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This is for @B_T_O_T_I_ because you wanted a Bronny one, so I hope you like it!

We'd all noticed that Sonny didn't seem to sleep at all...likely because of the new places and sounds. He probably wasn't used to hearing Rye snoring in the next room, nor the horses making occasional noises outside. This caused him to fall asleep during the day, often when we were in the middle of doing something important.


May 17th, 11:38am

Rye and I walk into the house. He takes off his hat and we both remove our shoes. I head straight up to Andy's room, as I'd promised him I'd look at the chords for the next cover. He smiles and goes over them with me, looking at alternate chords and fingerings for the best sound. Once I've learned it satisfactorily, Andy tells me to go get lunch, considering he'd had it before Rye and I had gotten home.

I go down to the kitchen to find that there's a pot on the stove full of bubbling water and pasta. Sonny's sat on the sofa, laid down with his elbow as a support, his cheek heavy on his hand. His eyes are closed. The pot is about to overflow just before I take it off of the heat. I set it down rather heavily on the stove, making a loud noise. I look over to Sonny, sighing when I realize I've woken him up. He always looks so cute as he sleeps.

He blinks a few times as I go back to the pasta, which is all burnt to the bottom of the pot. I throw what I can away, then fill the rest of it with hot water in an attempt to make it unstick.

I put on another pot of water to boil and get more pasta out. Sonny sits himself on the counter next to where I'm working, looking a little annoyed at himself and quite tired from just having woken up.

Of course, it hadn't mattered much, it had been a simple pot of pasta. I'd told him to simply not worry about it.

May 18th, 6:51 pm

We're all on the sofas in the area next to the kitchen, figuring out who's singing what for a new cover we're recording soon.

"I think that Jack should sing the bridge and Rye can harmonize with him," Andy says, leaning over his guitar to look down at the lyrics on his phone. He sings them under his breath, then nods. "Yes, that would work. Do you guys wanna...?"

And the two of them go off on a harmony, which sounds far better than what we'd had before.

Andy strums out a few chords and then asks us to sing through the entirety of what we have, then counts us in. It sounds quite nice with Sonny and Andy switching out on the chorus. Rye suggests that I sing the next verse with Sonny. I nod and Rye counts us in. But when I start, I'm the only one singing.

I immediately stop and look to Sonny, faking angry, but then my face goes soft.

He's sunk back into the couch, eyes closed and his lips parted. His head lolls to the side, resting on his own shoulder.

"I'll take him to bed," I tell them. I slowly take him into my arms, taking one step at a time as I head upstairs. I lie him in bed and pull the covers over him. I can't help myself but to kiss his forehead and watch him for a few moments before shutting the door.

I can hear the others harmonizing as I head back downstairs.

May 20th, 1:19

I walk into the shot and start to lip sync my part, running through my solo as I look to the camera. Rye comes in, then Andy and Jack, and I exit as they do the bridge.

I walk over to where our things are and take a deep drink from my water. The sun beats down heavily on us, making it sweltering hot. I walk back up to the set, where they're just finishing up the takes for the bridge. Next is just Rye. The four of us, plus Alex and Connor discuss the blocking of it. I take a glance over to Sonny, who is on his phone leaning up against a tree, a water bottle beside him. He'd been dangerously close to heat exhaustion, as far as we'd be concerned - he'd become exhausted in a matter of minutes, and we all knew the consequence of being in the heat for too long - and we'd made him take a break.

I go over to him to see how he's doing. Turns out, he's not on his phone, though it is in his limp hands, turned on. His chin has fallen to his chest, small snores escaping his lips. I decide not to wake him, knowing it's probably good for him. I take his phone, shutting it off and putting it in my pocket so we don't forget it. Putting my hand in his, intertwining our fingers makes my whole body jittery, tingly. I look up to the others as they film, then I rest my head on his shoulder and close my own eyes.

Were awoken only ten minutes later when we need to do our shot together.

May 24th, 6:34 pm

Rye and I play a game of ping pong as Andy and Jack talk, laughing loudly. Sonny's with Alex and Robbie, who are all deep in conversation about the show.

I win the game and Rye immediately asks for a rematch. I laugh as I go parading around proudly. Andy smiles and rolls his eyes at me, Jack does the same. I finally get back to Rye, laughing dramatically in his face.

"Ha, ha!"

We both burst out in actual laughter. He claps a hand to my shoulder to keep himself upright.

"Would you guys shut up?" Alex's voice comes, but it does nothing but make us laugh harder. I can feel tears in my eyes as Rye howls with laughter. Suddenly, we're sat on the floor next to eachother, not stable enough to stay standing. We lean into each other until we can catch our breath, both of us wiping tears from our eyes.

The rest of the boys are just watching us. Sonny, I notice, is rubbing his eyes and yawning. I realize that he'd been asleep and we woke him up. I go over to him, what I'm sure is a crazy grin still on my face. Alex shuffles over a bit to allow me room.

"Hey, I'm sorry if we woke you up, baby," I say softly to him, my arms tight around him. He just hums and tucks his face in my chest, arms loosely around my torso. "Naww, you cutie." I press a kiss to his hair and there's soon soft snores in the air. I smile fondly down at him.

I dread the moment we have to wake him up for the show...

May 25th, 9:01 pm

We're all sat watching reactions to our music videos underneath Rye's bed. We're all having a comfy cuddle, our legs intertwined with someone else's, our heads resting on someone's chest or shoulder. There's a heavy blanket over us, pulled up to our chins. Sonny and I are the only ones not cuddling more than one person: we're enough for one another. His cheek is pressed to my chest, my fingers combing through his hair slowly, affectionately. My other hand is in both of his. He plays with my fingers, which is a strangely calming feeling. His legs are curled up underneath him, mine out straight.

I can tell when he starts to fall asleep, but instead of allowing him to pass out in here, where he'll be kicked out when Rye goes to bed, I whisper to him to go to bed. He groans softly but starts to stand up, walking clumsily out of the room. I stare after him with heart eyes, my lips curled up into a fond smile.

"You guys are disgusting," Rye teases gently. I roll my eyes and get into the rest of the cuddle puddle, getting comfortable with Jack, who is already being cuddled by Andy on his other side.

After a few more hours, during which we'd wandered from watching reactions to old vlogs, we all start to get a little tired, so we say goodnight and disassemble. I head into Sonny's room, hoping to find him asleep, and that he is.

He's lain on his front without a pillow underneath his head, no covers over him. He's still in his jeans and shirt. In his haste to get to his bed, it seems, he had lain on the very edge of it. His arm dangles off the side of the bed, hanging limply. I take off my shirt and jeans, getting into the small bed on the wall side. My arms go around him. He groans softly.

"Go back to sleep, baby," I whisper to him, nuzzling my nose into his neck. My eyes are closing on me. "Go back to sleep..." my words trail off as I drift into a state of weightlessness.

Hope you guys liked it!


What's your opinions on Sonny, now that we've seen more of him? Personally, I love him. Of course I miss Mikey, but I feel like if someone were to come in, Sonny's a good choice.

Also, my new catchphrase is "stay gay," because gay can either mean happy or, you know...homosexual.

So stay gay!


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