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Extra Long Chapter, Enjoy!!

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Extra Long Chapter, Enjoy!!

North's P.O.V

I stared at Miah with anticipation, I have been waiting to hear this story for what felt like decades. I could tell she was trying not to make eye contact with me which worried me a bit.

"Ok, here we go-

Once, a very long time ago. There was a village up North, it was said to be winter all year and a day without snowfall was very rare. The name of this village has been forgotten over the years, but as they say, legends never die. 

Sure this village was small with very few people but it was surrounded by a forest of tall trees with thick branches, so entering the village took effort. Not that anyone truly wanted to live there, or even visit. 

You see the woods were not only dark and cold, but some say dangerous beasts lived there, but that they only come out at night, for the sun burned their already fragile skin.

They hunt at night, taking lonely travelers for their blood, then leaving them to die in the snow, no one dared to enter the woods after that, not to enter or even leave the village, for they were too frightened of the beasts. 

Years had passed since the blood beasts entered the forest and terrorized the people. One day, a young man who traveled alone had entered the village, shocking everyone who lived there. This man introduced himself as a young hunter looking for shelter from the snowstorm. Shocked by his sudden appearance, they assumed this boy was some god that was sent to guide them.

The people gladly offered him food and water, along with not only a room but a home for himself. He didn't think much off it, just a rare village of kind people willing to help. Days passed, and the boy considered himself to be spoiled. 

So he through he'd repay the village people by hunting them more food which every man and boy there seemed terrified to do. The elders had tried to warn him about the blood-hungry creatures with their campfire stories but that's all he thought they were, stories with no background meaning. 

So he entered the forest with a plan in mind,  find a bore or deer and bring it back to the village for a grand feast. But his plan failed miserably. 

As the moon crossed over the sky, and the blood creatures began their hunt, they found a new target. They attacked the poor boy, sucking the life out of him with their crude fangs and endless hunger." I cringed at the thought of a helpless person being brutally murdered for just trying to help. 

Then Miah continued after a long pause. "Once they were satisfied, they discarded the boy's body in the center of the forest, in view of the full moon, leaving him to bleed to death from the bites on his neck and wrists. As the helpless boy stared up at the sky, it was said that he prayed to a higher power to spare his life. 

For he had done nothing wrong to deserve this painful death, they said his last wish was to spare the lives of any other clueless person who entered the forest, to not meet the same fate as himself. They also said that as he took his final breath, that someone listened to his silent cry for mercy and granted him his wish. 

A God is known to only those who believed in the moon, The Moon Goddess. 

She answered his prayer and granted him his wishes, his life was spared but at a heavy price, he would be the guard to these woods, protector of the helpless and weak that entered this place. He excepted with a whole heart and swore to protect the people of the village. 

She granted him unnatural strength and power, he was given the power to shift into a wolf-like beast that would run the grounds of the forest and hunt the blood-lusting creatures. Over the years, he whipped out most of the night creatures with his strength and advanced abilities. He became the very first Werewolf. 

Years went by, and he was always alone, never having the time or affection for just one person. The Goddess saw this and granted her servant one more gift, a mate" I was confused, I thought 'mate' was British people's way of saying 'friend'. Was I wrong? 

"What's a mate?" I cut Miah off which made her smile, "A mate is short for a soulmate, someone you're destined to be with from birth, your souls are interlocked, tying both of you together forever" she explained, I nodded, trying to understand the concept in my head. She smiled again, then cleared her throat and began the fascinating story again. 

"She gave him a mate who happened to be a girl who lived in the village, after a while, they were married and had children, who took on their father's wolf and became werewolves and protectors like him. But this happiness was not to last, in fact, it went away very quickly. 

The Night creatures grew angry at the man for slaughtering their kind, so angry that they not only wanted to kill him, no, they wanted him to suffer. So they lit fire to his home and killed his wife and two of his six children." I wanted to growl at his statement, how could someone kill not only an innocent woman but her children as well. 

I always thought those vamps were the cause of major problems from the start. "The man was furious, not only had they killed his soulmate but two of his pubs. He spent decades hunting down every last vampire till he died, then his oldest child took over the hunt, starting this everlasting war" Miah finished with a glare on her face. 

I guess I can understand all this anger and frustration that went into this, I mean, they killed his mate and kids, If that were me I'd be more than angry. Which got me thinking, do I have a mate, or do only certain wolves have mates? Maybe only werewolves have mates and not Lycan's, that could be the case. 

"Hey Miah?" she hummed in acknowledgment, I signed and looked at the ground, "D-Do I have a mate?" she smiled widely and nodded, "Every wolf, even vampires, and some witches have a mate" she quickly explained then added, "Everyone finds their mate someday, and you might find yours quicker than you think" she smiled. 

I wonder what it would be like to have a mate? Just because our souls are tied does that mean I'll love her? I don't know, I guess I'll have to wait and find out. 

"North, do you remember when you woke up and everyone was asking you all sorts of questions?" I nodded then she signed, "Vampires have this gift called compelling, it gives them control of your mind, in the past, we've experienced one of our members being compelled, and we just wanted to know if it happened to you," she said with a smiled.

Then I remembered the vampire from before, "I think it did" her smiled fell but then quickly returned, "Enough bad news and stories for today, we'll talk about it later" I nodded, thankful I didn't have to explain myself. "You'll be just fine" she assured me. 

I nodded, trying to understand this whole thing, but my lack of perspective wasn't helping. I mean this is a lot to take in over the span of two days. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point I had a mental breakdown over this shit.

Miah then clapped her hands together and said, "Ok! Let's go show everyone you're still alive!" I chuckled and climbed off the bed and I found my thoughts wandering to 

Constance, and how protective and caring 

she was when I woke up.


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