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North's P

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North's P.O.V

"Who is Demetri Roveno?" was my first question as I stared at the witch next to me, she smiled again and then said, "Now he's what I like to call pure evil with a soul from hell" she explained in a ruff tone, I could tell that this annoyed her, I mean look at what she's been through, this person must be pretty bad for her to call him true 'evil'. 

"When I was in the cells, I met a man, a Warlock who was getting old, very old and couldn't do the spells they wanted, that's why I was there in the first place" She went on, making me more interested with her every word. "His name was Grey and he was kind, taught me some spells like the one I used on you, but then he told me the truth about this monster, that started something horrible". 

At first, I thought she was talking about the center of the cause of the war, but I already learned that story. "Wait, this isn't about the origins of war is it?" I asked in a cautious tone. Nymeria smiled and shook her head, "At first, when this all started, witches wanted to stay out of it, not our problem to deal with" she paused and looked at the ground. 

"But then something happened, that forced us to enter the war" she spoke bitterly, "What happened?" she then smirked and looked me dead in the eye. "Let's just say that Constance and I are some of the few witches that can tolerate werewolf kind" that made my smile fall. I thought witches and werewolves were friends? 

I was about to speak again to ask another question when Nymeria cut me off by covering my mouth with her hand, "Shut up and let me tell the story" she spoke with annoyance, I reluctantly nodded to the scary witch and she removed her hand and stared at the ground, then she continued, "I know this because Grey was there when it happened". 

She frowned again, "He said it might be the most horrible thing he's ever come across" that scared me. What the hell was Nymeria gonna tell me? 

"Almost eighteen years ago, there was a very powerful witch coven that lived in the forest, they were said to be nothing but peaceful to others and offered aid to travelers. But that all changed one night" her voice faded and her eyes looked more than sad. What did the hell happen? 

She then regained her posture and started, "The night of October 26, 2001, the coven's leader's daughter had just had a child, a baby boy they named Xavier, the women, and her husband were so happy, all they ever wanted was a child to call their own". She smiled at the thought, "The boy was born a normal witch like his parents, but that wouldn't last". 

Her happy smiled completely left, "That night, while the new parent's slept, a stranger entered the coven's territory, but his visit wouldn't be peaceful, somehow he managed to get his hands on an elixir, that made his presence and sent unknown to the elders and trackers of the land" she gritted her teeth. 

"So got in, some say he just walked around the town, maybe looking for something to take for himself, but stealing wasn't what he wanted that night" I felt chills go up my spine. No, he didn't, he wouldn't right? I tried to convince myself this was not the way the story was gonna go, but I couldn't help but feel that I was wrong. 

"He was I guess about to leave, but was stopped when he heard a loud cry coming from one of the homes, so he followed the sound" I couldn't help but feel sick at the thought of going after a defenseless newborn baby, I mean it's a baby for Goddess sake! Ignore my cursing. 

"He found sweet Xavier rolling around in his crib, crying with tears running down his face-" she paused with a look of disturbance on her face, can't say I blame her, this guy one sick person!

"He took the baby out to the woods, so he wouldn't wake anyone, and that's where he bit the poor child" I stared at her in shock. Ok, it's considered rude to bite a full-grown person, but biting a baby is just pure evil, Nymeria's right, this guy is the second-worst person to ever exist, after the bastards that took my Constance, but I'll vent about that later. 

"But it wasn't to kill him, it was to turn him, this man was insane, thankfully he was found by Xavier's mother and father, while his mother held their bleeding child, his father fought the man and forced him on the ground defenseless with magic" ok, at least he was caught. If someone did that to my kid I'd be beyond pissed. 

"The baby was immediately taken to elders and healers of the coven, the mother begging for someone to heal her baby. But wolf bites are pumped full of werewolf venom, it won't heal till he turns, but a baby can't turn, especially a newborn." 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, what the hell was this guy thinking!??! 

"But, thankfully hope was on their side that night but at a price, in order to keep the baby boy alive, they had to combine his soul with another supernatural entity, a spirit of sorts. So they began a ritual, to channel a spirit to help the boy live" won't that be hard though? I mean won't he have like two personalities now? 

"So, once the souls where combined, the baby began to heal, but as I said, it would be at a price, in the future, once he was old enough, he would become a werewolf, and the spirit that was put inside of him would activate, so against the coven's wishes, the elders sent the baby away to the human world. 

Hoping that growing up without any supernatural influence would dull this boy's curse" I cut her off, "Why wouldn't they want him to activate them?" she frowned and said making complete eye contact with me, "Because, this boy is neither a wolf, witch, angel, or demon, he's all four in one, making him the original supernatural hybrid".

She explained, making more sense, "Wait, why a demon and angel?" I asked her completely confused now, she smiled lightly, "Because, unlike true angels and demon's, a spirit can take a form of both, I don't know exactly the spirit that was put into him, so I cannot tell you what his other half is like" 

She said, then I asked "What happened to the other guy?" she then said "The elders turned him into the counsel for werewolves, and he was discovered to be Dimitri Roveno, Alpha of some pack in the West. He claimed that he didn't want to kill the boy, but turn him young so I can be raised as a wolf in his pack. 

He wanted to build an army of some kind to go against the vampires, but his plan backfired, his title of Alpha was stripped from him and the werewolf council kicked him out and banished him to another side of the world forever". I nodded, understanding this a little more as to why witches don't tend to like my people. 

"Why'd he think it was gonna work?" I asked 

"Everybody wants to rule the world North,

Some people just go about in different ways" 

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