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"If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences

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"If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences."
― Criss Jami


North's P.O.V

As I was panicking about my mate, I didn't notice that someone walked in the room. "Excuse me" she spoke quietly which made me jump and go into full defense mod while falling off the bed with a big thump, "Are you ok!?" she spoke panicked reaching over to help me but I swatted her hand away.

I climbed back on the bed, ignoring the ache in my joints. "Ok, where the hell am I!" I demanded staring at the lady who appeared to be the doctor. She had blonde hair and green eyes and looked kind, but I don't trust appearances, not anymore anyways.

"Hello Lycan, I am doctor Leeanna and I am pleased to meet such a fascinating creature" she spoke looking at me with intense eyes. I glared at her then said, "I asked a question, where am I!" I demanded once again, she sighed and mumbled, "Werewolves, so demanding" I rolled my eyes at her.

"You're in the hospital wing, The King ordered immediate medical attention for you after the fight, might I say well done!" she spoke with a smile. Before I could even think I was spitting out questions at this stranger, "Why? Why would he want to help me? and why can't I talk to my wolf!!" I growled out.

Once again she sighed, "You used a lot of energy during the fight, your wolf needs rest and Drogo ordered me to help you because he didn't want a prized Lycan to die from blood loss" she explained as if it was nothing but I wasn't convinced.

"I want to see Drogo, NOW!" I growled making her flinch, she looked me up and down and asked, "How old are you?" I shrugged and said, "I don't know, sixteen or seventeen" I said annoyed that she was avoiding my demand.

"Hum, very interesting, were you bit or born?" she asked, I leaned back and sighed, "Bit". She then walked forward and asked sitting on the bed at my feet, reminding me of when I first met Miah which felt like decades ago.

"Do you know what animal you fought?" I shrugged again, "A three headed Hell hound?" I said like a question. She nodded and then said in a serious tone, "You know that no Lycan has been able to beat that very hell hound for centuries?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion, surly someone had to have beat him at some point.

"You Lying" I spoke but she shook her head, "Every Lycan has either passed out or has been eaten" she spoke plainly which sent a shiver down my spine, I can't even imagine being eaten alive.

"Would you mind if I did a blood sample, it will be fast I promise?" she asked, I stared at for a few minutes before asking, "Why?" she smiled and said tilting her head, "I just want to know what you are Lycan" I met her eyes and frowned, "How long have I been here?" I asked fearing the answer.

"About three days" my eye widened and fear coursed through me. I've been gone for three days with no form of communication with my family, they all must think I'm dead. "Well lets get that sample done and get you to the King and princesses" I then remembered the crazy  and strangely calm girls from before, was not looking forward to meeting either of them again.

She walked over to a table full of medical things I didn't know the names of and picked up a small tube along with a small tube with a needle at the end. "You'll feel a little prick but judging by your pain tolerance, you can handle it" she sent me a warm smile.

She then grabbed my arm and tied a rubber thing around my bicep and pulled it tight, then she started pushing around on my skin, I think she's trying to find a vein. Once she found one she grabbed the needle and tube thing and gently stuck it into my skin and I didn't feel a thing.

She connected the bigger tube on the end and I watched as my blood went through the needle and into the tube, seeing this fascinated me oddly. After she had two tubes filled with my blood she untied the rubber thing and placed a cotton ball over my arm and wrapped it carefully. "There, you can take that off in about ten minutes or so" I nodded.

I then looked down at my feet and started to think about what Miah and the others must be doing right now, would they be planning my funeral? Throwing roses in an empty grave? Nymeria and Wyatt must be beating themselves up for letting me go into the underworld, I guess they hoped I would survive some how.

"Can you stand?" Leeanna questioned looking over at me from the far side of the room, I shrugged and swung my legs over the side of the bed and stretched out my sore limbs. She walked over and grabbed my upper arms to help me stand.

Once I was balanced on my feet she smiled and let go of my arm, "You'll be a little sore for the next few days but you should heal normally" she sent me her normal smile that reminded me of Miah. I nodded then she walked over to the chair by the door that had a white shirt with blue sleeves folded neatly.

She picked it up and handed it to me, "Put this on then I'll take you to the King" I nodded and carefully slipped the shirt on, it was huge on me but I guess that was good considering my bite marks and scars. I took a deep breath trying to calm my anger at leaving my family alone for this long but I'll get back to them soon.

Leeanna then placed a hand on my good shoulder and smiled, "Follow me" she spoke while opening the door and walking out. Soon we were in a well lit hallway that reminded me of the hospital I was at with Miah. I walked slowly behind Leeanna as she walked, I was sure I looked like a mess considering I was in a huge fight and have been asleep for three days.

Well here I go to meet the Devil himself and his daughters!

Why didn't I stay home?

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