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"Brooky?" I shake him carefully, but he just groans and rolls over. I sit down on the edge of the bed, stroking his hair softly.

"Come on, love. You've been napping for hours. And you missed dinner because I didn't want to wake you. Now come on, I have something to show you." I shake him a little harder and he slaps my hand away.

"Fine," he grumbles. He sits up slowly, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

I take his hand and walk him to the kitchen, where I open the fridge and take out a plate with whatever strange combination Andy and Jack had come up with for supper Sunday. It had tasted strangely good.

Brook takes it from me with a smile, getting over the grogginess. He kisses my cheek and I lead him outside, to the small clearing in amongst the trees. Brook balances his plate it his hands.

We reach the blanket I'd put down and we both sit down.

He eats his dinner quickly, making me laugh.

"I guess sleeping was hard work."

He smiles and rolls his eyes.

"You know, I didn't bring you out here for nothing. Look behind us."

Brook sets his plate down and twists around to see it. He gasps quietly. "Woah."

The vivid colours of the sky blur together, the bright pinks and oranges and purples. The clouds vary the shades.

We both shuffle so we're sat the other way. Brook leans his head on my shoulder, and I put my arm around his waist. I kiss his temple.

"It's beautiful, isn't it," I whisper. He just nods against me. I smile fondly at him.

I lie us down as the colours fade into black, bright stars cutting through the canvas. Brook rests his head on my chest and I wrap both arms around him. He only ever does that when he's cold. I run my hand up his arm to try to warm him up.

"Rye?" He mumbles softly, his eyes still trained on the sky, lit up by the stars.


He snuggles further into me. "I love you."

I hold him closer.

"I love you too," I say with a smile.

I watch as the stars twinkle and the satellites move across the sky.

A soft snore comes from Brook. I glance down at him, the fondest of expressions on my face. His hands pull gently at my shirt as if pulling me closer. My heart clenches.

I lie there for a long time until he shivers, suddenly concerned for him.

"Brooky? Sweetheart, wake up." I run my hand through his hair and his eyes blink open slowly. He shivers again.

"Huh?" He mumbles.

"We should go inside before you catch something."

"I'm cold," he whispers. I run my hand up his arm.

"I know, sweetheart. We're going to go inside."

Another shiver.

"Carry me?"

I raise my eyebrows, smiling softly. "Of course."

I stand up and pull him with me, my arms beneath his knees and under his back. He cuddles close to me, still shivering. I should have taken him back earlier...

I take him back inside, setting him carefully on the sofa. He curls up into a sleepy ball.

I go to make him a hot chocolate, coming back quickly to see his eyes fighting to stay open. I sit beside him, arm around his waist as I hand him the drink.

"Thanks Rye," He mumbles, taking a long sip. I smile and stand back up. Brook whines slightly.

"I'll be back baby, don't worry."

I hurry upstairs into my bedroom, taking a random hoodie from my wardrobe.

I find Brooklyn asleep, his chin sunk to his chest, breathing coming gentle.

"Brooky," I call softly, sitting down and kissing his temple.

His eyes open slowly and I kiss him to wake him up a little bit.

"You need to put this on. I don't want you getting sick." He takes another slow sip of his hot chocolate and I take it from him, setting it on the table. He puts his arms up in the air and I carefully maneuver the hoodie onto his body. He leans heavily into me, and my arm comes up around him protectively.

"Go to sleep now, baby," I whisper to him.

Not quite feeling tired myself, I start to sing softly, whatever songs come into my head. I find myself singing love songs to Brook, and suddenly, it became crystal clear.

Brooklyn is my one and only. The one the songs make me think of. The one who could give me a small smile and it would light up my whole world. The one who could cry and bring everything crashing down, but I would protect him through anything.

« Brooky? » I say, squeezing his hand.

He murmurs something and I chuckle softly.

« I love you. »

I hope you're all having a brilliant day; it's Mother's Day here and I've bought her a copy of Girl, wash your face! because I believe it's a very empowering book and she deserves that if anyone does.

I love you all, and I'm so happy that you guys seem to be enjoying Flicker so much! I must say, the next chapter is written COMPLETELY by WolfGirl2215 so you guys get to see some more of her beautiful writing!

Let me know if you've got any requests!

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