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"To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but great deeds

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"To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but great deeds.To live in faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you."
― Christian D. Larson


Constance's P.O.V

I woke up to a pounding in my head, I winced and brought my hand up to ease the pain some how. I gently ran my hands over my head but I didn't feel my soft hair like I expected, instead I felt ruff, matted hair. 

I slowly opened my eyes, more then confused, I was met with a blinding light, I hissed and shut my eyes tightly. I felt around me and it seemed like I was laying down on something soft and made of silk. I sat up, still holding my aching head.

It was safe to say I was not having the Ideal morning or whatever time of day it is.

I looked around the room carefully, slowly becoming annoyed when I found everything to be incredibly blurry. I shook my head and looked back down at my feet, the only things I could see semi correctly.

I tapped my finger against my head, forcing myself to think. Then, slowly, the events from yesterday or how many days I had been asleep for, came rushing back into my head, like when you go under cold water for the first time, not pleasant in the moment but I guess you'll appreciate it later.

I felt my own tears fall down my face as North's face flashed in my mind. He was right in front of me yet we couldn't reach each other. My heart broke remembering his pale and angry face screaming out my name. I missed him so much, I wish he was here with me, but I know he's miles away. I wailed and held my head in my hands, thinking about the anger and sadness that was in his eyes, it broke me.

I swallowed, letting out a quiet sob, lord knows that Salvator will come running if I so much as breath the wrong way. I hate that man more than anything, he kidnapped me, took me from my home, my boyfriend; I know we aren't a couple but it felt like it.

I questioned what hell North must be going though now, the pain my absents must bring him breaks my heart. I know wolves let alone Lycan's feel twice the emotions we do, he must be heart broken and angry.

I wish I could talk to him using-What did Miah call it?- Mind link. She said it allows Pack members and mates to communicate with one another in the Mind. But only official pack member and 'Marked' mates can use it.

And I can't become an official Pack member considering I'm not a wolf and Crazy Connor completely forgot to arrange the Pack member ceremony to make North an official member. Miah said that since we're mates and he's so powerful that I could join the pack along with him, not that anyone sees me as any less.

But I have to be 'Marked' by North in order to be a member, which means he has to bite the right side of my neck which will create the bond, the wound will fade within a few days and soon turn into a tattoo like design that is personalized according to the the type of bond (WitchxWolf, WolfxWolf, VampxWolf, VampxWitch).

It's different with Vampires though, when they mark you, their name appears on your neck, making you think they own you or something like that. I know that all Wolves and some Witches make Vamps to be the bad guys and horrible people, but some can be nice, but these days, thats a rare case.

I took a deep breath, trying to drown out my tears in hope that I'll get out of here soon, and I'll go home to North, that keeps me going, the thought makes me happy. It's probably what keeps him going, other than anger of course.

I smiled at the thought of going back to North, he's my new everything.

I started to think about what would happen of I ran. Would I get caught? I don't know, I looked up to the window, seeing new curtains that replaced the ones I burned. I contemplated breaking it open and running home, but I wouldn't know where to run or hide, I'd be lost till I'd be caught.

At times like this I wish I was a Wolf or Vampire, not a witch who makes sparks from her hands.

More thoughts then entered my mind, that Salvator's threat to kill North. Would he succeed? What would happen to me when he dies, would I die too? I hope I do, I'd rather die then Marry let alone be with the stupid prince, I don't care how many fluffy dresses I get, It's not worth it.

I sighed, watching the sunrise peak over the mountains, letting a strange sense of warmth come into this cold room. I wish North was right in front of me, I wish Miah and the whole pack were here so I could say 'I'm coming home, I promise' I wish I could tell them that with confidence, but I know that it will only come out as a whisper.

I wish this was all a bad dream, a simple nightmare that can be cured by waking up. But no matter how hard I pinch my skin or close my eyes, I end up here again, here with the blood sucker who claims he loves me.

I cannot and will not ever love him, he's not my mate and never will be. No matter what he does, I won't give up or give in. I will come home and I'll stay there forever, plus I'm sure North won't let me leave his sight after everything, I liked how he was protective, it made our bond stronger.

Then I heard the door from behind me open and I could almost feel the joy that was steaming off the person who walked in. I turned slightly, giving the intruder a glare to show just how unhappy I was that they were here.

And like I predicted, there stood Salvator, looking all high and mighty, probably came up with a way I will, 'Love' him, I wanted to laugh and roll my eyes at the thought. "Good Morning my Darling!" he beamed which made my head hurt, but like all the other times he spoke to me, something seemed off about him, like he didn't really want to be here, strange. 

He made a fake pouty face and said moving to stand in front of me, "Oh, is my Sweet Love in pain? Don't worry, you'll feel much better after I tell you some news-" he went on sitting next to me. I scowled, not interested at all in what 'News' he had.

"You're pathetic excuse of a Mate is dead. 

Now we can get Married!!!!"

Wait, what.....

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