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"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
― Albert Einstein 


North's P.O.V 

"What the hell do you mean!!?" Miah spoke completely panicked, hearing this wasn't as much of a shock anymore, having people freak out because I'm not considered 'normal' here. I was only tired of this in general, the being different part was starting to get old after all this time. I sighed as I stared at my family that took me in when I was confused and had no one to go to. 

But I've grown too strong to let this damage me anymore, I can't keep having this dictate my choice's. "When I was in the Underworld-" I began with another sigh. How the hell was I supposed to explain that there was another voice in my head? Another monster clawing its way to the surface? I don't know. 

"-It was difficult being without Constance, and I was in a lot of pain and lashed out-" Once again I was cut off my Drogo, "You call what you did lashing out?" I turned and glared at him, "Shut up, I'm telling the story!" I folded my arms over my chest and continued to stare at the crowd. 

I looked over at my mate and saw a look of heavy guilt in her eyes, making me sad too, it wasn't her fault that she was trapped here and I couldn't get to her. I sighed again, this was turning out to be harder than I thought. "Like I was saying, I think all that pain woke up something or at least triggered something in my head". 

They all looked incredibly confused at my words, in truth I didn't even really know what I was saying, this was so hard to describe. "I heard another voice or something in my terrified me, and to be honest it still does" I admitted. I left out the whole poisoning bit that Drogo did, he was a good friend and having him dead really wasn't on my list of plans for today. 

"What did he say to you?" Nymeria spoke for the first time before I could answer, she stepped forward again and looked at me in fascination. I looked at the ground, trying to remember the first meeting I had with Jack, one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. "He said that he wanted to help me". 

I recalled everything else he spoke about, but I didn't want to tell them one of my beasts wanted to rule the world, they'd truly see me as a monster if I admitted that. "But it's true..." Jack's voice entered my head, I chose to ignore him, I don't have time for either of them right now. 

Nymeria, however, wasn't satisfied with my blank answer, but I'll talk with her later, "Can I please explain the rest later, I don't want to be here longer than I have to" I said in a frustrated tone. All I want is to get out of here and go home with my mate and family, that's literally it, so simple. 

Miah sighed and nodded, then I turned to the Vampire King and smirked once again, "I'm offering you the same deal I did your son, give me my mate and we leave each other alone for a while" I spoke in a demanding voice, I was starting to get impatient with them. He hissed but then Salvator yanked his father back. 

He shoved Constance forward and she was caught by Nymeria, "Go, take her and get away from here!" he begged as he restrained his father, holding him back. "What are you doing you, Idiot!!" Salvator's sister screamed running towards her brother and father. Salvator glanced back and sighed, then turned back to me. 

"GO!!" he screamed, "Thank you," I said and then we all ran out of the room as if a trail of fire was behind us. I watched as Miah grabbed both Connor and Dax and started running, Nymeria had her hands on Constance's should and lead her out, and Drogo grabbed both his daughters and ran like hell. 

Soon we made it to the cars, as we stopped running I felt arms wrap around me and the familiar smell of lavender and vanilla entered my nose, and I knew who it was. I wrapped my arms tightly around my sweet and beautiful mate, I heard her cry against my chest and I rubbed her back softly. 

"Shush, it's ok Conny, I'm right here," I said holding back my own tears holding her tightly, not wanting to let go for anything. I kissed the top of her head and ran my hands through her hair. "Listen, I hate to interrupt this sweet moment, but we gotta go before they send the guards!" Lydia spoke urgently. 

I nodded to her and pulled apart from my mate and held her face in my hands, "Go with Miah and Nymeria, I'll meet you back at home ok?" I said, she shook her head wildly and held my wrist, "No, I want to go with you!" she begged, I smiled warmly but shook my head, "You'll be safer with them, they'll chase me, I'll find you again I promise". 

A tear ran down her face and I quickly whipped it away with my thumb, "I love you" I said to her, more tears fell down, she nodded, "I love you too" I kissed her head and pushed her towards Nymeria, who held her shoulders tightly, I looked at her and nodded, "Take care of her" she smiled and nodded. 

I smiled and ran over to Drogo who was already in the car with the girls and jumped in the front seat. As soon as I sat down, Drogo hit the gas and we were off and down the road, everything between us and the castle was empty land, so plenty of space to hide if needed, "So, tell me where this pack of yours is at" he asked I nodded and quickly yelled out the directions and we were on our way. 

I then turned to look behind me to see if we were being followed, I spotted a silver car only a few feet behind us and began to panic, I turned to tell Drogo to speed up and for the girls to get down just in case they decided to do something drastic. 

 And in five seconds I heard a gunshot echo in the air and felt a sudden pain in my arm. I screamed out in pain and gasped the wound that was on my upper arm, blood oozing from the hole. Both the girls screamed at the sound and the blood but Lydia was quick to act and began to tear at her dress, I watched as Drogo looked over slightly as Lydia was busy making a wrap with her torn dress pieces. 

He cursed then began to speed up, driving like a mad man, I winced as Lydia carefully covered my arm and gently tightened it to that it wouldn't bleed so much, I then heard another scream coming from Lauren, I lifted my head up and saw her crying and practically shaking. I forgot, she's a five-year-old at heart, I should not be surprised by her reaction. 

I sighed as I looked down and noticed I wasn't healing, that must mean it was a silver bullet that didn't have an exit wound, damn. I felt the back of my arm and confirmed my suspicion, no exit wound. That means I'll have to have it taken out by Klaus once I get back, I held it carefully, not caring if my hands and clothes were being dyed crimson red. 

Before I knew it, the car stopped and I was yanked out by my good upper arm and dragged somewhere, the silver was begining to mess with my vision but I fought the effect back and tried to remain focused. "NORTH!!??" I heard the familiar voice of the old doctor of my pack, Klaus. I watched the old man run out of the pack house and over to me. 

"What happened!?" he demanded, looking at Drogo, not caring he was yelling at the Demon King. "He was shot, with silver, the effects are starting" I saw Klaus nod and take my arm along with someone else, "Where are Miah and the others?" he asked checking my arm as I sat on a log, "They took another way, Constance is with them". 

He turned around surprised and smiled, 

"Good, now North, just close your eyes, I'll fix this" 

So I did as I was told and closed my eyes and went back to sleep. 

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