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"Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness

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"Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing."
― August Wilson


North's P.O.V

I stared up at the man who I can assume is the Demon King in shock. I have to fight to the death now?, why can't my life ever be simple? I mean seriously, first my mate gets kidnapped, I'm basically forced to go to hell and now I gotta fight to the death, fun!

"Normally we'd just lock you up for the rest of your worthless life but after the Doc did a check up on you, I changed my mind, you're incredibly strong for a Lycan" he smirked cruelly with I glared at. "So, I decided why not put your strength to the test, see how strong you really are" he smiled again.

Then a blonde girl around my age in a blue cocktail dress walked up and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I don't know Daddy, he's kind of cute, can I keep him!?" she asked with a glimmer in her eyes. Rhys stirred in disgust, the only girl I think he finds attractive is Constance. Then right after her another girl with the same face walked out. "I don't know Father, can he fight?" 

Both smiled down at me which I only glared at. "How about this Sweetheart, if he survives, you can do whatever you want with him, and Darling, don't be discouraged, of course he can fight"s the girl then squealed with happiness which I couldn't help but gag at, and it didn't go unnoticed.

The girls then gasped, her hand moving to cover her mouth in shock, "What the hell Rhys, you just signed our death sentence!!" I yelled in my head at my stupid wolf, "Sorry! I don't like her, she's not mate!!" I rolled my eyes at him, he's such a child.

The King then leaned forward with a angry glare on his face, he wasn't happy at all, the quiet daughter simple shook her head and shot me a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry Lycan, do you not find my daughters beautiful?!" I sighed in annoyance, then I said really trying to stay calm, "You better not do anything stupid!" Rhys scolded me, like he has a say, he's the reason we're in this mess!!

"Don't get me wrong man, they're pretty and all but I kind of have a mate and I pretty much find every girl unattractive except her" he explained calmly and honestly. The calm one shrugged, not really caring but the other girl then broke down in tears screaming, "NO ONE LOVES ME!!!" and I swear I saw the King dudes eyes light on fire.

"Congrats, now we're gonna die!" Rhys growled in my head which I ignored. "WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME!!" the blonde screamed, basically throwing herself off the rails that kept her from falling. Damn this girl is dramatic, the sister then grabbed her sister, yanking her from the rails and pulling her into a hug. The King then growled at me then turned to his daughter, trying to calm her and pull her away from falling into the arena.  

"It's alright sweetie, don't worry, if he wont love you then I'll make him love you" he cooed while holding her tiny frame. The girl then sniffed back a cry and whipped her eyes, she looked back down at me and smiled, "O-Ok, thank you Daddy" she said in the most fake innocent voice I've ever heard.

I rolled my eyes, then the King turned his attention back to me, he sat back down in his throne, "You made my daughter, one of my Sweet daughters cry, what do you have to say for yourself Lycan" he sneered out my title as if it was the plague itself.

I rubbed the back of my neck and then nervously spoke now fearing for my life, "I'm sorry, did not mean to offend you both" I said trying to be kind and shoving Rhys to the back of my mind, he's caused enough damage for one day.

The girl simply smiled and blew me a kiss, "You are forgiven, I hope you don't die!" she waved and walked behind her fathers Throne, dragging the other girl behind her, giving her only a second to wave at me as she left. "Just because my daughters have forgiven you does not mean I have, BRING THE DOGS!" he called out waving his hand over to the cage that sat on the other side of the room.

I heard intense growling at the doors slowly opened, fear then filled my whole body. I could die here, I will die here. "Oh would you just shut up!" Rhys snapped, "We're not dying, I'm not dying before I see mate again, we can win this North, we can and we will, trust me" he encouraged.

I nodded to him and took a deep breath, he's right, I can't die before I find Conny, I can't die and I wont die. I then felt one of the soldiers grab my wrist and put some sort of golden cuff with Sapphires at the top, once it was clipped on, the Sapphires glowed, I twisted my wrist around trying to figure out exactly what this was. 

"The rules are that you cannot shift, that cuff with prevent that, and two, in order to win, one must die, but you don't have to worry about that" he smiled leaning back in his chair amused

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"The rules are that you cannot shift, that cuff with prevent that, and two, in order to win, one must die, but you don't have to worry about that" he smiled leaning back in his chair amused. I sighed, if I can't shift I can't win.

"Just because you can't let me out doesn't mean I can't help you" Rhys spoke in my head, "I can give you my strength, the bracelet prevents me from completely taking over but I help you fight" I thanked him and stood tall, mentally preparing myself for battle.

I thought about using the Reaper Gems to reason with him but at this point, they'd wont do a thing. I kept my eyes trained on the cage that held the beast I was going to fight in order to live, I took a deep breath and prayed to the Moon goddess that I'd make it out of this alive.

I heard the clash of chains breaking then a three headed Hell hound came charging after me wanting blood,

"You ready?" I asked Rhys in my head trying to stay calm,

he growled happily, 

"I was born ready, let's do this!"

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