First meet - Randy

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Hey guys! This is a super long one, but it's cute so...hope you guys like it! Also-I've been kinda super really Andy girl recently and it's kinda killing me inside 😂


Rye's POV

I take my phone and smile immediately upon seeing the notification. Andy's texted me again.

A- hey x
R- hi, whats up x
A- I'm in your town soon😋
R- wait really
A- yeah. I play a gig tomorrow night.
R- do you need a place to stay
A- nope, I got a hotel near the venue
R- cancel it and stay with me it would be nice to meet you irl
A- you sure?
R- yeah!
A- I'm just getting to the airport now, how do we want to arrange this?
R- I'll come pick you up I won't be long
R- can you send me a pic so I know what you look like
A- yeah here

 R- do you need a place to stayA- nope, I got a hotel near the venueR- cancel it and stay with me it would be nice to meet you irl A- you sure?R- yeah! A- I'm just getting to the airport now, how do we want to arrange this?R- I'll come pick you up...

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R- I'm actually gonna need a photo of you though 😂 there's no way I'll be able to find you if I don't know what you look like
R-there's no need to be embarrassed
A- ...that is me Rye
R- ...really?
A- yeah 😂😫
R- okay then Wow
A- yes?
R- I'll see you

I shut off then drop my phone. I stare blankly straight in front of me. How have I been talking to someone that attractive and not known? Wow.

My cheeks feel hot, so I press my cool hands against them and try to calm down. I stand up and head over to my dresser.

Do I dress down? Do I dress up? How do I do both at the same time without making it too obvious I'm trying to impress him? I'd clearly started crushing on him a few months ago, I'd never imagined us meeting so spur of the moment. I thought I'd have time to prepare.

I take out a hoodie and jeans, hoping it'll go together well enough to look okay. I check my clock.

11 pm, it flashes.

I can't contain my excitement for a moment more, so I jump up and down, a huge smile on my face.

I try to calm myself down, then head out of the flat down to my car.

I jump in and turn up my music, my phone connected to the Bluetooth. I sing along (probably louder than I should in the middle of the night), loving the atmosphere I've created in here. Unlike a lot of cars, it's clean, and there's something about it that makes it feel safe.

When I get to the airport, I head to the pick up area and take out my phone. I send a quick text to him telling him exactly where I am, then click on the photo he sent earlier.

I study every little detail of him, his cute tired smile, his soft eyes, the beauty marks on his cheeks, the way his lips curve. I can feel myself falling for him even more. I press the photo to my chest, eyes closed, my heart squeezing itself tightly.

When the waiting room starts to fill, I open my eyes. I quickly shut off my phone when I spot Andy amongst the crowd.

"Andy!" I call, and his head snaps up at hearing his name called.

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