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North's P

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North's P.O.V 

In my head, I started to scan Constance's appearance, her red wavy hair, green eyes, tanned freckled skin. I didn't understand why I found a girl I had just met beautiful, utterly beautiful. Wait, didn't we hate each other yesterday!?

I walked down the stairs, just lost in thoughts, then I heard the other pack members talking. "I can't believe we found another Lycan!" The voice was male and sounded very happy, I guess what Miah said was true, Lycan's are valuable creatures here.

The next voice was female, "I know! And plus he is pretty cute" I felt my cheek burn red at her comment. "You might want to back off Claire, you know Conny is his—" my eavesdropping was cut off by Miah nudging my shoulder, "You ok, little wolf?".

I swallowed and nodded, not giving any sign of focusing. We walked into the kitchen and then I smelt something perfect, like vanilla and lilac. I looked over to where the sweet smell was coming from and my eyes landed on Constance.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion, I literally saw her like ten minutes ago and she didn't have the smell. God, it's going to take me decades to understand this. I found myself not being able to take my eyes off of her.

Why did I suddenly pick up this sent from her? Was she wearing perfume or something? Then I remembered what Miah had said before, during the story, I turned to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned and smiled at me, I sighed and spoke in a quick, quiet tone, "Um-is Constance my mate?"

That only made her smile grow. I stared at her completely confused by her sudden change in mood. She then ruffled my dark hair and laughed, "Oh North, you remind me of a confused teenager" she laughed in between her words I was slightly offended but when you think about it, I kind of am a confused teenager.

But I didn't want her humor, I wanted her to answer, is Constance, my mate!?? She smiled down at me and nodded her head firmly, I felt a huge weight crashing down on me, Constance is my mate!! my soulmate....oh my Moon Goddess... Great, I'm already picking up werewolf cursing.

I guess Miah saw my shock and placed her hand on my shoulder and said, "Here, come sit, I'll explain it more". She guided me over to the table in the kitchen, I sat across from her, still trying to get my head around this whole thing.

God, as I said before, I'm going to eventually have a mental breakdown over this, this is way too much to handle all at once. "Breath Little Wolf, I know this is a lot to handle at once-" she was cut off by the door to the living room opening.

"What's going on? why does the kid look like he's having a panic attack??" I heard Connor's annoyed voice ask Miah, his voice sounding very concerned. "North, are you ok?" I heard Constance ask, my body tensed up, I don't even think I can look at her anymore.

"She's mate, yes you can," a voice said in my head, great now I'm hearing voices! I laid my head down on the table and shook my head and said with a whine, "I don't want to do this, this isn't fun anymore" I felt Miah run her finger's through my hair, "He's a little overwhelmed".

"I'm hearing voices Miah, help me" I wined gripping her sleeve, she laughed and said with a smile, "That's your wolf dumbass, he probably just woke up" I groaned and set my head back on the table.

She explained to everyone, then I continued my confused rant, "I don't care, just take it back, I don't want it" then Miah said in a taunting cheery voice, "Oh hun, I can't take it back, it's yours now" I groaned out again and said, "UHHHH" I kept whining to myself against the table.

"He's really having a hard day," Miah said getting up and patting my back, I was trying so hard to understand this whole thing correctly but with all this information crashing down at me all at once, it was difficult to wrap my brain around it all.

"Conny, why don't you sit down, I need to explain something to both of you", I heard the chair next to me screech and I felt a presence next to me. I refused to look at up here, things were incredibly awkward now. Great, as if they weren't before.

Miah turned to Connor and whoever else was in the room, "Please leave" her voice was demanding but at least she was trying to be nice, Connor huffed out in annoyance but left. "Look, kids, you both met yesterday right?" I didn't lift my head up so Constance answered for both of us, oh god, we're already doing the couple things!!!!

"Yes" I couldn't help but admire her voice, "Mate sounds nice" the stupid voice in my head spoke. "Well, there's only one way to say this, you two are mates" I didn't give a reaction since I already knew but I didn't lift my head up off the table, I'll probably have a nasty bruise after.

"North, did you know?" I felt Constance nudge me, but I didn't really want to answer, "North?" I heard Conny ask again, Miah then said, "He's nervous around you" she gushed like a proud mother, then my head shot up from the table, "No, that's not it!!!" I said with anger then I turned to Conny and said trying not to show I was nervous "Yeah, for about five minutes" I felt her gaze on me.

Feeling awkward I set my head back on the table in shame. Then she asked, "What does that mean exactly?" Miah shifted in her chair then said, "It means, you're both are soulmates, meant to be together forever, paired perfectly by the Moon Goddess, that's why you feel the sparks, the sparks of love".

I lifted my head up and glared at her, "Don't make this sound magical" Miah glared back and said, "if you think about it, it kind of is, it's pairing two souls together forever". 'Forever....?' I glanced at Constance who looked just as freaked out as I was.

She looked at me and stared at me, not with hate or shame, but like she considering something. I turned back to Miah and asked, "Forever? like throughout our whole lives" she smiled widely and nodded, then Constance asked, "Have mates not worked out, like breaking up?" Miah laughed out, confusing us both greatly.

"No, there have been one to zero cases of rejection that I know of with Werewolves, but with Vampire's, it's more common", I wanted to ask why but I think I've had enough history lessons today.Then she stood from the table and walked to the door,

"I'll leave you two alone to talk now"

I then turned to Conny who looked at me in fear.

Well, this day was eventful. 

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