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"Guilt is a useless feeling. It's never enough to make you change direction--only enough to make you useless."
― Daniel Nayeri


I stared at Nymeria in shock, she was holding literal bloodstones in her hands with a huge smile on her face, if that doesn't say psycho I don't know what does. "B-Blood..?" I asked with a shaky voice, trying to calm my nerves.

"Yes, but don't worry, these were made thousands of years ago" she assured me as she dropped the gems back in the bag and set it in the cup holder. "And they just happened to be in the middle of the woods?" I spoke with slight sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes, "No, I stashed them here a few years ago" she spoke in a dull tone like this was normal. "H-How are they made?" I asked, afraid of her answer, she smiled and said, "They are made using the blood of a fallen angel in an old ceremony. My mother gave them to me when I was a child and since I had no use for them and couldn't sell them, I hid them".

I looked at her weirdly then asked, "Why can't you sell them?" she started the car and said starting to drive back on the main road, "Angel's blood is very rare and can be used for all sorts of things, but when that blood is festered into a stone, it's not much of use unless you know how to return them back to its original form".

I nodded, trying to process this all in my head, so far I was failing. "But I remembered something about Demons, they love Angel's blood, some say they drink it to stay young and such, I don't know, but I heard that the Demon King was the first to make the Reaper Gem's and if we give these to him, the underworlds got their favorite snack again".

I smiled and nodded, completely understanding, we trade the bloodstones for the Vampire queen, simple right?

I leaned back in my seat and took a deep breath. I started wondering what Constance was doing right now. Was she sitting thinking about me? Was she crying her eyes out? I growled lightly thinking about that Son of bitch Vampire prince. I'll kill him if he lays a single hand on her.

"We'll kill him either way" Rhys spoke which I smiled at, He wasn't wrong, They'll all pay for what they did to us. Taking our mate was the biggest mistake they could have ever made, but I know I can't let my anger drive me to do something stupid, I have to be smart about this, put thought into everything I do.

After a minute of complete silence, I sighed and asked turning to face Nymeria, "How do we get to Hell exactly?" she swallowed then said turning down a deserted road that seemed to lead to nothing. "We go a certain spot, that happens to be sentimental to all Supernatural beings, cast a simple spell and BAM! We're in Hell"

I rolled my eyes at her happiness and turned back to kid that still laid sleeping in the back of the car, it amazed me that he still hadn't woken up from his shock-induced sleep. I shook my head and said to Nymeria, "What are we gonna do with him?".

She sighed, showing the same annoyance as I was, "I don't know, guess I can take him back after you pass through to Hell" I sighed and looked back out the window, "You make it sound easy" I mumbled. She turned to me and said, "You'll be fine, you're strong and smart, you'll pull through, I know it".

I thanked her for the encouragement but I still had an uneasy feeling about this Demon King, if he's as brutal as Nymeria described then how am I going to reason with him?

Then a thought came to me, I could die.......

Before now I never really considered the possibility of death, the thought sent a cold chill down my spine. No, I wasn't scared of death exactly, I was scared that I didn't do anything I was supposed to do, and the thought of not saying goodbye to anyone and leaving them questioning why I died in the first place.

Thinking about how when I saw Miah and Alec yesterday was the last time I'd see them, same with Klaus, Connor, Dax, Constance, The whole pack!

Would Constance die? I mean being separated is already painful but what would happen if one of us died, would the other follow out of pain and heartbreak? or would she just mourn me for a while then move on? I don't want to know.

I can't think like that, not now. I have to be at my strongest, both mentally and physically. I have to do this, the whole war depends on this outcome. I can't fail.

Soon the car pulled to a stop in the middle of a field that was deserted and completely empty, all I could see were distant trees surrounding the area. Nymeria then said turning off the car, "We're here" she spoke sadly.

I then heard a quiet groan from the back seat and I turned to see Wyatt just waking up, he rubbed his eyes, probably thinking to come with us was a dream. I chuckled at his confused face as he looked around the car, "What the..?" he mumbled rubbing his head.

He finally turned and faced us and when his eyes met mine, he screamed like a little girl and retreated to the corner of the car, trying to make himself into a ball. Both Nymeria and I laughed our asses off at this poor kid that was scared out of his mind.

Soon he relaxed and said with a glare, "It's not funny" Nymeria then countered opening her car door, taking the bag of Stones with her, "I kind of is" I shook my head and chuckled getting out as well. I was trying to keep calm as we started walking through the field with Wyatt trying to keep up.

I was literally going to go to Hell.

Why did I agree to this again?

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