Jacklyn ~ park dares

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This is for @strangershelzba, who asked for this probably months ago so I'm really sorry that it took so long but I hope you like it!

"Oh my god hi!" One girl says and runs into my arms. I hug her back with a smile on my face.

"Hey sweetheart, what's your name?"

"Erica," she whispers, her voice muffled in my shoulder. I laugh quietly and we pull away.

"It's good to meet you. Who are your friends?" I nod to the girl hugging Jack and the one with Rye.

She laughs. "That's Angel with the blonde hair and Lily with the brown. We've been friends for almost eight years, the three of us."

"Wow." We walk over to the playground, where there's only one little kid running around and who I'm assuming is his dad sitting on a bench. Erica smiles even wider.

"We should go play with that kid!" She suggests. I shrug and smile.

"Okay." We walk over and introduce ourselves to who we're told is Joshua.

We run around for a while, all of us laughing. Rye, Jack and the other girls get into the game with us, but Andy tells us that he'll just watch. He gets into conversation with Joshua's dad quickly.

When we've run around for a while, we all sit down on the swings. Andy comes up to us.

"Come here, little guy," he says to Joshua. "Dad wants to go home." Joshua walks over to Andy, who picks him up and tickles his tummy, making the young child giggle. Andy walks back to the bench, where the man is waiting.

"Guys, let's play truth or dare," Angel suggests. Lily, Rye and Jack are quick to agree.

"Rye, truth or dare?" Angel asks.

"Dare," He says, smirking a little.

"I dare you to go do a flip off of the swinging bridge."

Rye smiles at the challenge, then runs over and up to the bridge. He positions himself over the railing, then flips off, landing perfectly as always. He comes back to the girls applauding.

We continue the game and I'm happy to be kind of left out until Rye chooses me. Typical.

"Truth or dare?" He asks.

"Truth please," I say. He scoffs.

"Come on Brook! Do a dare." Everyone chimes in with wanting me to do a dare.

"Fine," I give in after a while. "I'll do a dare."

Rye smirks. "Go to the top of the spiderweb and yell out the Lion King opening song as loud as you can." Everyone laughs at his request, but I just look unimpressedly at him.

"Really, Ryan?" He nods.


I sigh. Everybody starts cheering for me to do it.

"Come on, Brook!"

"It's just a climber."

"This is gonna be so funny!"

"Can we vlog this?"

I bite my lip and realize there's no way I'm really getting out of this. Andy comes back and smiles at us.

"What are you doing?" He asks, clearly oblivious.

"Truth or dare," I mumble as I walk towards the climber. I take a deep breath as everyone comes up and walks with me, still cheering me on.

Rye's gotten the GoPro out, so I start to climb the twisting rope. I take deep breaths in and out, keeping myself calm. I look up, making sure to not look down  and make a fool of myself. I can hear the chanting from the others still, Andy's joined in now.

I get to the top, continuing to look up or straight out so that I do see how high I am. I sit down and hold onto the rope with one hand, then put my other hand to my mouth to amplify my voice. And sing the lion king opening song.

Everyone starts clapping and cheering from down at the bottom and I look down, smiling. Then I grab the ropes.

I'm so high up.

What if I fall?

I'll probably die.

Why is this a children's thing?

My breathing starts to get faster and my hands are going white from how hard I'm grabbing the ropes at my sides. My whole body starts to shake and I try to calm down.

It's just a little structure.

Kids play on this.

You're okay.

But it's so high...

I bring my knees to my chest, making sure that my footing is strong. I hate the sounds, the whimpers, that come out of my mouth. And the tears that fall down my cheeks. And my hands shaking.

And the heights. God, do I hate the heights.

"Brooky?" A voice shakes me out of my fear for a moment. I look to see Jack, looking worried. For me.

"I'm okay," I say quietly, and I know he can't hear me so I repeat myself, but my voice is shaky.

Jack comes up, making the structure shake. And it terrifies me even more, but when he takes me into his arms, I can't be afraid anymore. He's warm and smells of his body wash and aftershave and his skin is so soft. I smile softly when he took me into his arms, feeling comfort for the first time since Rye dared me to come up here.

Jack eventually just sits beside me, my hand in his. Even though he's younger, his presence beside me is more comforting than anything.

"Want to go back down?" He asks quietly. I take a deep breath, the fear coming back as soon as he mentions it.

"Can I just live up here?" I whisper to myself. Jack laughs quietly.

"But I'd miss you, Brooky. Come on, you can do it." He takes my hand and leads me to safe spots where I can hold on.

Soon, I'm crying again, but we finally get down and Jack's hugging me and all seems right in the world when I'm with him. I hug him back and smile into his shoulder.

"Thank you, Jack." I'm still shaking from the experience.

But all is right in the world when I'm with him.

Sorry it took so long to get out S, but I've had writers block and even this was hard to write. I hope it was okay, and everyone have a good day/night/prevening/whatever you're having 😂

Go check out stepbrothers by MikeysgirlXxX because she's a great writer and because I'm helping her to write some of it. Shenanigans is happening and I really hope you guys like it. ❤️❤️❤️

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