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"Was it you or I who stumbled first? It does not matter. The one of us who finds the strength to get up first, must help the other."
― Vera Nazarian


"So, we're literally going to hell?" I asked as we walked through the trees at one in the morning. Last night Nymeria and I worked out the details of the plan. We would both travel to the supposed 'Hell' then she would leave me because apparently, Demons don't like witches so I have to handle the deal part on my own, great.

I had to tell myself at least one thousand times that this was going to get Conny back in order to not back out. Yeah, I was scared, I was going to face a person others have actively avoided, of course, there is going to be some fear mixed in.

"Basically, but don't be so scared, it's not as bad as you think," she said with a smile as we walked. I smirked and asked, "So it's all sunshine and rainbows there?" she chuckled and shook her head, "Let's just say there aren't any blood waterfalls" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I looked behind me and saw the pack house fade in the distance. I was leaving today for this mission and I didn't tell anyone, Nymeria said that was the safe option. She said she'd be back in time to explain everything to my pack and the others.

I had no idea how we were going to get to Hell exactly, Nymeria told me not to worry, that she'd take care of it but somehow I don't trust that. "So is there like a train or something to hell?" I asked with a smile, she sighed and said, "No, just wait". I glared not exactly happy about her not telling me.

"Maybe she's using us as a human/wolf sacrifice for the gods" Rhys spoke in my head making me roll my eyes, "I don't think that's it, but good guess," I said with a smile. I don't think she'd go that low, maybe. 

"We need to make a stop before we go to the destination," she said placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded then said, "What do we need exactly?" she smiled and said walking ahead of me, "You ask too many questions my friend" I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest in frustration.

"If you would just tell me exactly what is going on then I wouldn't have to ask questions" she laughed out and said walking out onto the main road, "And what would be fun in that?" I glared at her, then moved to walk by her side.

Then after a minute of just staring at the rode, I was prepared to ask what the hell we were waiting for and why Nymeria looked at the rode like she wanted it to explode but before I got my chance I heard a distant twig snap from behind me.

My head darted around, someone was following us, "No shit Sherlock" Rhys snapped I rolled my eyes, not in the mood for his attitude. "What's wrong?" Nymeria asked turning her attention back to me. I didn't answer just walked towards the sound.

"North, you're scaring me," Nymeria said, quick to follow behind me. Rhys said the noise was from behind a tree in the middle of the woods that the moonlight seemed to hit just right. I used my heightened senses to try and hear more moment or smell something off.

Luckily, my nose smelt something off, and it wasn't a human. I used my speed and ran around the tree, prepared to attack whoever was following us. I bared my teeth and looked down to the spy, my eyes glowing in the dark for extra effect.

But what I found wasn't a spy, I frowned when my eyes met none other than the stupid teenager that sassed me earlier, Wyatt. He looked ready to cry, I sighed and said staring down at the terrified boy.

"What are you doing here?" I was trying to be calm so he'll stop looking like he's going to have a panic attack. Nymeria soon joined by my side with the same annoyed expression as mine, "I told you, we should have cast a sleeping spell on the whole pack" she commented folding her arms over her chest.

I rolled my eyes and ignored her, she tried to convince me to knock everyone out in case someone saw us leaving, the pack is still not very comfortable with Nymeria yet, considering they still think she tried to kill me.

"I-I Saw you leaving" he spoke stuttering over his words, "I-I w-wanted to know why" Nymeria was quick to react, reaching towards him and grabbing him by his hoodie. "Not good enough," she said holding him with impressive strength, guess there aren't many limits when you're a powerful witch.

"Well, what do you think we should do?" I asked, testing her. An evil smirk appeared on her face that I didn't trust and she turned her gaze back to the terrified boy. "We'll have to induce amnesia" she tossed him at me, then suddenly a bat appeared out of thin air.

The boy fell against my chest then she said holding the bat back, ready to hit, "Hold him". Wyatt looked more than ready to pass out judging by his pure white face. "Hold on-" I said pushing him to my side, "We're not bashing his head in, do you want to in trouble again?".

She shrugged and said looked over at Wyatt, pointing the bat at his face, "If we let him go back and tell the others before we get there, then the plans completely ruined" she whined. I shook my head and said, "We can't just hit him, what if it doesn't work?" before she could answer Wyatt finally spoke up.

"Um, guys I'm right here," he said sounding terrified. I sighed and faced him, "We can let him come with us" I suggested. Nymeria shook her head wildly, "No, he's just a pub who's barely had his first shift" he then said interrupting her, "I actually haven't shifted yet".

Nymeria then sighed in annoyance again and said, "See, useless!". I then smiled and said looking over at her, "As you said, we can't let him tell the others, so we have to" she frowned and glared at me walking over to the boy and grabbing his hood and said starting to walk back to the rode.

"Come on pub, let's go" she began to drag him as he began to protest I chuckled and said starting to walk behind them.

"He could be used as bait too"

"Wait What!!!!!????" 

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