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Miah's P.O.V

I watched North and Conny chase each other from the kitchen window, I smiled, the deserved each other. I sighed thinking of my lost love, my smile fell at the thought of what happened to me happing to them.

No, I won't let it. I made a promise the day I found North that I won't let what happened to Ajax happen to him, over my dead body it will.


North's P.O.V

Running with Constance made me feel free like there was nothing in the world that could do any harm, my personal utopia. Then my mind started to fill with cruel thoughts, like what if she was taken away from me, by this war.

Then more thoughts came to mind, what if I died in this fight, from what I know about Vampire's is that they are powerful and deadly, if I have to fight one of them, it could kill me. The whole time I was here, I never considered death as a possibility.

I'm not ready to die. The more I thought about the war and the history, the more scared I was, this isn't a game anymore, I might die. I didn't realize I was so lost in thought, I felt someone shake me. I blinked a few times and saw Conny staring at me in worry, "Are you ok North?" I nodded and faked a smile.

"I'm fine, just lost in thought", I then turned away from her, not letting go of her hands, I saw Miah and Connor standing outside the house, judging by their looks, they wanted to see me. I turned to Conny and said with a smile, "I need to talk to Connor, I see you later ok?" she nodded unsurely then said, "Promise?".

I smiled and nodded, "Promise", as soon as I let go of her hands, my skin felt cold, but I didn't think about it too much. I walked down the hill and over to Connor, he looked at me straight then spoke in a serious tone, "North, come with me".

He then began to walk into the house, expecting me to follow behind him which I did, soon we walked over to a door, and Connor who stood next to me nodded to the door and I slowly opened the door and walked in.

The room looked like a simple study with a desk, chair, couch, and book self. He walked around the table and gestured for me to sit in the chair across from him. I sat down and took a deep breath, I knew he was telling me something serious and I wanted to be ready for anything.

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, "Look North, I know you're trying to get used to things here with finding your mate and everything, but I have to ask something of you" I nodded, leaning in closer. "The leader's and I have been talking and we want you to start training, get used to being a Lycan" I nodded then asked tilting my head.

"What leader's?" his face remained stone and said, "There isn't only one Alpha in the world North, in fact, I am one of twenty Packs in the U.S" I stared at him in shock, then I asked, "In in all that time, there were only twenty Lycan's?" he nodded and said, "Lycan's are incredibly rare North, that's why we are so thankful that we have you".

I nodded and said sitting back, "I'll do it, I'll start the training" He smiled widely and said, "Good, you'll start tomorrow with our head Warrior, his name is Dax" I nodded. Then he said, "Another topic we should discuss is the war" I nodded and said, "Miah already explained it".

He nodded and said, "No, you only know the history behind it, what you don't know and what no other wolf knows is the now" I tilted my head once again, "What do you mean the 'Now'?" he sighed and said leaning back.

"Ready to hear another story?" I shrugged clearly not amused and said, "Sure" even though I was done hearing about Werewolf history.

He nodded and began to speak, "About four years ago, we were at our highest peak of the war, with our Lycan's, we gained win after win. We were Kings in the supernatural world, the witch's praised us despite what happened, we ruled North.

Until, one night while we were out looking at the stars, laughing about the vampires-

One of our best Lycan's, Tasha, fell asleep, none of us paid any mind to it, the soon she woke up, her eyes were purple and she looked dead inside. She stood from her spot and just starting walking, some of us followed her, begging her to answer our questions.

But she wouldn't respond, she walked around like a zombie. After a few hours, everyone left, other than me, being an Alpha, I had to make sure she was alright. I tried talking to her, but she didn't say anything back, didn't even look at me.

Soon we came to this castle, which was completely black, I walked with Tasha till I smelt a strong sense of blood. I knew that place belonged to the Bloodsuckers. I ran and hid up a tree when I tried to drag Tasha with me, she refused to follow me, being a Lycan she was naturally stronger.

I watched as she walked into the dark castle, I climbed around in the trees to try and get a better look at where she was going. I saw through one of the windows that she had stopped in this room that was painted red and gold, a man, no a beast, covered in black, sat in a chair at the end of the room.

Tasha walked over to him and stood in front of him like she was his slave, I watched his red eyes look her up and down, then he nodded to a dark corner of the room and another man came out, with the same red eyes and stabbed a needle in her neck and she went down.

I had to leave in fear of being caught. Once I made it back to the packhouse, everyone asked me where Tasha had gone, I lied and said that I had lost her, I had to make it seem real, so I called the leaders and asked that they look for her. If anyone knew what I saw that night, the war would have been a blood bath.

Over time, more Lycan's were taken. It was so bad that I had to lock the ones we had left in silver cages with wolves span laced bars. But they always found a way out. Soon, they all were gone and we lost hope, till you, when Miah told me about you and how you were bit, I looked at it as impossible, every Lycan created was taken by the vampires.

So that leave's my main question North--

Who Bit you?-"

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