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Thousands of throughs ran through my head as I sat on the bed, waiting. Miah had left to go talk to the other nurses and doctors to tell them how I "died" and that I was gruesome and horrible to look, basically, she was keeping everyone away till she came up with another plan to get us out of here unseen. 

I don't know how Miah put this all together, the murder, cops, doctors, maybe they were friends? or maybe they were what she is, what we both are

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I don't know how Miah put this all together, the murder, cops, doctors, maybe they were friends? or maybe they were what she is, what we both are.

I've been trying out my new hearing and smelling strengths. I can smell hospital food from five floors down and I can hear the ambulance team talking on the bottom floor, I'm on the seventh floor, which is considered the 'burn floor'.

I haven't shifted again yet, Miah said that I was lucky that I shifted when I was passed out, she said that a normal first shift hurts more than the most painful death. I was just lost in my head, trying to adapt to my new life, not that there was much. I couldn't remember much from my old life, I had been told not to worry too much about it, that it was the past and I should leave it there.

Or at least that's what I keep telling myself, sure I want to remember my old life but that seems unlikely at this point. I kicked my feet back and forth like a five-year-old waiting for his mommy to come back from the candy store or something. I looked down at my hands, amazed that once those harried, big claws that could rip someone's throat out, I cringed at the thought.

Soon I could hear loud sobs coming from the first floor, I guess I was listening so intently that the loudness hurt my ears. "I'm sorry but you can't go in yet, this has been considered a crime" I heard yells,




and things like that.

Miah told me when I was hit by a car and 'mauled' I was wearing the local high school Soccer Logo, and she was told I had a game just that afternoon. I guess I played soccer before, my old life feels like so long ago, it's hard to believe I lived that way only hours ago.

The voices sounded very familiar, but otherwise, they were nothing to me, I know I sound cruel, but I'm only speaking the truth. I can't even manage to picture them in my mind, they are strangers to me and probably always will be.

I felt my eyes get heavy, but I forced myself to stay awake, I wanted to be awake when Miah got back, she owed me answers. I wish I could understand this better, I've come to terms with what I am now but I can't fully commit to it if I don't even understand it fully.

My new eyes took in everything, I wallowed in the silence, I was instructed not to make a sound, no matter what I do, when I had asked why she said, "Good little wolves don't ask questions, especially when they are supposed to be dead". Ever since I understood what I was, she's been calling me that a lot, not that I mind, I just think it's odd.

Soon the door opened and Miah walked in, I don't know why I expected someone else like I said, I'm not entirely focused today. She walked over and smiled at me, "Good job with staying quiet Little Wolf" I frowned at the nickname. She smiled and said, "Well, my assistant broke the news, they know, which means we can leave soon".

I frowned again and said in a demanding voice, "Wait! You owe me more answers" she sulked down in the chair, clearly annoyed. "I just don't understand this" she looked at me confused, "What's not to understand? I laid things out pretty simple" she began to look at her nails, completely ignoring my fear.

"I just-I don't understand what I am", once again, she looked confused, then her lips twirled up into a smirk, "Easy, you're a werewolf now Kid", I groaned and said irritated, "I get that, I just want to know what comes with it".

She rolled her eyes, "Listen, Little Wolf, I'll make a deal with you-" I leaned in, listening intently, she swallowed and said, "We get out of here, I'll get you somewhere safe, then I'll answer your question, I promise Deal?" I sighed, looking her up and down, searching for any trace of a lie, I didn't find any, "Promise?" I questioned, she snorted then nodded, "I swear on the Moon Goddess".

I tilted my head, "Moon what??" she shook her head and said standing up, "You have a lot to learn Kid, let's go". She stood up and started digging in her bag, then she pulled out a thin needle, then said grabbing my arm, "Hold still", then she shoved it in my neck. And once again, everything went black.


Miah's P.O.V

I watched as North fell to the ground, I hated doing this to a kid, but it's the only way I can get him out of here. I picked up his upper arms and set him on the bed and made it look like I was just pulling out his ivy and heartbeat tracker.

Then a nurse walked in and spoke softly, "The family is here to identify the body" I nodded uncomfortably and moved to the side of the room. A woman and a man walked in, the one thing I noticed was they both looked incredibly different from North, strange.

For example, North had dark brown, nearly black hair, and his mother had blonde and his father had auburn, they looked nothing and I mean nothing like him at all. I wonder if he's adopted.

The woman broke down and fell on her knees at the sight of him. Seeing a family like this made my heartache, the man kneeled down to comfort his wife while tears were running down his face. She then looked up at me and said, "Where will he go?" I stepped forward a bit then said, "We'll have an ambulance take him to be cremated, your husband said that is what you want?".

She nodded then looked over to him slowly, looking over him, then she shook her head and looked away. Her husband then stood up, taking her with him, then they walked out, then a few doctors and nurses walked in and grabbed his bed, one looked at me and said, "Mind seeing if the ambulance is here?" I nodded and walked to the door.

I grabbed the elevator and went down to the ambulance bay, "Are we ready to transport the boy?" the man standing there at the door nodded, then he said in a sad voice, "Poor kid, he looked so young, I can't believe drunk drivers these days" I nodded, an instant knot forming in my throat and said quickly, "Yeah, sad".

I slowly walked back with my legs dragging behind me, guilt starting to consume me. This kid I would have to look after just had his life taken away from him. But even before he shifted in that room I could feel something different about him.

Like something was wrong about him

but I can't put my finger on it yet,

It's probably nothing anyway...

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