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"The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried

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"The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying."
― Roy T. Bennett


Constance's P.O.V

Three days

It had been three days since I heard the news of North's death, Salvator allowed me to read a letter Miah had sent me, she spoke about how Nymeria and Wyatt weren't going to be punished for letting North go to the underworld, they were already being punished by guilt. She also said that there is still hope considering we don't know for sure if he's dead.

But what other explanation is there? He's been there for three days, and the Demon King is not kind to anyone, so he must be dead. I felt another tear fall down my cheek, I couldn't stand the thought of him not being here, it felt like apart of me was being torn in two. 

"Please hold still My Lady" the kind maid spoke as she stuck more pins to the dress. Not considering my state, Isadora demanded that I do a dress fitting for the wedding that's happening at the end of this week.

My heart breaks just at the thought of marrying this monster that took me from my love, North would still be alive if it wasn't for me. He's my everything and always will be, he's my first love and my last. As I said before I cannot ever love Salvator, my heart will always belong to North.

My eyes fell, not even giving myself a chance to feel the prick of the needle when it hit my skin, I don't want to feel anything when he can't. I haven't eaten in the past few days, if he doesn't eat then I wont. I know I sound like a stubborn child but I refuse to give into the pain if him being gone. Even though it's already starting to consume me.

I know that soon I'll go numb and wont feel a thing, the only thing that I can pull me from the darkness of that future is dead and isn't coming back no matter what I do. I want him here more than anything, I miss him and would die just to have one moment with him, but I can't, I know he wouldn't approve of me giving up so easy.

"It looks nice but I think the waist should be tightened" Isadora commented sipping from her wine with a toothed smile. Normally I would have given a mean remark or purposely ruined the dress just to delay this wedding but I didn't have it in me to try anything anymore, I had no motivation.

I felt my corset being yanked against my rib cage, cutting off my oxygen but I didn't make a move to change it, or even a single sound to voice my discomfort, I just sighed quietly and stood still. The dress was the traditional white and looked made for a Queen, which everyone insists beyond reason that I am. 

The dress had a large shirt, with shoulder sleeves that were covered in diamonds, my shoes would be basically jewels along with the giant tiara I was being forced to wear. If this was MY real wedding, a simple dress and flower crown would have been fine for me, not all this royalty stuff. 

Sure it was pretty and all but like I said, I would have gone with something more simple if I had a choice. Salvator promised to stay away till the wedding which I was incredibly happy, or as happy as I can be about it, I hated him more than anything. I wish I could kill him, he caused all of this.

He took me from my mate which caused him to go to the underworld out of anger and get himself killed. I want every last Vampire dead for the pain they've caused me and my family, but I can't express that anger, sadness drowns it out of my mind.

I stared in the mirror in front of me, I wasn't Constance Safire anymore, my red hair seemed dull and colorless, my green eyes looked tired and worn down. My freckles were barely there anymore. Is this what happens when your mate dies? you become lifeless?

"I love it! what do you think Constance?" Isadora spoke with joy, I sighed not wanting to give an answer but I had to, "I love it" I spoke weakly with no emotion at all. It was clear I haven't been sleeping well but how could I when all I dream about is him? I know I'm throwing myself a pity party but what else can I do?

I'm being forced to marry someone I hate and I have no say about what happens to me anymore.


Nymeria's P.O.V

Sure I was thankful Wyatt protected me and explained to everyone what I did for him and North. No matter what happens I'm still gonna hate myself for letting him go to the underworld, it's been three days since that ordeal and I don't know what to do with myself.

I sighed and leaned back against the wall and watched the wolves train, Miah pardoned me and let me stay at the pack. It's safe to say everyone's miserable, even though North wasn't an official member of this pack it was almost like he belonged here and something was missing without him.

All Wyatt does now is train with his dad and Miah been taking out her anger by tormenting Connor and being temporary Alpha. If I'm being honest I like Miah as the Alpha, she has a certain temperament that an Alpha needs to run a pack right. I'm not saying I like Miah I just think she's better than Connor.

Miah wanted to punish me for letting North go but Alec talked her out of it. I should have just left him alone and not gotten involved with his Mate problems. But I had to, North is something strange, something special, I felt like I had to help him for some reason. 

I smiled at the memory of when I found out what he was. I'm not sorry I lied to him twice, it was to protect him, when I told him that spell I used when we first met was Vampire magic, I of coursed lied. I laughed thinking about who he really is, I didn't want to tell him, he has to figure it out on his own.

I could have told him where he came from and why he's so different.

Why he's not a werewolf or Lycan.

But where's the fun in that? 

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