Hospital (2)-Randy

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When we get back to the flat, I lay in my bed, cuddling with my stuffed Pikachu, facing the wall.

"Andy?" Rye says from behind me. I turn around as fast as I can. Brook stands there, smiling sympathetically.

"Can I come up and cuddle you?" He whispers. I smile weakly and nod.

"Yeah, 'course." He climbs into my bunk and I throw the Pikachu off of the bed, letting Brook have more room. He lays down behind me, holding me the same way Rye always did. Does.

I can't sleep for a long time, thoughts of how Rye is doing running around my head. I take my phone and turn it on, flinching at the bright light. Brooklyn's already fallen asleep. I set an alarm for early the next morning so that I can go to the hospital as early as possible. I go to YouTube and play some of our music, just to hear Rye's voice. After a little bit, there's a voice in my ear.

"Andy...go to sleep." I nod.

"I'll try." I blink a few times and close my eyes. Brook's arms adjust around me and I settle mine on his skin. He nuzzles his nose down into my neck. I smile half heartedly, comfortable.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groan and shift slightly.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"I know, I'm just trying to wake up."

I touch my phone and it stops beeping. Brook's body has tensed since it went off, and he takes a deep breath and yawns quietly. We sit up and Mikey and Jack are stretching in their beds.

"Sleep okay, Fovvs?" Brook whispers to me. I shrug. "You only got two hours," he adds even quieter so the other two don't hear. I squeeze my eyes shut, then open them again. I look back at Brook.

"I'll be okay. We need to go now, though." I get down from my bunk and dress in black ripped jeans and a hoodie, taking another for Rye and taking out my phone. I quickly order an Uber and go to brush my teeth and do my hair. The others slowly follow me, getting ready in about twenty minutes (Lol yeah right). We head outside and climb into the Uber, telling the driver where to go.

When we get to Rye's room, we all sit down and watch him, nothing else, really.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this, guys," Mikey says quietly, as though afraid to break the silence. "I'm torn between the fact that I can't believe he got hurt and that he's an idiot for breaking himself while being a legend." That gets a small chuckle out of all of us and mindless chatter begins, mostly about Rye and his acrobatics.

"Guys..." a small voice comes from the bed. I immediately stand up and go to his side, the others not far behind me. Rye's eyes are open half way, and he smiles weakly when he sees me.

"Rye!" I whisper excitedly. "You're awake!" His smile doesn't fade.

"I missed you guys," he says, his voice a little scratchy. We all laugh, relieved.

"We missed you too, mate," Jack says, laughter in his voice. We sit on the bed beside him. I take his hand.

"How do you feel?" I ask.

"I'm okay," he says. "My head's hurts, but I'll be fine." I gently and repetitively push his hair back with my thumb and kiss his forehead.

It's about a week before Rye gets out of the hospital, but when he does, it's later in the day so we watch some films, cuddling a lot. He never fails to kiss me softly every morning and night, and to smile at me whenever he catches me looking.

I can't wait to make him mine forever.

That was short and it kinda sucked, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways! As always, let me know if you want me to do you up a preference, or if you want me to do a ship for you. I love you ❤️

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