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"Families are messy

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"Families are messy. Immortal families are eternally messy. Sometimes the best we can do is to remind each other that we're related for better or for worse...and try to keep the maiming and killing to a minimum."
― Rick Riordan


Constance's P.O.V 

Today was the day

I'm getting married to the man I hate more than anything today. I felt numb to this, I guess the shock factor wore off over the time I've been here, so It's not that much of a surprise anymore. Ever since six this morning, everyone's been rushing around getting preparations done for this. 

Even Isadora's been freaking out all day about my dress and all the clothing arrangements, I haven't bothered to do really anything today, I've just been sitting in a corner, watching. I don't really care about today at all, normally the Bride would be the most worried and panicked of the bunch, but I couldn't care less. 

It felt like this wasn't for me at all, like I was watching someone else's wedding being planned for them, not me at all. So here I was staring at the wall in my room while Isadora and a few maids pace around the room stressing over something I didn't care enough to understand. 

"Should we change the flowers?!" she said turning to the terrified maids, "NO! maybe we should change the colors in general!" she ran her hands through her bleach hair then one of the girls managed to say while shaking, "M-Miss, we-we only have a f-few hours till the ceremony-" poor girl didn't get a chance to finish. 

"I UNDERSTAND THAT!!" she screamed in pure anger, no wonder her and Salvator are related, both have the same sort temper, not really surprising. It was almost like this was her wedding and she was turning into Bridezilla, but the thought of her marrying her brother just brought a bad taste in my mouth, so I try not to think about it. 

"I-I'm sorry My Lady" the girl whispered at Isadora's angered self, she took a deep breath and smoothed out her cocktail dress, "It's fine, go get me a drink or something" she growled waving her hand in their faces. She sighed once they left and crashed in the chair right next to mine. 

"It's so hard to get good help these days, don't you agree?" she asked looking over at me, I simply nodded while looking over at the windows, thinking. "My father has said you're 'family' is coming to ceremony, under oath to not induce violence of course" she spoke with a smile. Under oath must mean wolvespan spiked drinks and silver snippers all around. 

Like I don't know how these assholes work, I've been living with them for over a week, of course they want them to come, it's a chance to rub their victory in their faces. I can only hope my family stay's in line, for their sake, I don't think I can handle losing someone else that I care about. 

I lost the hope of going home a long time ago, guess I'm gonna be here the rest of my life so I might as well get used to it right? Who knows though, life has been throwing me so many curveballs lately, so maybe, just maybe, I'll get a good one soon?

Not would only North, but my parents would be disappointed with the way I'm acting towards this situation, I need to at least try and have hope and faith. I smiled though, at the thought of seeing Miah and everyone one last time, that'll be nice. 

"Constance? are you even listening?" I looked up and saw Isadora standing by a maid holding a blood red dress, "What do think of these for the bride's maids?" she asked kindly, I nodded, she smiled widely, "I though you'd like them!" she beamed sending the maid off, then not even a minute later, another maid walked in holding a tray with a glass full of what looked like blood. 

I gaged which she thankfully didn't notice, and took a long sip. That made me wonder where they got their blood from? did they steal it from wandering humans? or where they a little more kind and took it from animals? Who knows when it come to the royal vampire family.

"Oh look at the time!" she smiled setting her glass down, and turning to me, "Time to get you ready Lady Vladimir" I glared at her and stood from my spot, incredibly tempted to fight her, but I held back, knowing I'll only regret it later, so I changed it up and instead gave a clearly fake smile. 

"Thank you for your help Isadora" I said trying to hold back the anger that was beginning to seep out through my words. She smiled sweetly and nodded, "Of course, we are sisters after all, now come on" She walked passed me and into the closet. 

I sighed heavily and followed after her, this is gonna be a long-long day. 


Miah's P.O.V 

I stared at myself in the mirror as I tied my hair into a tight bun, today was Constance's wedding and the Vladimir's are demanding that we go or they'll do something drastic, I know the reason they want us there is to rub their victory in our faces. 

They got the girl from the all powerful Lycan and now that's he's dead...they can keep her. 

I had grown stronger over the short time North's been gone, all the endless training rounds and yelling have taken a toll on me, in some ways good and in others bad. The whole pack doesn't have to go to this wedding, if you can even call it that, none of us wanted this to happen, but nothing ever goes as plan apparently. 

Alec, Dax, Connor, Nymeria and I are the only ones going, Klaus is the pack doctor so he'll stay here just incase, and Monica, a trusted warrior of mine will look over the pack while we're gone. I'm bringing Alec because he's the packs Beta and my back up, Connor's going so I can make sure he stays out of trouble. 

Dax was made head warrior after I began temporary Alpha, so I need him there and Nymeria is just for back up, she's strong and can keep the vampire's in line, hopefully. I sighed and let my hands drop from my head, this felt more like a funeral than a wedding. 

Constance is getting married to a monster 

And the only person who was meant to stop them is gone 

And there's nothing we can do about it...

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