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"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art

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"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival."
― C.S. Lewis


Constance's P.O.V 

I was sitting in the room as Miah helped me take off my dress, we had just gotten back only a few minutes ago and were just told that North was shot in the arm, he passed out due to pain and now was in surgery to get the bullet out. Apparently, the bullet's were made to not only hurt Werewolves but Demons as well, having a strange effect on my mate. 

I wasn't crying...But I really wasn't doing anything, I was just blank and emotionless, shutting down to take all this in. It seems that some higher power clearly doesn't want my mate and me to be together, each time we get a chance, it's stolen from us completely. 

Klaus said that he's strong and will make it through, but I don't want to get my hopes up in fear that I'll be crushed and my mate will be dead for real this time. I refuse to believe that he would die, he's so strong and powerful, I have to have faith. 

After I was dressed in sweatpants and a white t-shirt, Miah guided me down the stairs and over to the pack hospital room, where almost everyone in the pack sat and watched something through the glass. We pushed through the crowd and made it to the front, Miah kept her arm on my shoulders in a comforting way, making me feel only slightly better.

But what I saw next horrified me, there on the hospital table, was my sweet mate with a tube down his throat and needles sticking into his skin. His arm that I was told was shot looked to be stitched and wrapped up neatly, but then why was he still asleep and why was everyone in a panic?

Klaus and a few others were racing around the room, each one handling a different task. Then I watched as one of them called out an order and then a strange machine was brought in from a side door, from a distance it looked harmless but I was wrong. 

Klaus put on clean gloves and walked over and stood next to North as he laid motionless, I don't even think he was breathing. Everything and everyone around me disappeared and I was alone in my mind watching with entire thing unfold, but I made no move to interrupt the situation, I felt like I couldn't move. 

I watched closely as Klaus pulled out two panels from the side of the machine and I listened to his desperate voice call out orders, "Doctor, are you sure!?" one of them panicked, Klaus simply nodded and said with a sad voice, "It's our last option, or he will die" my mind screamed at that last line.

But once again, my body refused to give a reaction to this, everything was clouded in my mind, I was too overwhelmed. Suddenly the machine was turned on and Klaus rubbed the panels together, creating a static like sound. 

"Ready-" he paused holding them just above my mate's chest, "CLEAR!!" he screamed, placing them on North's chest, sending a shock all over his body. He jumped up slightly, but once he was back down, he had no movement, just like before. 

I let out a panicked cry and fell to the floor as I watched them begin to pound on North's chest, I then began to cry as someone rubbed my back. It hurt so much to watch, but I had to, I have to be here for my mate. I stayed on the floor, too scared to move, I was desperate for this to be over. 

"Sir, we can only do three," One of the people in the room told Klaus, he whipped the sweat off his head and nodded, "We do what we can, this boy has to live" he spoke in a determined voice that was filled with anxiety. 

Then once again, he rubbed the panels together and screamed, "CLEAR!!" shoving them onto North's chest again, thrusting his body up then back down on the table, Klaus cursed under his breath and then turned to the others in the room, "One more time, please" he begged, then they nodded and Klaus looked hopeful. 

The machine was charged up again, and Klaus rubbed the panels together with slight hesitation as if he was afraid to try again. Everyone was holding their breath as they watched Klaus scream for one last time, "CLEAR!!". 

North's body shot up once again but when he hit back on the table, his eyes popped open and he gasped for breath, his chest moving up and down at the fast pace. I along with everyone else cried out in happiness as I watched North sit up and take deep breaths, ripping the tube out of his throat and taking slow, deep breaths. 

Miah then picked me up by my shoulder and said with happy tears in her eyes, "He needs you now, more than ever, come on" she encouraged with a smile guiding me towards the door to this room. I cried more and more, the tears just wouldn't stop, but I was so happy that he was ok. 

Now I hope we can be together without anything else tearing us apart. 


North's P.O.V 

As soon as the water ran down my throat, I felt the world around me melt away and everything go dark for a second, I panicked, finding new hate for the dark. Then I heard a screamed, and then my eyes shot open, and my body begged for air. 

I shot up from my position and took heavy breaths, my chest burned like it was on fire and my lungs felt suffocated. I then realized there was an oxygen tube down my throat, helping me breathe, but it wasn't doing anything for me at the moment so I reached up and ripped it from my mouth. 

I took another deep breath, I calmed down my beating heart as it thundered against my chest, the vision that I saw before I woke ran over and over in my head, giving me too many questions with not enough answers. 

I was so distracted, I almost didn't notice Klaus standing in front of me with a worried yet happy expression, "Breath North, it's gonna be ok, you're alright" he chuckled patting my back. I nodded and gripped his arm with a slight smile, then the door in the corner opened, and what I saw completely broke my heart. 

Conny walked in, being lead by Miah but her face was bright red and thousands of tears ran down her face as she sobbed, she looked completely broken, which made me wonder what the hell happened while I was gone in the Spirit Realm. 

Once her tired and tear-filled eyes met mine she ran over and wrapped her arms around me tightly, I immediately wrapped my arms back around her and held her tight, "Shush, it's ok" I whispered quietly to her. 

I then looked back over at 

Klaus and frowned, "What the hell just happened?" 

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