Dissection - Rye

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In honour of my school starting today, and my fear of this happening in bio, I decided to write this. I have three close friends in the class, so I hope I'll be okay when we do this 😂

I run out of the room, not caring about the door slamming behind me. I wrap my arms around my stomach as I run, trying not to throw up right there.

I get to the toilets soon, leaning over one and letting my lunch come up. I can feel the tears on my cheeks.

So weak. Can't even take a dissection.

Thinking about the dead frog on my desk makes me throw up again, one hand gripping the toilet seat until my knuckles turn white, the other under my shirt on my stomach.

"Hello? Rye?" A voice says softly. I recognize it immediately and sigh (making me gag again), not wanting to be found like this.

Such a weakling.

"Go away," I croak out. "Go away." I can't get the image out of my mind, and I just feel so awful.

"It's alright, it happens," he says. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay." He kneels beside me and gives me a small smile. I lean into the wall instead of onto the toilet.

"I'm okay, you've seen it, now go away," I repeat, slightly annoyed. Really, I want him to stay and comfort me and cuddle me and tell me that he likes me back, but I don't want him to have to stay here.

"It's alright, Rye. I'm staying, no matter what you say." I start to sigh, but instead I have to push myself up to get to the toilet again. He gently pats my back and rubs it soothingly as I flush the toilet. I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of care he's putting into his actions and words, we've only spoken a few times and we're definitely not considered friends. I wish we were, though.

My mind starts going fuzzy as I try to stand up, so I just collapse right back down again. Andy sighs and says something to me, but there's a buzzing noise in my head and I can't concentrate on him. The room starts to spin and I can't see, spots covering my vision.

"Yeah, he just passed out. Is he okay?" A voice asks urgently. I open my eyes to bright light, so I close them again.

"He's fine," a voice snaps back. "He's just sensitive."

The memories come back, being sick because of the frog, the bathroom incident with Andy...is that Andy in here? Why is she getting mad at him?

I'm the weak one, I should be snapped at.

I open my eyes slowly this time, just to glare at the nurse.

"Don't get mad at him," I whisper, my voice sounding awful. "It wasn't his fault. He did nothing wrong." My throat burns as I speak, lingering when I'm finished my piece. The nurse sighs exasperatedly.

"You're a right piece of work. Get back to your class, it'll be over soon anyways."

I sit up slowly and I can see her glaring right back at me. Andy looks from me to the nurse, his face slightly upset.

I stand and try to ignore the disgusting feeling in my stomach. We exit the office together, me and Andy, and walk slowly back to class.

"How are you feeling?" He asks quietly, looking up at me.

"A little better," I say. He reaches over and takes my hand, squeezing it gently before letting go. I fumble with his, taking it back. He glances down and smiles.

"Is this okay?" I whisper. He nods, a smile on his pretty face.

We walk around in silence, getting closer to the classroom. When we get to the door, Andy squeezes my hand again and stops.

"Stay here. I'll get your stuff and talk to the prof, smooth things over." I go to protest, say that I'll be fine to clean up (although I know I won't be), but he just presses a cool finger to my lips and I shut up, allowing him to walk into the classroom. I wait for him, just for my binder, knowing that he'll probably never speak to me again, considering we aren't friends.

He comes out after about ten minutes, just as the bell rings, handing me my things. I smile weakly, suddenly feeling weird in my stomach. I press a hand to it again, worried that I'll throw up again. I really don't want that, but I realize, as Andy takes my hand, that this isn't a bad feeling. There's butterflies fluttering around because of the cool hand in mine, and the sweet boy beside me.

"Sit with me in French?" Andy suggests. I laugh.

"I'd like that," I reply with a smile.

I'm not too fond of that one, but how'd you guys like it? If you did, give it a vote, and maybe a follow. I'm almost at 100, which is absolutely very cool. So thanks guys!

I hope you guys are having okay times at school, if you're done school then everybody else is jealous of you 😂 is anyone here actually done school?

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