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North's P

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North's P.O.V 

I repeated that in my head over and over again, trying to make sense of it all, why does everyone want to rule the world? Then a brilliant assumption came to my head, what if the bloodsuckers took Conny just to get ahead, they don't want her for anything else other than saying they have her? 

It might not be true, but I can rule it out as a possibility for now, at least until I get more information on this whole thing. Then more things came to mind, what if them taking her just to have her is not true at all, what if they're tormenting her, I growled out a the thought of that. Or maybe she's being used to marry someone (gasp). 

The slight thought of that hurt, my Constance leaving me for someone else, my wolf cried out at that but also growled in anger. He would kill anyone that stood in the way of him getting to his mate. I'm still having a hard time believing that we are the same person, "We aren't the same you dumbass" he snapped inside my head.

I know he's mad but he doesn't need to start attitude with me, we are stuck together for a while. "Don't worry North, time will heal everything" Nymeria tried to assure me but I refused to take it. It feels like the more things heal, the more they hurt. Like picking at an old scar and making it bleed bad memories again.

Great, now I'm becoming North the poet. I really need my mate like now or I'm gonna lose it soon. "So, set up the meeting, and then we'll meet back hereafter," she said with a smile that I didn't believe. I nodded then she stood up and started walking away. But before he disappeared from my eyes I called after her.

"WAIT!" she turned and folded her arms over her chest and flashed her smile that was starting to get on my nerves. "Yes North" she spoke with a slight sigh that I think she thought I wouldn't notice. I stood up and looked at her, then asked, "How do you keep getting away and finding me?".

A new smile I have never seen before made its way on her face, not her normal amused or satisfied smile but something that looked like...Happiness maybe? I don't know for sure exactly. "You needed me, so I found you" she spoke simply, then right when I blinked for only a millisecond and just like that...

She was gone, left in the shadows.

I jumped slightly, then my eyes began to trace around me looking for any sign of my new friend the witch, she confuses me more than anything I've seen and that's saying a lot. My thought's then focused back to the meeting. I then started running back as fast as my legs would take me, which was almost lightning speed.

I reached the packhouse and saw everyone gathering around Miah asking her questions, while Connor stood off in the corner staring at the crowd. I'm seriously considering getting a vote together to kick him out of the Alpha position and putting Miah in, she's way more qualified.

I walked over and I made straight eye contact with Klaus who was standing her Connor, I guess to keep an eye on him at least. He walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder and asked, "You ok?" why should he be asking that???? Does it look like I'm ok!!!!!!

I decided to not yell at Klaus and attempt and being calm, Conny would want that. "No, but I'm trying," I said in a dull voice, he nodded hesitantly, I guess he expected me to go all devil wolf on him. I then looked over at Miah, "She's trying to keep the pack calm" he explained.

I folded my arms over my chest and snapped, "Isn't that Connor's job?" Klaus chuckled, "Yes, but he's-you know" I nodded and said, "A bad and crazy excuse for an Alpha" he nodded then said looking at Connor in sadness.

"Sometimes I wonder what Anika would think of him now" he spoke then looked at me, "Anika is-" I then cut him off, "His mate I know" he nodded then continued, "He used to be a good Alpha you know and Anika was the perfect Luna, every pack in the U.S looked up to them, but then she left and he went crazy" I nodded again.

"She was his salvation, his everything" he went on, "When I first heard about your mate being gone, I thought Connor would drop to his knees and counsel you on it, but he hasn't moved" I then said, "Maybe he likes that I'm in pain cause of his undying hate for me" Klaus chuckled once again, "That could be a possibility".

I smiled and nodded. When I first met Connor, he wasn't all that nice to me, but I could tell he would do almost anything for his pack and family, but now my vision of him has almost changed completely, he's not the protective Alpha I once saw in him, No, now he's just insane.

I thought about talking to him about this but I know it wouldn't do any good, he would just get angry and try and attack me like before, not that he could hurt me at all. I walked over to Miah and her face softened when she spotted me.

"North! I was worried" she spoke hugging me, I nodded and said, "Sorry, I just needed to think" she nodded and said placing her hands on her hips, "I know I shouldn't be asking this but are you ok?" I shook my head, I wasn't ok in the slightest, my mate was stolen from me, how can anyone be ok after that.

She sighed and looked at me in sadness, "We'll get her back, I promise" she said placing a hand on my shoulder, I nodded. I would get her back and I'll kill anyone that get's in my way, she's mine and only mine.

"I thought about it and maybe we should have a meeting with them" I spoke plainly, then finally Crazy Connor decided to join the conversation, "No way-" then Miah cut him off, "Shut the hell up-"

Then she turned to him with anger pouring out of her eyes, "You've caused enough problems when we get Constance back, I'm going to the Counsel and getting your ass removed from the Alpha position" She growled out glaring at Connor which made him shut up and back down which I smiled at.

Then she turned to me,

 "So tell me about this meeting" I smiled. 

She needs to be the Alpha, and I'm gonna make sure that happens. 

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