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"Friendship is a give and take

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"Friendship is a give and take. You have to have a strong relationship with your friend and I think you have to offer them something and they have to offer you something and that's to always learn from it."
― Raven Symone 


Unknown's P.O.V

I waited calmly as I always have, waiting for the moment when everything would fall together. This event has been waited for long enough, if it doesn't happen now then I shall never get another chance for another thousand years.

I must not lose this chance at victory.

Each day for the last seventeen years I have waited in the darkness, praying to the moon that my plan shall be seen through till the very end. I signed, watching the smoke from my breath seep into the white covered land.

Just as I predicted, the first snow shall guide the path. His Path.

I looked up into the sky and smiled, feeling the source of energy begin to unfold, soon I shall have what I wanted, soon I will have revenge.

They should have known better than to take what was mine, they are nothing compared to what I can do, especially now that have the one thing that shall be their downfall. The fifthly mutts shall pay for their crimes against me.

They will regret the day I was stripped of my title and casted off like some worthless Omega. Every Alpha shall bow to me and I will rule the werewolves.

The Beasts of the Moon.


North's P.O.V

I felt nothing but pain as I let my tears fall, Drogo kept his arm wrapped around my shoulder as he tried to comfort me, key word, TRIED. No matter how much I tried to convince myself I was ok, that I need to calm down, my body would not listen to reason.

My head began to pound due to my wave of overwhelming emotions that was currently flooding my body and drowning my judgment. I was hopeless at this point, I just wanted to go home with Conny and rest, this was all too much for me. I should have just stayed home and not left, this entire trip was pointless.

"Please calm down" a kind voice broke my already shattered train of thought. I opened my tear filled eyes and met a sweet shade of calm purple. The blonde girl I had seen before at the ring, the one who was calm and collected, unlike her twin. But this time her face looked more relaxed and calm instead of focused and still. 

Her right hand rested on my shoulder while the other was gripping my hand tightly, I guess this is their second attempt at calming me down. "Everything is alright, breath" she spoke and rubbed my shoulder. I'll admit, Rhys was growling at her touch.

I guess he didn't like any other female other than Constance, his growl then changed to a whimper, I guess the mere thought of her hurts now. I'm falling apart without her, my wolf and what ever else is inside my head and body are losing control and I can't hold them back much longer. 

Maybe this is what happens when your mate leaves or is with another, you break inside and slowly die from the pain of rejection. She probably has already rejected me, that's why she getting married and it's no mystery as to who the groom is.

More tears fell down my cheeks, I was dying at the thought of her being gone and belonging to another. "Look into his mate, see if we can find her" the girl that sat next to me demanded to her father. "She might be the only way he'll calm down" she explained but I shook my head.

"S-She's gone" I spoke in a weak voice, I heard many gasps, meaning more people were in the room, I guess because of me. "She's dead?" an unfamiliar voice spoke, I shook my head sadly, and looked at the ground in shame and regret.

"She's with someone else" I let more tears fall along with a painful whimper, I heard the girl next to me gasp again, "He feels the pain of her rejection" she said with worry and shock in her voice. "They are getting married" another wave of gasps. "I'm so sorry" Drogo spoke in a sad voice rubbing my back.

I just let out another sob and let my body crumble more to the floor, my mate who I thought cared about me moved on and rejected me. I guess everyone thought I was dead since I have been here so long. Then Drogo spoke again in a calm quiet voice.

"I know it hurts North and I know that all you want to do is close your eyes and never wake up, but that's not the answer" he began, "No matter who you are or what life you live in, someone or something is always and I mean always going to want you to be in pain, whether that be a stranger or your own family" he signed and looked down.

"But you have to get up and fight, it's not heartbreak or someone leaving that hurts the most, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too" I could see pain in his eyes that mirrored mine.

"You loved her too much, not that it's a bad thing but just like most things in this world, it came back and bit you in the ass" he chuckled a bit. The girl next to me rubbed my shoulder then spoke in a calm voice."Just know, that behind every perfect beautiful thing is some sort of pain, your just letting yours show a bit" she giggled.

I wanted to smile but something held me back, my head then began to hurt, I guess it was because of all the crying. Finally the tears stopped running down my face and my body started to relax, I was tried now, maybe all I needed was non-drug related sleep.

I nodded to them, showing I understood, I wasn't ready to move on or get over my Conny being with another. I guess I can no longer call her mine anymore, she's with Salvator and the vampires. I can't even really explain what this really is, I can only show and tell what it feels like.

It's like when you have a crush on someone and you are determined and convinced that you will end up together, that they like you too. Then they either get with someone else or come to you with news about their crush that isn't you. And the worst is when you've already created a bond with them.

I can't even really describe how this exactly feels, the pain after, all I know is that I'm in pain and need time to heal. I suddenly stood from the ground and looked over at Drogo, "I need some sleep" I spoke in a cracked and tired voice.

He looked shocked but only nodded and walked over to me, "Rooms are on the right once you leave, pick anyone you want" he said with a sad and concerned voice. I nodded slowly and left the room but before I shut the door

I heard the girl with purple eyes say

"He's too young to be this sad..."

I guess I am, but I don't care anymore.. 

Beast of the Moon(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now