes clearly asleep. boy am i glad the others are out for a few days.

we lie there for a long time. i end up tracing the smooth skin of his face, pausing every so often to press a kiss to his cheek.

when i kiss his lips, so softly, they turn up at the edges ever so slightly, and he shifts a little so that hes on his side, still lying on me. i laugh a little, knowing itll feel heavier this way, but i dont make a single sign that im going to move. i find myself slowly getting more and more tired, until ive closed my eyes and i cant get them open again.

i awaken to see ryes finger tracing around my chest, seemingly very absorbed in his task. i dont think hes noticed that im awake until i speak.

"how do you feel, gorgeous?" i ask him, yawning. he laughs a little.

"a lot better, thanks fovvs." he leans up and presses a kiss to my forehead. i suddenly remember kissing his lips while he was asleep, but he doesnt seem to. i blush a little at the sentiment, trying to hide my face, but rye doesnt let me. his hand cups my cheek, thumb slowly running over the skin. i close my eyes, enjoying the feeling.

"fovvs, youre beautiful. and really cute when you blush." which, in turn, only makes more colour come to my cheeks.

i pull him further up on me so that everything is aligned except for our feet. mine only reach his shins, which im sure would have made him laugh if he hadnt been staring at my lips.

"yes?" i breathe softly. he quirks a smile.

"i love you, andy."

"i love you, rye." i lean up and press my lips against his for a moment, then i wrap my arms and legs around him and let out a small laugh.

"try getting away now," i tease.

i hope you guys liked this. i really wanted to ask, does anybody speak spanish here??? let me know 😂 i love you guys, dont be afraid to reach out to me. i love talking to new people, and im always here for you. ❤️ stay safe

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