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"Conquer the angry one by not getting angry; conquer the wicked by goodness; conquer the stingy by generosity, and the liar by speaking the truth."
― Siddhārtha Gautama


All the wolves growled at the Vampire Kings statement, I felt myself struggling to keep control, I wanted to rip him apart. Miah looked back at me with fear and anger written across her face. Then she looked back at Vampire King who looked way too pleased with himself, with what he has done.

My eyes drifted to the boy that stood beside him, who looked incredibly happy for some reason, making me only want to slaughter them all more. I felt my fangs grow along with my claws, I had no problem with losing control, they need to die, all of them. 

I couldn't handle these feelings that were growing inside of me, eating me alive. 

"Do you have any idea what you caused?" Suri, the Alpha that made the first promise to me stepped forward with caution in her voice. The Vampire King's smile dropped and confusion then appeared on his face. I think I understand now. Why he took her.

I ran the words of his letter over in my head, "well I assumed the brat meant something to you" He doesn't know she's my mate, he doesn't know how much she means to me. "North the werewolf" he doesn't know I'm a Lycan...... He doesn't know the horrible mistake he's made...

Then Alec stepped forward to stand next to Suri, "No, I don't think he knows what he's done" he spoke with a smile. I smiled at his scared and confused face, he doesn't know!

Alec then turned back to King and said stepped forward, "The girl you took, Constance Safire, is mated to our Lycan" a look of horror passed onto the two kids faces who stood beside their king. But he managed to stay somewhat calm. "And he loves her dearly.." he went on stepping word, damn right I do. 

"You took away a Lycan's mate, do you have any idea what happens when a Lycan is without their mate?" he spoke in a taunting way I admired. The King only stared in response, but Alec continued to speak, "They lose control and the only thing on their mind is killing the person who took their mate" right again.

He couldn't be more correct. Alec's speech only encouraged me to want to kill him more, this is a perfect example of think before you act. I laughed thinking about how dumb he was, he didn't just take anyone's mate, he took a Lycan's mate, my mate. 

Alec then folded his hands behind his back and said in a calm tone, clearly trying to intimidate the King, "And we've brought that Lycan here with us today" I saw a look of panic pass over the King and all his follower's faces. He then nodded to two people behind him who I knew to be the people who 'Kidnapped' me when I met Nymeria.

I watched as they opened the car door and sent me apologetic looks as they grabbed my arms, I guess they thought their action would put them on my bad side, but my anger wasn't towards them, they were just doing what they were told.

"We took the liberty of putting him in chains, for your protection, so I think 'Thank you' is in order" Alec spoke straightening his suit, I was starting to like this guy, he's much better than Connor. I was brought up to the front and I stared the King in the eye. I was hoping my glare would cause him to spontaneously combust, A guy can only dream.

He expression remained solid as he attempted to stare me down, but it only made me angrier. A smile then appeared on his face, "Oh, Is the little dog being naughty?" I growled and tried to lunge at him and the stupid teenagers that stood next to him but to their luck, I was held back. 

I felt my fangs peak out of my gums, hungry for vampire blood, but I held back, I need to try and keep control, at least for now. 

"I wouldn't taunt him if I were you, he is quite lethal at the moment" Alec spoke calmly stepping towards me, giving me a warning look. The King only smiled, then said stepping forward, "My apologies North was it?" he asked but I didn't answer, the only time I would speak to him is when I have him hung by his toenails and I'm demanding to know where my mate is.

He smiled again and said, "Quiet one isn't he?" he spoke to Alec who spoke very calmly, "Well you did take something very important to him so I can't say I blame him Gideon" the King's face then went red and he stomped his foot like a child and yelled in an oddly high pitched voice, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!".

I chuckled lightly at his reaction which he caught onto. His gaze shot over to me and he walked over, straightening out his appearance. "Have something to say to your King wolf boy?" I snarled at him showing my fangs and growled out, letting Rhys take over, "You're not my king, just the bastard who took my mate".

His face went red with anger again and he stomped away and stood by the teenagers again, "Please calm down father" the girl spoke placing a hand on his shoulder. Then the boy said looking over at me, "Yes, you wouldn't want to waste your breath on a dog". I then growled and lunged again which made him jump and hide behind his sister.

I chuckled out loud and looked him up and down "Run along now Ken and go find Barbie" I spoke making the wolves around me laugh. His face went red, "Y-You can't talk to me like that!!" he said backing away from me. 

"He's weak, we can use that" Rhys suggested, I smiled at the thought of using his kid against him. I know I sound cruel but when he took my mate he started a personal war, just with me, and I was determined to win.

Then the girl next to him then walked back over to me with a slick smile on her face, as she had just gotten away with murder or something like that. Her posture matched her father but her features were more soft but annoying to look at. I glared at her, considering that she might have had a hand in taking my mate from me cruelly.

She stood only inches from my face which was a big mistake on her part, even with being held back I could land a solid punch on her stupid face and cause some damage, I ain't afraid to hit a girl.

"You should just forget about her, your precious Mate is my brothers now, his to love" 

All I saw was red after that.

These people just love to piss me off, don't they? 

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