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North's P

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North's P.O.V

I looked at Nymeria in confusion and shock, but she just smiled, like she always does. She needs to tell me how she stays so damn calm. "What the hell do you mean??" I asked harshly, but if she knew where my mate was, I was going to get it out of her. "Relax and I'll tell you," She said looking back out in the forest.

I took a deep breath and tried to relax at least a little, "Ok, I'm calm please tell me" I said with sadness. Nymeria faced me again and said, "First things first, don't try and reason with them, unless you have something they want, something worth their while, then they won't take anything you offer-"

She explained, I nodded then she continued, "but a meeting might be helpful to you, you can see how they act, what their sent is and such, get to know them on that level. They may be smart but they can also be stupid" I nodded again, really interested.

"If you don't show you are thinking, they won't ask, if you give no reaction; you're less likely to get killed" I raised my eyebrows. I guess my claim about her was right, she uses not showing emotion as a skill. "Why?" She sighed and said, "Vampire's and witches' main tactic to finding your weakness and using it, is completely based on your face-".

I nodded, "-Like to say you're afraid of spiders, they will see the fear in your eyes when you see them and use that to their advantage and torcher you with it," She said looking back out at the river. All this made me wonder why she knew so much about Vampire's, I understood witches but why Vampires.

"Then, you have to find something to trade, that's the hard part, Vampire's don't care about much, except power and having something that someone else has" I sighed and said looking to my feet, "Then what do we do?" I asked, she bit her lip and said, "We'll figure that out after the meeting, but I promise I will help you".

I turned to her completely and asked, "Why do you want to help me?" She rolled her eyes and said, "Call it what you want but I see something in you North the Lycan, something special" I smiled then she dragged on, "-And it's witch law to save one of our own, Constance is our own" I nodded, understanding.

After a few minutes in comfortable silence, I finally asked, "How do you know so much about them?" she swallowed hard then said, "Don't worry about it" I shook my head and said, "Please, I need to know" She stayed silent, then I said with a huff; looking away from her, "I just lost my mate, the girl I love, please just help me take my mind off it".

I felt tears peek in my eyes but I refused to cry, I would get her back, that I knew for sure. Nymeria looked at me in sadness. After a minute I spoke, "You really don't know what you have till it's gone, maybe if I didn't leave her alone she'd still be here" I then realized, she could be hurt.

If the bloodsuckers are as heartless as others say then she could be close to death right now. I guess I knew she wasn't dead, I would feel that. I let a tear fall, and then I felt a hand on my back, "She could be hurt, who knows what they're doing to her" I sobbed out. I guess now I understand Connor's pain.

Losing a mate is horrible. Nymeria didn't say a word, I guess she didn't know what to do other than comfort me. She rubbed her hand up and down my back as I cried, I didn't know that I could feel this much emotion over one person, but I missed her so much. It's only been a few hours, how am I going to survive for several days????!!!

"Don't blame yourself, Vampire's are bad people, they will do anything to be rid of their enemies" She spoke calmly patting my back. I brushed my tears away and forced back my cries, "Please tell me" I asked in a quiet painful voice.

She sighed and said, "Ok, oh god where do I start?-"

"Well, it started about five years ago, I had a boyfriend who I loved with all my heart and more, he was my everything. I idolized him, he was perfect in my eyes, the only flaw was he was a Vampire. I loved him and he acted as he loved me, when the major part of the war was starting.

Witches and Warlocks were getting separated between the wolves and vamps, he wanted me to come for my claimed safety, that he wanted me with him. And I was naïve and stupid enough to believe him, I wanted our love to be real so bad that I was blinded by him. Once we got to the Vampire Kings castle, I was taken away and locked up..........


"Here we are my darling, King Gideon's Castle" Luther spoke as his hand stayed firmly on my back as we walked into the throne room. "It's beautiful Lu" I gushed as I held his side. "This will be our new home Love" he spoke loving, kissing my cheek warmly.

"I love it," I said with a smile as I held onto his hand. Then suddenly the doors behind us opened with a start I turned and saw the guards rushing in, they ran over and grabbed my arms and yanked me away from him. "COME ON WITCH, IT'S THE DUNGEONS FOR YOU!!" they screamed, pulling me towards the door.

"Lu? Luther!!??" I cried out to my boyfriend, but he only smiled and took a step back, staring at me with a smile on his face, "LUTHER!!!" I screamed, my voice echoing off the walls of the room. "I'm sorry Nya, but you should have known my plan dear" I stared at him in shock, "LET ME GO!!! LUTHER!!!"

Flashback over

"-I was taken to the cells, they forced me to do a spell for them. Other's told me of the real story that started the great war. Then one day, I managed to crack a bar on the gate and run, I ran into Alpha Vixton's territory and here I am" she finished with a sad smile on her face. I looked at her in pity and she said whipping a stray tear.

"Things happen, we get over them," she said looking out in the distance, then I recalled what she said and asked, "What do you mean the 'Truth' about the war?"

She swallowed and said looking at me.

"The truth about Demetri Roveno" 

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