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North's P

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North's P.O.V

After the whole interrogation, Connor and I met again, but it was supervised with warriors standing outside the door, they would have been at every corner in this room if Miah, Klaus, and Constance got their way, but he wanted this to be alone and private.

With icepack to the head which I wasn't sorry for, he sat across from me again in his office. I was still more than pissed at him, just because my wolf wasn't present didn't mean I wouldn't kick his ass if he threatened anyone again, especially my Constance.

I know he's in pain over losing his mate, but he's not a fit Alpha. His emotions are dictating the way he's leading his people. "Thank you for being willing to talk to me again North" he spoke calmly, I guess in fear that I would attack him again. I nodded, and he took a deep breath. "Talking to Nymeria was reckless, she could have killed you".

I sighed and said, "I told you, she doesn't want to kill me. In fact, she had the drop on me, I never saw her coming" I explained with a plain tone, "She could've shot me in the back or anything, but she didn't, she wanted to talk to me" He looked confused but nodded, then said, shifting the icepack to the other side of his head.

"I understand North, but you need to be more cautious" I wanted to laugh at how calm he was being towards me. Only like twenty minutes ago, he was throwing chairs at me while screaming and yesterday his ego was higher than the sun. I guess after my wolf made an appearance he knew to respect me more.

I was just funny, I guess I know now why shifters bow down to Alpha's, it's because of their temper and ego. "Look North-" he leaned forward, "I want you to start training and I know we've had this talk before but I really think you should start, your wolf is very strong, it might help with the Human to Wolf relationship".

He said I knew he only wanted me to train so I would be ready for the Vampire's, not for some Human to Wolf bond. He just doesn't want to make me angry again, I liked the thought of having the emotional power of Connor, is it wrong to say that?

I made it look like I was thinking about the decision but I had already made a choice, these people need protection. After a few minutes I nodded and said leaning forward, "When do I start?" he smiled with excitement then said, "Today, you'll start working with the head warrior we talked about-"

'Dax' I recalled in my head, "-I'll have another Warrior oversee the training" he said with a smile I wasn't used to. I really scared the shit out of him, didn't I? I laughed in my head. I nodded and then he continued, "You should head out now" I nodded slowly, then stood and walked out without a word.

Once I was out the door, I nodded to the guards to show them I was completely fine and I assured them that Connor was fine. I walked outside to the yard and saw the pack doing different forms of training, like running, weight lifting, sparing in both human and wolf form. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see an older guy.

He had bleach blonde hair, almost white. He smiled at me and said, "You must be North, I'm Dax, head Warrior" I nodded and shook his hand "Nice to meet you". Then he turned behind him and I saw a boy who had to be at least nine or ten, "This is Kota, he's a kitten shifter" I nodded and asked, "What's a kitten shifter?".

Dax smiled and said, "It's very hard for them to shift, painful too, their wolves are temporarily dormant" I nodded and then he continued, "He will watch the training to hopefully inspire his wolf to come out" I nodded then said, "So he's a natural-born" I stated which Dax nodded to. I leaned down to the boy's level and smiled.

"Hey Kota, I'm North" I held out my hand, the boy looked at me in slightly fear which made me uneasy, then he slowly held his hand out and shook mine. The boy had light sandy hair, he must be Dax's son.

Then when his eyes met with mine he asked, "Did you really beat up Alpha?" My eyes widened at this kid's confidence but before I could even give a response, Dax intruded.

"Kota! that's not how we talk to others!" he scolded, I turned around and shook my head with my handheld out, "It's fine Dax-" then I looked back to Kota, "Yes I did, but that was because he sad bad things about my mate" Kota then suddenly looked interested. "Mommy said Conny is your mate," he said which I nodded to him with a warm smile "She is".

"I like Conny, she brings me cookies" he smiled, then the little boy looked up at Dax, "Dad, is he mean?" he said pointing to me, both Dax and I laughed. It's amazing that kids have this much confidence towards Werewolves.

"No Kota, North is very nice" I nodded. He then looked at me with a confused look and asked in a louder voice compared to the one I originally heard, "You're not mean?" I shook my head, "Nope".

Which he nodded to, "Ok" then he asked, "Does Conny like you?" I nodded and said, "I think so" he then nodded sternly "Ok, but that doesn't mean I like you", he tried to glare but it just turned out adorable.

Then Dax said while I started laughing my ass off, "Kota!!" I shook my head then stood. "Sorry about him" I shook my head and said, "It's fine, he's only a kid".

He then sighed heavily then said turning to me with a smile,

"Let's get to work".

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