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North's P

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North's P.O.V

"...I didn't think much of it when it happened, I thought it was just dream.." then Connor cut me off, "Just spit it out kid" I sighed and said looking to my feet annoyed. "A vampire was there, I don't know he is but he seemed to know me, he told me to join them, but I refused, I couldn't, not after everything this pack has done for me.

His eyes turned a dark shade of purple when I refused him again, he got scared and angry and started demanding that I join him, I refused again and he got angrier and then I woke up". I looked back up at Connor who had a mixture of angry and frustrated. "Why didn't you say anything??!!" his voice was loud and harsh 

"As I said, I didn't think much of it at the time," I said darkly, if he was going to give attitude, I'll give it right back. "North, do you realize how serious this is, you're treating this like a game!!!!" I stood up and stared him down, "I know this isn't a game!!! I didn't know anything about compulsion till after, I didn't Know!!!" I yelled back.

He looked softened slightly and he sighed, "Look, I know this is hard for you, but from now on, you tell me everything, understood??" I nodded even though part of me wanted to punch him. "I don't like him" my wolf commented, I thought the same thing. Sure I thought Connor was annoying at first but this was way too far.

He then glared at me and snarled, "I'm your Alpha now North, you don't get to act out" he scolded me like a child, "I'm not acting out, don't you know how hard this is on me??, being thrown into a life I didn't want, having to be told what I'm supposed to do and why, being told that the fate of Werewolves is in your hands, no you don't".

I then walked out of the room, steaming anger, I saw Miah, Klaus, Conny, and a few others I didn't know, but I was too angry to even pay attention to anything. I just walked passed then and out the door. I knew they were confused but I could care less at this point. I shifted, tearing my clothes completely, and started running.

I find it's a great stress reliever. My wolf wined when we left Conny, but I had to let my anger out before I did something I would later regret. I ran and ran till the sun went down and the moon was high in the sky. But I didn't care, Connor is an asshole for talking to me like that, he can't just demand stuff from me.

I'm trying to piece things together myself, so can't he see this is really hard on me?? I wanted to let everything go, run, and never come back, but I started to feel sad at the thought of leaving Constance behind, I could never do that. God this is so confusing, I just want this all to stop and give me a second to think.

I finally stopped running, and shifted back, finding clothes stashed in a tree, thankfully this pack thinks ahead when they go for runs. I didn't want to go back so I settled on building a fire, I leaned against a tree, counting the embers the flew into the sky. I just want to go to sleep and wake up normal.

But I can't, this is my life now and no life is perfect, no matter what gifts you have. I closed my eyes for a minute, then I heard a familiar voice speak in front of me, "You close your eyes, you may never wake boy" I looked up and saw someone I didn't expect. Nymeria.

I watched as the fire on the ground, slowly turned purple at the bottom as her presents.

"H-How did you-" she then cut me off, "I followed you" she then sat down on the other side of the fire, "You know, running from your problems it's not going to help you" she spoke in her thick Jamaican accent, I nodded and said looking back at the fire. "I know, but it helps" she shook her head with a disapproving look on her face.

"No, it's doesn't, you can't run because there is nowhere to hide, stupid boy" I looked up at her and raised an eyebrow, "How am I stupid?" she scoffed, "All wolves are stupid, especially your Alpha" I shook my head, "He's not my Alpha" she smiled and said, "I knew I liked you North".

"Why?" I asked she smiled widely, "You know your place, yet you know what's right at the same time" she paused then said looking at the fire, "Most wolves could never rebel against their Alpha, you just did" I nodded and then asked, "Why did you give me the necklace?" she smiled once again, but her eyes looked to the ground.

"All supernatural creatures are stuck in the past, going by older rules, staying with their ancestor's ways, you are from this age, you know better than them. I gave you that blood charm so supernatural creatures would have to listen to you, hear your voice" I looked down the necklace that laid under my shirt.

"They won't kill you, because they can't, that necklace is laced with my magic" I nodded, "Thank you Nymeria" she nodded and smiled warmly, then looked back at the fire, "I thought they were having a meeting about you, how did you leave?", she paused for a moment, then spoke,

"As I said, all wolves are stupid in their own way, they don't know how to lock a witch up properly" her eyes never moved from the fire.

"I saw you leave in anger, I wanted to know why so I followed you" I swallowed then said, "I left because Connor is being an asshole" she lightly laughed and said,

"He's always been like that since he lost Anika"

I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Who's Anika?"

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