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"Home is people

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"Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore."
― Robin Hobb 


Constance's P.O.V 

I was terrified as I stood outside the door that leads to my future, my heart was thundering against my chest and I took a deep breath. So this is where my new life begins huh? Sure I was still bitter but there's nothing I can do now. I may sound pathetic but I don't care, after everything, it's all I can do. 

But for some strange reason, it felt as if something was pulling me forward and into the room, like a voice in my head was calling me and telling me to keep going. My, it was my conscience telling me this is the right thing to do now. 

I took a deep breath as the doors opened and I saw thousands of people stand, this ballroom was huge. Then once the music began to play, I started to start my walk down the aisle, I then began to try and look around the room, trying to find some familiar faces that'll help calm my nerves. 

I then spotted Miah, Connor, Dax, and Nymeria standing in the far left corner, all four waved and gave me sad smiles, I nodded showing I saw them. I'm really gonna miss them after this is over, I hight doubt they'll let me see them again. 

My eyes then began to wander again, but this time they landed on a boy that stood on my right, this boy had long dark brown hair, pale skin, and crystal eyes, sure he was handsome but I've never seen him before, at least I don't think I have. But then why did he feel so familiar to me? My chest warmed as I stared at him. 

I don't understand, why was I so fascinated with one person that I have never seen before? He looks nothing like North so why am I interested in him? I shook my head and pushed the thought aside and kept walking. I then looked at Salvator who stood at the top of the short staircase. 

I expected him to have the happiest face on and be overflowing with pride, but I saw something completely different, he looked sad and depressed. I was so confused. HIs red eyes looked dull and sad like he had been crying before, making me feel worse about this. Once his eyes met mine he mouthed quickly, 'I'm sorry'. 

Judging by his face, he meant it, which confused me even more. Were all the things he has done to me before an act? was this whole thing set up? I'll don't know. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Isadora took the flowers out of my shaking hands and then I faced Salvator, he took my hands and held them tightly. I frowned at the contact but I could tell he didn't want any part of it either. Maybe I misjudged him, or maybe he's just acting like this for now, who knows?

While I was so caught up in my thoughts, I almost didn't notice the lonely raised hand that went up as soon as the priest said, "If anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace". 


North's P.O.V 

I was steaming with anger as I watched the two hold hands, my beast was getting more and more restless, making it harder to control them, but I still managed, but it was taking up most of my energy. As everyone's attention was on me as I raised my hand, I stood from my seat, the potion had just completely worn off at this point. 

I heard at least one thousand gasps around the room, making me smile, I forgot they thought I was dead for all this time. I took a deep breath and forced back my beasts aggression, I have to stay in control or they'll go on a complete rampage, I can't let that happen. 

The stress was starting to get to me but I kept it at bay, I can't lose control. "North!?" I heard my name being yelled and I turned and saw Miah, Connor, Dax, and Nymeria standing on the other side of the room. I smiled warmly at them as I saw tears in Miah's eyes, I missed seeing her, she was like a mother to me. 

"Hey Guys," I said with nothing but kindness in my voice, Miah let out a sob, then said in a tear-filled voice, "Y-You're alive, h-how?" I smiled again at her and said, "Turns out, I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was" I looked over at Nymeria and saw her smiling at me as if she already knew I was alive. 

But knowing her, she probably did, I nodded to her which she returned, then I turned to my beautiful mate, she looked ready to pass out, making me feel bad for giving her this shock, but this means I'll get her back. She held onto Salvator for support but the contact once again made me growl on the inside. 

But I calmed my beast and pushed them both back once again, they need to keep it together or we won't make it out alive. "Hi Conny, you look beautiful" she then started bawling as more tears ran down her face. Rhys whined at her crying but he knew they were happy and shocked tears, she was happy I was here. 

I then turned to Salvator, "Listen, I'm very angry with you and your family right now, what you did is unforgivable, but-" I paused and sighed, "I'm willing to let it go, for now, just give me my mate and let my people go and I'll consider taking it easy on you" Neither Jack or Rhys was happy with this, and in truth neither was I, but I have to at least try and be civil here. 

I watched as Salvator's face suddenly looked happy and he smiled warmly at me, strange. "Thank y-' he began but his bastard of a father decided to jump in. The stupid King of vampires pushed his way to the front and glared at me with nothing but pure and utter anger. Making me only smile more. 

"NO!" he screamed, "You don't get to come in here and demand Shit!!" I swear this guy gonna blow a fuse one day. "She belongs to us!!!" he screamed pointing to Constance. These people need to stop testing me unless they want to go head to head with a Lycan, spirit beast thing, once again I'm still not sure exactly what I am. 

But I'll think about that later. I then began to laugh, making everyone look at me in shock, guess this wasn't the reaction they were expecting. "You must be confused, if anything,  Constance belongs with me, she's my mate making her mine," I said, my voice going darker at the end, telling me Jack wasn't happy with this. 

"Both of you, stop it, your making is worse" I hissed at them in my head, "You're taking too long..." Jack said, but I shook my head, "Just wait a little longer" I then cut off the connection, hoping they'll listen to me for once. 

I then turned to Drogo and asked in a calm voice, "Drogo? you got any more of those three-headed hell hounds, I have a feeling we'll need one" he chuckled darkly and stood off, the potion wearing off from him completely by now. "Of course North, besides, this guys annoyed me from day one". 

He glared darkly at Gideon, I'll have to ask him later what it's about. Gideon hissed at Drogo with pure anger, his red eyes glowing with fire. But before anyone could say anything else, I felt a sudden pain in my head, I hissed and grabbed the back of my skull. 

They were now resorting to forcing me out of the control, those bastards. 

"You had your chance, now it's our turn" Rhys spoke darkly, 

then before I knew it, my control was gone and my eyes changed. 

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