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Quick A/N:

No More Editing!!!!!! 

All the new material is up and posted!!! 

Ready for completely new chapters!!??


Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell."

― Edna St. Vincent Millay


North's P.O.V 

I sat on the balcony thinking, I haven't said a word to anyone in the past two days, I needed time to get myself together. Rhys has been going on and on about Constance's betrayal, I'm not saying I agree with him, it just makes the most sense, to me at least. 

My mate rejected me in the worst way possible, I feel so broken inside, like a piece of me was ripped out and left in the dust, I guess in a way it was. The love of my life was ripped from my arms and thrown to another's, I guess that's how I have to see it now. 

I  alone can't take on all the vampire's loyal to King Gideon and his pathetic children. Yesterday, Drogo sat me down and tried to talk me out of my solid conclusion about my mate, that maybe this was being forced or something like that. 

But Rhys and strangely, the other beast inside my head, disagree, insisting that she developed Stockholm syndrome and fell in love with him or something like that. So here I am, downing whiskey like it's water and staring out at the underworld, feeling completely nothing but anger and sadness. 

Why can't my life ever be simple, all I'm asking is for something to go my way for once, maybe I did something in my past life to deserve this pain and heartache I'm getting. How knows? I know I shouldn't be like this, but I'm being stubborn I guess. 

"We need to get out of here" Rhys spoke in a bored tone, I sighed and leaned my head back, "Well, what do you suggest?" I have completely given up at this point, same with Rhys, we were no longer a team, we just kinda co-existed in the same head and body. I haven't heard from my other beast yet. 

But I can fell his presents wandering around in my mind, it's strange that every time he comes around, I get an sudden feeling of sadness, like depression, well, I'm at least feeling a normal human emotion for once, so that's a plus. 

I've tried to talk with him, but I never get an answer back from him, not even a single sound from him at all. "I wanna go home" he whined which made me chuckle, "We can't go home, they think we died, plus you-know-who's there" after the realization came to him that Constance is getting married to another, he insisted beyond reason that I don't say her name out loud to him. 

Which I think is childish but I don't really have a say in how he thinks so, his problem not mine. I guess the reason I haven't gone home yet, is because I feel stupid, going on this epic mission only to have it crumble into nothing but ash. And because it will be hard to go home and experience all the sympathetic stares. 

North, the stupid whatever I am, who lost his mate to a stupid vampire and is now damned to a life of enteral pain!! 

Not the title I really need right now. But I do miss everyone, Miah, Alec, even Nymeria, sure it was her Idea I travel down here, but not her fault I failed, she was just trying to help. I only prayed that Miah had mercy on her and Wyatt, can't have their blood on my hands, that would tip me over the edge for sure. 

Suddenly, the door to the bedroom Drogo gave me opened and I heard loud footsteps enter the room, I took in the sent and knew it to be Lydia, Drogo sane daughter, Lauren is her sister, the one who likes to party and falls in love with every guy she meets. Thankfully I haven't come in contact with her since the fight. 

"North, my father wants to speak to you, please" she begged, I liked Lydia in a friendly way. She was kind to me and tried to comfort me in my time of need, I sighed then said still looking out at Drogo's land, "Why?" she swallowed and said stepping forward, stopping right behind my chair and taking a deep breath. 

"You know why, please?" she begged, I sighed again and stood up, meeting her purple eyed gaze, no question that she was beautiful, but my stupid mind refuses to see anyone other than Constance, if she can move on why can't I?

She smiled widely and patted my shoulder, "Thank you, now come on" she encouraged walking towards the door, while I silently followed after her like a lost puppy. We walked in silence till we came upon the golden door I remember so well. Lydia raised her fist and gently knocked, "Dad? I brought North like you asked" she spoke. 

"Come in" I heard the king of Hell speak, she smiled and opened the door, there Drogo was sitting in the common room drinking wine with his pipe, interesting combination. "North! Please come sit" he said looking over at me. I gave no reaction but did as I was told and sat down in one of the nice chairs. 

"Sweetheart, please give us a moment" he said sweetly to his daughter, who nodded and went to the door, not before smiling at me kindly before leaving. "My daughter seems to have taken a liking to you" he commented with a smile, I shrugged letting him know I was still upset over Constance and wasn't ready to move on at all yet. 

"So, I called you here to talk about your recent..activities" he spoke with a smirk leaning forward, "The drinking, hiding, depressiveness, not a good a look on you North" I sighed, getting bored already for his failed attempt at a lecture. 

"I'm not trying to scold you kid, I just wanna help you get over this little mood your in, so I came up with a steady plan" He said with a smirk that I knew too well. "I got a invite so I've been thinking, that we could go to the wedding-" I cut him off by shaking my head wildly, "Hell no!" I snarled. 

I'm gonna to see my MATE get married, that'll kill me. "Hear me out" he said in a loud voice that towered over my own. "If we go, and see she's happy with the vampire dude, then it might help you to move on, if that's the case, we'll leave without anyone knowing you're alive, then you can stay here and such".

He paused, "If not, and this is forced, you can play the valiant mate and save her and you live happily ever after, the end" I liked that one much more but I knew theres a good chance it might not be possible. The idea wasn't that bad, "I can't leave if it get's too much right?" he nodded with a smile. 

"We can go anytime you want" I nodded and looked down,  no matter how much this might hurt, It's the only chance I have to try and move on, "What do you think?" I asked Rhys, "I say we do it!" he spoke confidently. 

"I agree..." my other beast finally spoke which I smiled at. 

I looked up at Drogo and nodded with a smile. 

"Let's do it" 

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