Broken angel - rylyn

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I hope this is an okay update, it's for 10k reads, which is absolutely mental. I never thought I'd reach 100, much less 1000, and now 10000. This is what I want to do with my life, so getting so much support from you guys really makes me believe that one day it might be possible. So thank you for everything ❤️

"I know, I know. Shhh," Rye whispers, hugging him tighter. Brooklyn tucks his head further into his boyfriend's chest. "It'll be alright."

They'd been sitting on Rye's bed for hours, Brooklyn talking away his fears and worries, while Rye tried his very best to comfort him, and to allow him to feel safe. He holds Brook in his arms as he cries, Rye feeling as though he might break if he sees his boyfriend hurting like this for too long. But Rye doesn't care. He wants Brooklyn to be loved, and he wants to love him.

"It-it's s-so scary, R-Rye," Brook mumbles, his cheek resting on Rye's chest. Rye leans down and kisses his hair softly, knowing exactly how his boyfriend is. He knows exactly what he needs, a loving, caring person who will listen and not leave. Rye knows he can be that person.

" I know it's hard. I know it's scary. But you know I'll be here to support you, and you know I'll be here to protect you. Forever." Brooklyn looks up, admiring his beautiful boyfriend. He lightly kisses Rye's jaw.

"I know," he whispers. And he does. He knows that Rye won't go. That he really cares.

Once brook calms down a little bit, Rye lies him down on the bed. Brooklyn protests, but rye just smiles and trails two fingers down his jaw from his ear to his chin, kissing him on the forehead, assuring him that he'll be back soon.

Rye goes to the kitchen and comes back after a few minutes, carrying hot chocolate. Brook smiles weakly and lifts his head from the pillow. Rye gives him a little grin, setting the hot chocolate on the table. Brook looks in it: marshmallows, just how he likes it. Rye smiles fondly at him, taking off his hoodie and putting his arm underneath Brooklyn's back, helping him sit up.

"Put your arms up, Brooky," he says quietly, tenderly. He does as he's told, and Rye slips the hoodie over his head. Brook's arms aren't long enough, so his hands are covered by the ends of the sleeves. Rye laughs quietly to himself, then sits on the bed next to him.

Rye watches brook and wants to just cuddle him. He looks so perfect, his cute hair and his cute lips and the cute hoodie looking so much cuter on Brook's cute frame...Rye cups Brooklyn's face in his hand, carefully, as though Brook might break even if he's the least rough he can possibly be. He leans in to kiss Brook, the soft lips salty from the tears that rolled down onto them. Rye kisses him slowly, lovingly, making sure not to hurt him. Slow, passionate, loving. Brook smiles a little, his problems leaving momentarily as he kisses his boyfriend.

When Brooklyn pulls away, Rye takes the mug of hot chocolate off of the table and hands it to Brook.

"Here, love. It'll warm up your heart," he whispers, tucking a stray hair behind his ear. Brooklyn smiles shyly and takes the mug from Rye. He takes a few sips, then kisses Rye again. Rye can now taste the chocolate on his lips, his slow, soft lips. He smiles into the kiss as he thinks about Brook. All his wonderful little perfections, and all his precious little...well, his little mishaps. His quirks.

Brook smiles too, knowing how caring and sweet his boyfriend is. How much thought he puts into things and how, although he seems introverted and resistant to any situation, he can put so much into everything he does, including Brook. And that's what Brook loves about him.

They pull away, the hot chocolate still resting in Brooklyn's lap. Rye put his arm around Brook's waist, then rests his head on Brook's shoulder for a moment. He sits back up and kisses Brook's hair again.

"I love you, Brooklyn. I really do," Rye says. It's the first time either one of them has ever said it, but he feels completely comfortable with saying it. The moment he does, there's warmth in his heart at admitting it after so long. Brook giggles quietly, snuggling into Rye.

"I love you, Rye," he mumbles into Rye's shirt. Rye smiles and rests his lips in Brooklyn's hair for a moment, then takes the mug from his hands. Brook looks up, and Rye holds it to his boyfriend's lips, allowing him to take a drink.

They sit in silence for a long time, Brooklyn finishing the quickly cooling drink. Rye sets the mug back down on the table and cradles Brooklyn to his chest, whispering to him sweet nothings, making Brooklyn giggle. Rye laughs quietly when he does, watching as Brooklyn closes his eyes and leans into Rye's chest.

"Goodnight, mi amor, I love you," Rye whispers, kissing Brooklyn's forehead and pulling him closer. "I love you so much."

Like I said thank you guys so much, give it a vote, comment and request a OS if you'd started last week so I might not update as frequently or regularly as usual but I promise I will try ❤️❤️❤️

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