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"Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change."
― Malcolm X


I listened silently as the car drove down the road passing things that I wasn't used to seeing at all, tall buildings instead of tall trees, hard concrete instead of soft grass and cool dirt. To think that at some point in my life this was my normal, I wanted to laugh at the thought but I didn't have the motivation.

I knew that I wasn't going to get Conny back today, I had to repeat that one thousand times in my head so I wouldn't get my hopes up. I probably won't even see her today. That made my heart ache, I needed her badly but I couldn't have her. 

In the car, I sat in the middle between Miah and the supposed Beta who was on a trip to make a treaty with a Witch clan and only came back last night. He was kind and seemed a lot more headstrong than Connor was, his name was Alec.

Miah explained how everything was going to go down, the rest of the Alpha's will arrive at the meeting area first which was just a clearing in the forest that would be easy for each kind to get to. She also said that she contacted a man close to the Vampire King and requested a meeting with him which he excepted.

They would put me in chains to show just how angry I was and to also show that they only wanted to talk. Yes, the chains would be silver, but that was only to show they meant business, but since Silver only has a temporary effect on me, they thought it would be the best option and most convincing. 

I have been completely silent since that meeting, not because I was angry or annoyed with the situation, even though I was. I was devoting time to rethinking Nymeria's motivation, I want to know exactly what she is up to. Was she helping me out of guilt for something she did in the past? Was she still in love with her Vampire boyfriend and was doing his bidding? 

No, she's not that naïve or stupid, at least I think she's not, but who knows? 

She was a mystery that was nearly impossible to solve at this point. I feel like she's been giving me hints this whole time, but I've just never caught on completely. But I guess she was helping me and that's all I should care about at this point, but that won't stop me from trying to figure her out more.

Soon the car stopped and Alec turned to me, "North, we need to put the chains on now" he spoke calmly, I guess being careful not to set me off, at least not yet. Miah nodded and said, "Most of the Alpha's are there already", they spoke to me like parents who didn't want to set off their angry child.

I gave a tired nod, considering that I haven't had one ounce of sleep what so ever just simply lying awake every night. I felt Miah gently grab my wrist and place the cuff on it, I felt the intense burning but I didn't give a reaction, I just stayed still. Alec placed the other one on and like before, I didn't give a reaction to the pain.

Both looked at me in concern but never said anything, the car then started moving again, even though the burning only got worse, I still didn't make a move to show I was in pain. It confused me that I wasn't losing my mind like Connor, even if he could be considered a sociopath he still had feelings and reacted to things. I was losing that.

Maybe I'm just reacting different, it's probably a different reaction for everyone. Connor went crazy and I'm going numb, fascinating. Soon we pulled up to the clearing and I saw cars surrounding the area, I spotted a tall pale man with dark hair, standing across from the Alphas.

He smiled, showing his fangs, he was the Vampire King. "LET'S KILL HIM!" Rhys spoke inside my head with slight enjoyment at the thought of killing our enemy, but I refused. Miah placed a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way, like she knew I was beyond angry at that man.

"Everything's going to be alright" she spoke in a calm tone like a therapist would. Alec patted my back in a comforting way, but it did nothing for me. "You'll stay here just for a minute, just try and stay calm" Miah nodded at his words.

I was close to shifting and killing all the Vamps that would get in my way to finding my mate, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy, no matter how angry I am. Rhys grumbled as I stared out the window directly at the Vampire who took my mate. I wondered what sick game he was trying to play, he would soon figure out that taking My mate would be his biggest mistake.

Both Miah and Alec left the car and walked over to the rest of the Alphas. I looked down at my wrists and saw them covered in burns, going all the way up to my palms, but I ignored the pain. The pain was just a feeling, feelings can be ignored.

My eyes then traveled back up to the Vampire King who now just started talking, "Welcome Wolves, I would like I know what this meeting is about" he spoke with a voice that made me want to rip his lungs out. "He knows damn well what this meeting is about!" Rhys growled out, I agreed.

I watched as two children who had pure white hair and pale skin walked to stand up beside him, on the devils left was a boy and on his right was a girl, both had looks that I wanted to claw off with my bare hands. "You took one of our members" Miah spoke stepping forward.

The Vampire King smirked then spoke, "But she is a witch, not a wolf" I gritted my teeth together, "HOW DARE HE SPEAK ABOUT MATE!" Rhys screamed in my head out of complete and pure anger. I could tell Miah was reaching her breaking point, clearly tired of the asshole's games.

"But she was under our protection and she was one of our members mates, making her one of us" she spoke in pure disgust. The Vampire King and his children then laughed in a sickening way. The King then smiled cruelly, making me want to take out his fangs nice and slowly. The next thing he said shut down any chance of me having mercy on him.

"Oh you silly wolves, she's our plaything now...."

Bitch, you better say your prayers cuz I'm coming to kill your ass. 

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