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Andy's POV

We'd been in the waiting room for about four hours before they'd been able to see Brook. He'd been holding together well, which kind of surprised me. His wrist and knee were swollen up, but he hadn't even cried. A few times, he'd been close, but he hadn't yet. The boys and I were pretty sure that he was just acting for both his and our sakes, but every time I asked him if he was okay, he just smiled and nodded.

We're currently in the room, finally. We had almost run out of ways to entertain Brook, but we'd managed it. Only I was allowed in the back-well, only one person. Brook chose me. We're sat side by side on the edge of the bed. He explains what happened to the doctor.

"We were filming a video and I was trying to do a cartwheel, but I'm not very coordinated." I smirk and he laughs weakly. That is not the whole story. I squeeze his uninjured arm's hand, resting on my thigh. He rests his head on my shoulder.

The doctor turns around and types into her computer Brook's name, then turns back and asks to see his arm. She pushes around a few points gently, making Brook's face go tense and his eyes squeeze closed. At one specific spot, Brook whimpers. The doctor looks up.

"Bad there?" She asks. He nods and I put my arm around his waist.

"We're going to x-ray it. Brooklyn, can you lay down here for me?" I stand and go to sit on the chair at the side of the room to give Brook room to lay down. He looks at me as the doctor does the same thing around his shin. I smile sympathetically at him as he grimaces in pain.

Brook's POV

"Here," the doctor says as he helps me to put a x-Ray jacket on. I'm a little nervous from never having done this before, but I lay down on the bed and move my arm and leg as the doctor asks me to. It doesn't take long, and it doesn't hurt at all.

Andy's POV

When we're in the Uber, I smile at Brook. He's sitting in the middle instead of in the seat farther away from me.

"You're so brave," I say, knowing it'll make him happy. He rests his head on my shoulder.

"No, I'm not," he moans quietly. "You are." I laugh lightly.

"I would never lie to the doctor like that." He lifts his head and looks at me, his face mischievous.

"I never lied. I said that I was trying to do a cartwheel and that I'm not that coordinated. Unless you count the fact that I said I'm not 'very coordinated,'" he says, making quotations with his hands. I laugh and take his hand.

"I suppose so. But you're not going to tell them that Jack pushed you over?" He blushes.


*A week-ish later*

Andy's POV

"Brooklyn?" The male doctor comes out, saying Brook's name. I stand up and help him to his feet, then pick him up, being careful not to hurt his leg. The doctor takes us into a room, and I sit Brook on the bed.

"We got the results back, and it is clear that both are broken," he says. Brook nods. "We need to get the casts on as soon as possible. They may take a while to get used to, but you'll need them on for 6-8 weeks. Alright?" We nod.

"I'll put you in a fibreglass cast, you can get it wet. Come with me, please." Brook looks at me and bites his lip nervously. I go over and sit with him.

"You'll be okay," I say gently. I kiss his temple and pick him up, taking him to the room to get his casts done.

"What colours do you want, Brooklyn?" the doctor asks. Brook looks to me and smiles.

"Dark blue, if you have it," he says. "And maybe a dark green for the other. I don't care which one is which." He smiles at the doctor, who nods and says he'll be back soon. We're left alone in the room, both sitting in padded chairs.

"Why'd you choose those colours?" I ask him curiously. He smiles.

"Your eyes," he says simply. I smile embarrassedly, giggling quietly.

"I love you, Brook," I whisper, looking up at him. I lean over to kiss his lips, but as soon as they meet, the doctor comes in and we break apart. I just take his hand instead.

"Can I have your arm first please?" The doctor says. Brook holds out his arm and the doctor slowly wraps a white film over it first, then dips the dark blue in a bowl of water and securely places it around Brook's arm. He does the same with his leg and the dark green cast. He lets them sit for a few minutes, then takes us to an attached room to get a wheelchair, saying that he can't use crutches with the cast on his arm, especially if he wants it to heal properly.

"Here, thanks for coming in," the doctor says, bidding us goodbye and dismissing us.

Brook and I walk down the hall, me pushing his chair. We go to the elevator and get an Uber.

Brook's POV

"Why?" I asks. Andy smiles.

"Cause I want to." He gives the woman at the cash his money, and another gives us our ice cream. We go to sit down at a table outside and we get talking about my arm and leg.

"It hurts," I say. "And it's awkward and huge." He smiles sympathetically. We sit in silence for a little bit, eating our ice cream.

"But you know what's good about it?" I ask. His eyebrows go up questioningly.

"You have to help me in the shower," I say, smirking. He shakes his head and laughs, taking my hand.

Hope you enjoyed it! If you have a name that you want me to use, or an idea for a oneshot, I'd love to hear it! DM me or comment a name, one of the boys and if you've got an idea. ❤️

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