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"I'm independent and strong, but sometimes

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"I'm independent and strong, but sometimes...just sometimes, it's nice to be taken case of. It's nice to be made to feel like a lady"
― Samantha Towle


North's P.O.V

I was banished to the back of my mind by a beast that fought to be in control. Whoever this was that had control over my actions and voice was incredibly strong, I could hear Rhys whimpering in pain in the back ground of all the growling, they must have been fighting for control.

I screamed out into the darkness but I heard nothing other than the echo of my own voice. I was panicking, had someone or something taken over my body at some point? Or had this beast been apart of me from day one?

Maybe it was like Beyoncé and wanted to make an entrance? Ok, not a good time for jokes, understood.

I guess you could say I was in a coma like state, where your trapped inside your own mind, but for me it was literally. "Rhys!!" I called out, praying he would answer. But all I heard was a whimper of pain, this beast must of done a number on him.

I heard someone on the outside scream my name, it must have been Drogo, more and more panic filled me. What if I was hurting someone? What if I killed? I began to yank at my hair, not being able to stand the thought of taking an innocent persons life.

"Fight back..." Rhys faded voice hit my ears, I looked up into darkness and took a deep breath, "You couldn't even handle this monster, what makes you think I can?" I questioned him back. I swear this whole several personality thing is going to be the literal death of me one day.

"Try...before he" he spoke was a dead voice. "Will you be ok?" I asked my wolf, he only whimpered, then that lead me to wonder what would happen if my wolf died. Would I die too or would this beast take his place. I took a deep breath and tried to talk to this other personality, like I would normally talk to Rhys.

"Who are you?" I called out into my head which echoed back to me. I only heard a growl in return which scared me, was this part on me truly a monster? I stood from my spot on the ground and yelled into the darkness.

"WHO ARE YOU!!??" again, I only heard a growl, this is really starting to piss my off. "Fine, don't answer me, but this is MY body, and I really don't need you to come in here and mess with shit, so GET OUT!!!" I demanded using an Alpha like tone. I heard a defending growl again, showing me this beast understood me but was being stubborn.

Before I could think, I growled back trying to get his attention which made me feel like a complete idiot but I was out of options. "I'm not going anywhere..." a voice that sounded dangerously close to mine spoke out to me. This voice was mine but deeper, nothing like Rhys who sounded like a completely different person to me.

"What are you?" I spoke with fear in my voice looking all around me for a sign, "No need to be afraid North..." the voice spoke. This thing knew my name!!!

"Of course I know you..." it spoke making me terrified, "We've been together for a while..." this voice sounded like a ghost in the wind. "WHO ARE YOU!!" I spoke baking myself into a corner, this was some serious ghost shit that I wanted nothing to do with.

"Don't be afraid..." it spoke, "I'm here to help...." this was literally scaring the life out of me, seriously, I feel my soul leaving me right now. "Taking over my body is helping!!?" I screamed out trying to show I wasn't afraid.

"No, I just wanted to show you..." then I snapped, "Show me what?!" I demanded with panic laced in my voice, I was hoping and praying this was a dream or a nightmare, I can't stand this fear.

"What power we have..." he said, before I could say anything back he spoke again, "Mate is scared, mate is hurt, save her..." this made me even more angry. "She will be wed to another, save her..." I felt tears starting to run down my cheeks, I think I was having a full blown panic attack right now.

"We are powerful North, you, me and Rhys..." he went on with a demanding voice, "We can have whatever we want, just take it...." his voice began to echo in my mind, "Stop it, please" I begged. "No, we are a King in this world, we just have to show them!!...." my head then started to spin.

"GO AWAY!!!" I screamed, "I want to help you North, but you seem overwhelmed..." he began with a sigh, "I will just go now, goodbye friend...". Soon the echo was gone, I closed my eyes and began to cry, not being able to stand this overwhelming amount of information and pain that laid in my head.

When I opened my eyes I saw I was standing in the same dinning room I was before and standing in the corner of the room was a very concerned Drogo, I saw plates smashed everywhere along with spilled wine staining the walls and carpet. I looked around the room at the damage I had done.

Then I looked back up at Drogo who slowly started to walk over to me, "North, it's ok-" he began but I cut him off by letting out an uncontrolled sob, I was finally breaking. All this world had thrown at me was finally catching up and this was just the last thing I needed to overflow.

"North, it can be fixed, you didn't have control, calm down!" Drogo said but I couldn't stop myself, I felt tears fall down my face as I began to shake. I couldn't handle all this, I wanted my family, I wanted my mate, I wanted Constance.

I then fell on my knees, the glass from the broken plates stabbing into my skin but I didn't care, my mental pain was more hurtful to me right now. I buried my head in my hands and began to bawl completely, I just wanted all this go away, I wanted to be home and safe from everything.

I then felt arm around my shoulder and I looked up to see a sad looking Drogo, "It's ok North" he spoke in a calm voice but I only cried harder, he rubbed my back trying to calm me down but it wasn't doing much, "Can you come right away?" I heard Drogo was probably talking to someone on the phone.

"Send Lydia, maybe if he has female comfort he'll calm down" he spoke again looking down at me. "Thank you" then he patted my back, "Breath, just breath North" he spoke.

I couldn't even bring myself to nod

I just let the tears fall

And prayed for a miracle.

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